Science Homework Help

KKK Health and Safety Plan for Environmental Remediation Discussion


((Your assignment is to develop a Health and Safety Plans for Environmental Remediation of Dioxin contaminated soil. See Assignments>H&S Plan)).

H&S Plan for Envr of Dioxin Contaminated Soil

Watch Times Beach Dioxin Contamination video. Based on the video, develop two (2) AHAs for Sampling of Dioxin Contaminated Soil and excavation of Dioxin Contaminated Soil. Your assignment is to develop two AHAs based on the toxicity of the contaminated soil. Sources: and

Include at least three (3) different hazards for each activity. Include equipment and training requirements. Review the example provided in the Supplemental Materials. Upload both forms here. Save the files with your initials: Example AHA 1 GP and AHA 2 GP