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FUE Umbilical Cord Blood Medical Professionals Discussion


Review the discussion forum guidelines and rubric before posting. Follow the instructions “How do I view the rubric for my graded discussion?” to view the rubric.


As a medical professional you will experience moral/ethical issues and having an ability to respond appropriately will aid in navigating through such situations. The following discussion prompt presents you with an example for which you are to evaluate.

From this discussion students will develop skills which aid in:

  • Discussing the functionality of the different types of blood cells


Collection and utilization of umbilical cord blood has gained more recent media coverage. The practice of using umbilical cord blood for various treatment purposes has been around since the 1980’s. However, with practice more widely used there is resulting questions regarding the ethics of umbilical cord blood.

Read these articles:

Ethical Issues in Umbilical Cord Blood Banking


Umbilical cord blood collection, storage and use: ethical issues

In your discussion post, choose to discuss 1-2 of these presented ethical issues and offer at least 2 supporting pieces of evidence supporting your stance. Be sure to answer the following question(s) in your post:

  1. How prevalent is the practice? In other words, provide some data about the numbers involved?
  2. What countries is it occurring in?
  3. What are the uses?
  4. Obviously, there are pros and cons regarding the practice.

Last Names A-M: discuss any pros

Last Names N-Z: discuss any cons.


When replying to classmates, choose two posts that address the opposing stance from your own initial post.
In the reply, constructively offer your rebuttal to the stance being posed, being sure to offer supporting evidence for your rebuttal. Replies should ADD to the discussion and not just say “I agree”. Replies should be presented in a respectful tone. We do not have to all agree with one another, but we should be respectful in our discourse with each other.

Use the assignment title and your last name as a heading for your post

For full credit respond to this question and reply to 2 classmates’ posts.

Initial posts must be 300 words in length. Replies to 2 classmates must be 150 words in length each.

15 points for initial post. 10 points total for responding to classmates (5 points for each reply).

Discussion total: 25 points

  • Initial posts due on Wednesdays, replies due by Saturdays.
  • Replies to 2 classmates must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. EST on the due date.
  • See attached rubric for full grading criteria