Science Homework Help

Howard Community College Obtaining a Patient History Project


History Taking Project (100 pts.)

Objectives:At the completion of this project students will be able to: 

  • Develop a proper patient history interview by:
    • Discussing the need for acquiring and documenting the patient’s chief complaint.
    • Determining a potential need for exam requisition modification.
    • Detailing the necessary patient history questions.
    • Incorporating the Sacred Seven Elements of obtaining a clinical history.

Assignment: Review the PPT on patient history taking and complete the following:

Assignment Details:

  1. You have been assigned to perform a PA, Oblique, and      Lateral hand x-ray exam on a 53 year old male patient named Wilhelm Conrad      Roentgen. 
  2. Describe how you will conduct proper patient      identification and a patient history interview. Be sure to include the      Sacred Seven Elements of obtaining a patient history.
  3. Discuss what would be necessary if the exam requisition      does not match the history obtained from the patient.