Science Homework Help

BIO221 lab Worksheet.


Hello, pleas find the material that you need to answer this worksheet. Be very specific with the answer and clear.

  1. Find answers in the lab lecture and info sheets in the pGLO Transformation folder in Content section
  2. You can use Adobe Acrobat tools in the pdf to fill in answers.
  3. Alternatively, use the MS WORD file here and fill in answers.
  4. If you WRITE on the worksheet:
    • Please use a pencil, so you can erase mistakes. Please erase completely.
    • If you use a pen and make a mistake, cross it out or white it out. Do NOT write over mistakes!
    • You are writing for me (NOT for you), so please write clearly to be sure I (not you) can read it.
    • Pleas see the material attached.