Science Homework Help

UWB Misinformation in Social Media Discussion


Please respond to the following questions:

1.  Danielle Citron and Robert Chesney (see attachment) explore the social and cultural contexts of deep fake technologies.  According to Citron and Chesney, why does misinformation spread so quickly on social media?  How might deep fake technologies be useful and how might they cause harm? (cite specifics from the article). 

2.  What potential legal solutions do Citron and Chesney (see attachment) propose and why might they be difficult to enforce? (select one example from the article to discuss).

3.  According to Cass Sunstein’s piece , does the government have the right to regulate deep fakes?  Why or why not?  If you encounter a paywall for this article, you can see the pdf below.

4.  According to this episode of In Machines We Trust, how do algorithms influence social norms surrounding beauty and what are some broader effects of this trend?  What was your overall reaction to this podcast?  Cite specific examples from the episode.