Science Homework Help

Cuyamaca College sources of The San Diego Regions Water Supply Report



“Accurately Summarize the Sources of the San Diego Region’s Water Supply

ASSIGNMENT #2 – Accurately Summarize the SD Region’s Water Supply.docx


ASSIGNMENT #2 – Accurately Summarize the SD Region’s Water Supply.pdf


Given last weeks’ assignment, this assignment shouldn’t be difficult…but do provide, in a general sense, a complete and accurate response using the sources and directions listed below. (For some of you, let me remind the class that a response in college should usually be longer than the original question…e.g., a number of students last week provided responses of only a whopping one or two short sentences, and/or posed fairly-weak questions. Don’t treat Online-College Assignments as if they are mere Twitter feeds from a child or an American President.)

For Assignment #2, you’ll be using or reviewing:

(a) the posted comments and responses from the thread-of-Discussions made last week concerning water supply in the S.D. Region (use only those comments about sources, not internal pipelines),

(b) the “CA Base Map” that is included in the WEEK #2 Module (on the Page “HANDOUTS” for WEEK #2),

(c) the Video-Lecture entitled “Sources of the SD Region’s Water Supply” (as found in the WEEK #2 Module),  

(d) the “context” of the MWD that is provided at the beginning of “Video #2” in the “I. Underpinnings of the Physical Sciences” Video-Lecture series (found in the WEEK #1 Module), and if helpful

(e) the map of “SDCWA Member Agencies” (as found in “HANDOUTS” for WEEK #2).

PAGE #1: In general terms, summarize the San Diego Region’s water supply. Do so using two meaningful paragraphs (your response should fill approximately one-page of a standard “Word” document) …

The First: Summarize the basic water-supply problem faced by the San Diego Region, and thus describe the nature and location of the actual sources-of-water upon which this region depends.

The Second: Summarize the major water-transfer projects that link the San Diego Region to its main sources-of-imported-water, and, the hierarchy-of-agencies most-directly involved in its capture, allocation, and transport. (Carefully ensure that your hierarchy-of-agencies is accurate and complete. Have it end with YOUR water provider. For those of you NOT on municipal water, have it end with either the agency that supplies water to the city-where-you-work, or else to Grossmont College.)

PAGE #2: Use the “CA Base Map” (provided on the “HANDOUTS” Page of the WEEK #2 Module) to visually show the spatial relationships described in your first paragraph above. Do this by printing out the map, then accurately and neatly drawing on it by hand (e.g., with colored pencils) and signing your name, then take a digital photograph or scan.

TO SUBMIT: Initially write Page #1 in the Word Processer that you normally use (e.g., “Word”). Next, submit in CANVAS by clicking the “ASSIGNMENTS” link and following the directions; you can either copy-and-paste directly using the “text entry” option, or simply submit your file(s) directly using the “file upload” option (use either: doc, docx, or pdf format). For Page #2 (your scanned map), either insert and format it into the same file as Page #1 before you submit it, or submit Page #2 as a separate file.

For help, search in Google “how to submit an assignment to Canvas,”  or try (Links to an external site.) or try (Links to an external site.)

To help with this assignment, here’s the same question as posed in Assignment #1:

If the water that you use at your residence is purchased from a public water district (g., Helix or Padre Dam or the City of San Diego, etc.), then in very general terms describe (a) where themajority of it comes from (e.g., Rocky Mountain snowpack that melts and flows down the Colorado River, or from eastern Sierra meltwaters via the LA Aqueduct, or from streamflow out of the northwestern Sierra via Lake Oroville and “the Delta,” etc.), (b) how it gets from its source to the water district that you buy it from, and (c) any other water wholesalers (e.g., the San Diego County Water Authority, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the CA State Department of Water Resources) that are involved in its capture and transport.