Science Homework Help

PCC Coronavirus in California Fact Health Issues Analysis


Creating A Visually Appealing Fact Sheet

You already wrote the major components of your fact sheet and created the graph last week as part of Coronavirus in California Fact Sheet – Text and Graph Only. Now it’s time to make it visually appealing!

Your fact sheet should include images and graphs and can be a maximum of 2 pages. Templates are a great way to create a visually appealing fact sheet; here are a few options:

Remember that as a PCC student, you can download Microsoft Office 365 desktop applications for freeLinks to an external site.!

Example Fact Sheet

This fact sheet was created using a Microsoft Office template.

Here is the


Required Components of the Fact Sheet

Use the list below as a checklist to make sure that you aren’t missing anything as you transform all of your research into a visually appealing fact sheet.

  • A title
  • An overview
    • In a brief paragraph, discuss the coronavirus comorbidity that you focused on in your medical specialist role and the physiology of this health condition.
    • This paragraph can be very similar to what you wrote for your first post of Vulnerable Communities and COVID-19.
  • A bullet point list of key facts, including:
  • A bar graph
    • Create a bar graph comparing the prevalence of your chosen comorbidity in your focal city to three other communities. (Use the data provided in COVID-19 Comorbidities.)
    • Be sure to properly label the x- and y-axes!
  • A summary
    • This can be written as either a few bullet points or a short paragraph.
    • Summarize what residents in your focal city should know about coronavirus and the focal comorbidity.
    • What steps that can be taken to prevent the comorbidity and reduce the risk of contracting coronavirus?
  • 1 or more eye catching graphics
  • References cited

Submission Guidelines

You will be able to either upload a .pdf or a url of your factsheet. If you submit a link to a Google Doc/Slide, be sure to change the sharing settings so ‘Anyone with the link can view.’


To see how this assignment will be graded, scroll down to view the grading rubric. If no rubric is visible, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of this page, then click “Show Rubric”. If you’re reviewing this assignment using the Canvas mobile app, the rubric is included in the Grade tab.

Helpful Resources


Fact Sheet Rubric

Fact Sheet Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLayout and Clarity

5 pts

Full Marks

Layout follows all of the requirements and includes at least one eye catching graphic. Text is written in language that is easy to understand.

3 pts

Minor Deductions

Layout does not follow all of the requirements. Language is too technical in places. Written sections maybe too long.

2 pts


Multiple areas with unclear language, layout not helpful in communicating topic and/or exceeds maximum number of pages.

0 pts

No Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScience Content

5 pts

Full Marks

All scientific content is present, accurate, and well-written. The physiology of the comorbidity is well-explained.

3 pts

Minor Deductions

Some parts of the science content incomplete.

2 pts


Multiple areas of content incomplete.

0 pts

No Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Sources and Data

5 pts

Full Marks

All background sources and data are used effectively to support statements. The current number of documented coronavirus cases from the County of Los Angeles Public Health website is included. All citations are present both in text and in works cited. All citations properly formatted.

3 pts

Minor Deductions

Sources not well used or citations incomplete and/or not properly formatted.

2 pts


Sources not used effectively or citations are not used.

0 pts

No Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGraph

4 pts

Full Marks

A properly formatted graph with labeled x- and y-axes is included that compares the prevalence of the health condition in the focal city to three other communities.

2 pts

Minor Deductions

Graph has minor formatting issues.

1 pts


Graph has major formatting issues.

0 pts

No Marks

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling and Grammar

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Minor mistakes

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

Total Points: 21
