Science Homework Help

De Anza College The Google Earth and Distance in Nautical Miles Notes


Since we just completed a series of three lectures on energy, we are going to dive deeper into one aspect of the global energy economy. Ships and pipelines are essential to moving oil from where it is produced to where it is consumed. These locations are often separated by long distances.

For this assignment, you are going to take a trip around our planet. You are a captain of an oil tanker that just took on a full load of oil in the Port of Shuaiba, Kuwait. You job is to deliver this oil to the Port of Salina Cruz in Mexico, where there is a terminal that can offload your oil for refining into gasoline.

Using Google Earth, chart the shortest path you can between these two ports using the Ruler tool. Choose the “path” option and lay down a set of points that lie entirely over water. You will have to learn how the ruler tool works (it is a little tricky), including using the mouse click-and-hold functionality to move the Earth around while you chart the path.