Science Homework Help

Grossmont College Science Discoveries Question


I’m working on a science writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Now that you have explored some important topics in Science, it would be great to keep learning and reading and exploring scientific discoveries? I would like to invite you to keep reading about Science and keep asking questions and find what scientist do and how they do it, always with an open and critical mind.

Go to: (Links to an external site.)

The Scientist Magazine

Look around the interesting articles. There is a whole section on EVOLUTION: (Links to an external site.)

then go to: (Links to an external site.)

and complete the subscription to their newsletter. Every weekday, you’ll get breaking news features, exclusive investigative stories, short news summaries, opinion pieces penned by leading life scientists, and our featured image of the day. It’s FREE!

To receive credit for this assignment you must submit the confirmation from the subscription (TheScientistDaily) (see below for example). Take a screen shot of the page confirmation received and submit it as a jpg or pdf.
