Science Homework Help

ACCT 301 Saudi Electronic University Histological Formation of Enamel Tissues PPT


For this discussion, please complete all of the following:

1). Select one of the topics from your textbook our outside resource relating to one of the following topics:

  • Enamel formation
  • Dentin formation
  • Cementum formation
  • Root formation
  • The eruption process
  • epithelium/connective tissue layers
  • bone development

2). Sketch a diagram of the histologic formation of the tissues involved with the structure’s development. Provide a brief written explanation of the different structures involved with your chosen developmental process. Focus on each tissue layer and how each layer is contributing to development.

3) Create a short informational video that explains your sketch. The video should include yourself explaining a definitions and visual aids of the structure’s development. Today’s learners expect videos to be concise, but accurate so no more than 5 minutes. An easy way to create videos is to use YouTube or record a Zoom session and share your images/information as you are speaking. Software such as Loom is also easy to use.

4) You will be graded on the accuracy, organization and completeness of your presentations.

5). Review your classmate’s posts and “like” the explanation that best helps you to understand the concept as well as respond at least 2 of your classmates’s videos with how the video helped you learn about the topic.