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ANTH 140 Diablo Valley College Early Hominids Research Paper


The topic for this research paper isto compare and contrast the hominins that lived from about500,000 years ago to about 200,000 years ago in various regions of the world: H. erectus, H. heidelbergensis, Archaic H. sapiens, H. naledi and H. floresiensis. In your opinion, are these distinctly separate species or could they be regional versions of the same pre-modern human species?

1. Research at least five (5) different sources of reliable scientific information as the basis for your paper. Use theDVC Library Databasesand/or other reputable online and/or recently published sources (within the past 4 years: 2017 – 2021) to gain an understanding of the topic.

DO NOT use Wikipedia or similar crowd-contributed websites as sources of information for this paper.

2. Introduce the focus of your paper in a concise thesis statement that appears at the end of your first paragraph. A thesis statement tells the reader what the paper is about. This means that you will need to have a clear idea of what you are writing about BEFORE you start!

3. Discuss what you learned about the pre-modern hominins that lived during the time frame under reference and what conclusion(s) can be drawn from your research. You might want to create an outline for the body of your paperto organize all of the information you wish to present so that it flows in an orderly fashion.

4. Recap and conclude. Your conclusion must include a restatement of your thesis and clearly reference your research and analysis ofthis topic.

5. Submit your completed assignment by clicking on the Turn-It-In link at the bottom of the Assignment page on the course websiteor the Submit Assignment link at the top right corner of the Assignment page if the Turn-It-In link is not visible (Canvas links to the Turn-It-In website occasionally do not work).