Science Homework Help

Cypress College Function & Non Function Lymphatic System Paper


If you need summary of these two assignments I can send the screenshots for you. Other than that all you need to know about the assignment is listed for you:

First Part:


We will continue utilizing the KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING application to this assignment as well.


You are now researching a CANCEROUS invasion into the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM. You pick ONE SPECIFIC TYPE OF CARDIOVASCULAR CANCER, discuss its invasions, negative effects, manifestations, and potential treatments (cures) if any?

Remain focused and follow the same directives as to the BLOOD ASSIGNMENT. GOOD LUCK!!

Second Part:


Cancer of the Lymphatic System is a very anatomically and physiologically degrading illness. Given the fact that the Lymphatic system is found throughout most of the Human Body, and by this time, you should be very familiar with this system, it is your assignment to respond to the following:


Specifically, throughout life, how can a person strive to minimize the potential infection of cancerous invasions in the Lymphatic System and to keep it strengthened? Be accurate, clear, concise and well-thought!