Science Homework Help

The Steps of Meiosis Mendel Law of Segregation Genotype & Phenotype Ratios Worksheet


PLEASE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS on SPERATE FILE and when you finish, fill in the blanks the pdf file below NO plagiarism please.

  1. Review the steps of meiosis. Which phase of meiosis is associated with Mendel’s law of segregation?
  2. Review the steps of meiosis. Which phase of meiosis is associated with Mendel’s law of independent assortment?
  3. Draw a punnet square for a monohybrid cross involving two true-breeding homozygous parents. Make one parent completely dominant and one completely recessive. What are the genotype and phenotype ratios?
  4. Draw a punnet square for a monohybrid cross involving two heterozygous parents. What are the genotype and phenotype ratios?
  5. Which of Mendel’s laws is demonstrated by the crosses in questions 3 & 4?
  6. Draw a punnet square for a dihybrid cross involving two heterozygous parents. What are the phenotype ratios?
  7. Which of Mendel’s laws is demonstrated by the cross in question.
  8. Define the following terms:
    • Allele:
    • Homozygous:
    • Heterozygous:
    • Phenotype:
    • Genotype:
    • Locus:
    • Complete dominance:
    • Incomplete dominance:
    1. What did Mendel’s experiment show?
    2. What is Mendel’s law of segregation?
    3. What is the law of independent assortment?
    4. What is incomplete dominance? Explain one example.