Social Science homework help

Assignment Context:

  • Your first assignment in this class asked you to identify a word that describes your family, and then to go further by discussing why you chose that specific word. This assignment asks you to go much deeper. Specifically, with this assignment, you will be asked to reflect on the full nature of your family: who makes up your family structure/system, how did you come to be a “family”, what are the roles, organizational makeup and stressors of your family, etc.
  • For this assignment, you are asked to use your own family to complete the assignment because the personal nature of it allows more connection with the material. That connection helps to saturate your learning, and creates an opportunity to experience what clients may experience when you help them identify, address, and process their family-related needs. In that regard, you will have the opportunity to appreciate all that comes with this in-depth reflective process.
  • By completing an assessment of the resiliency factors for yourself and your family, you will be able to more clearly affirm how each individual knows the factors that contribute to success and stress within their own families. After you have delineated the various protective and risk factors for yourself and your family, you will also describe how race, class, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and differing personal abilities affect you and your family system.
  • With the aforementioned in mind, I encourage you to do the following: give yourself time and give yourself permission.
  • When I say “give yourself time”, I mean just that. Give yourself time to approach and complete the assignment.
    • Some may approach this assignment with excitement. This assignment may become a great opportunity to pick up that genealogy project you’ve been thinking about. It is also a good excuse to make time in your day to call “Memaw” or “Big Momma” and just talk about life, growing up, and your family (“Granddaddy” and “PawPaw” would love that!).
    • Others may approach this assignment with great hesitancy. You may have worked hard to forget/move on/etc. from past/painful family history, and this assignment may require visitation to some “c/old” places. While this does NOT mean you have to write about these places/experiences, it still may mean opening a door to a place that has been purposefully sealed shut.
    • For either/both of these experiences, it takes time. Time to really appreciate what is involved in gathering the data for a full, clear, and concise assessment, and time to manage all forms of emotion that can come with the process. Hence, note that the estimated 4 to 5 days for completion is really “writing time”, and not reflective of the data gathering and processing that may be involved.
  • In addition to giving yourself time, you also want to give yourself permission.
    • Give yourself permission to talk [face-to-face or virtually] with family about life.
    • Give yourself permission to tap out of the assignment when you need to and go have an ice cream taco (I mean, ice cream AND tacos? Come on!).
    • Give yourself permission to laugh and give yourself permission to scream. You would do the same for clients, correct? Well, why not start by giving yourself the permission and safe space that you desire to one day create for them?
    • Give yourself permission to only go as far as what is comfortable FOR YOU. Only push yourself as far as YOU are comfortable.
  • With that said: below is all of the information you will need to complete the assignment. Of course, if you have questions about anything, please reach out.


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to help you develop your skill in family assessment and a framework for resiliency practice.

Format of completion: This is an individual assignment.

Estimated time of completion: at least 4 to 5 days of uninterrupted time (does not include reading)


Assignment Instructions:

  • This assignment requires you to look within your own family to complete a family assessment.
  • Use the template provided in the “Resources” section of this assignment page (scroll towards the bottom), and the information below, to complete the family assessment paper.
  • This assignment is to be completed individually – not in groups.
  • Please note: there are very important supporting details in the template. So, be certain to review the template BEFORE beginning this assignment!

Here are the components you will need to include in your written paper:

Family Assessment Paper

  • Summary paragraph

Definition of Family System

  • Define your family system.
  • This definition should be supplemented by a graphic representation (i.e., genogram AND eco-map).
  • Be certain that your genogram minimally includes: individuals you are identifying within your family; ages/and or dates of birth – if known (if dates of birth are unknown, use “?”); and relationships (i.e. married, divorced, co-habitating, estranged, etc.).
  • In your ecomap, minimally include: who you define as your immediate family (you can include more), and at least three (3) systems impacting/supporting your family system.
  • Also, be certain to use *and* include a “key” or “legend” of symbols in both your ecomap and your genogram (so that the reader knows what each symbol represents).

Family Resilience

  • Describe and discuss the key processes of your family’s resilience: Belief Systems, Organizational Patterns, Communication Processes as they apply to yourself and your family.
  • Specifically, identify at least one (1) belief system and how you see this belief system impacts your family (you may choose more than one if you wish).
  • Review Van Hook’s components of organizational patterns and reflect on them as they align with your own family.
  • Using Chapters 3 and 8 of your Collins et al. text, reflect on your own family’s communication processes and how these processes impact your family’s functioning.

Diversity, Stressors, Risks, and Protective Factors

  • Identify current stressors for yourself and your family: discuss the individual, interpersonal, environmental and community risk factors including any social, economic and political injustices.
  • Describe and discuss the current status of the protective mechanisms utilized by yourself and your family: as stated above, discuss individual, interpersonal, environmental and community protective factors including any social, economic and political supports.
  • Discuss the impact of race, class, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and differing personal abilities upon family resilience, stressors and protective mechanisms.

Reflection on Family Assessment

  • Reflect on your experience in conducting an assessment on your own family.
  • How would you deal with these feelings in your work with families?

Remember to refer to the template provided in the “Resources” section of this assignment page (scroll towards the bottom) for additional details that can help you process the assignment prompts.


Paper Format:

  • Students should use the student paper format, including a cover page. For more information: refer to Chapter 2 of APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition, the APA Style Paper Format resource, and the APA Student Title Page Guide.
  • Student papers do not include a running head. For more information: refer to page 30 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition, and this APA Style Header resource.
  • This paper should NOT include an abstract or a table of contents.
  • This paper SHOULD include appendices (see template for more information). Appendix A will consist of your genogram and Appendix B will consist of your ecomap.
  • The paper should be double spaced and include 1″ margins throughout.




Font Type and Size:

  • A variety of font choices are permitted in APA Style. Use the same font throughout the text of the paper. Options include:
    • Sans serif font: 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, 10-point Lucida San Unicode
    • Serif font: 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Georgia, normal (10-point) Computer Modern
  • For more information: refer to page 44 of the of APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition, and this APA Style Font resource.
  • Ensure the font type and font size of your page numbers are consistent with the rest of your paper.


Paper Length:

  • Your paper should be no more than six (6) pages in length.
  • The cover page and references page will not be part of the total page count for this assignment. You will not lose points for including a cover page and a references page.
  • One (1) point will be deducted from the overall grade for every page over six (6) pages, excluding the cover/reference pages.


In-Text Citations and References:

  • In-text citations and reference list should be formatted according to APA style.
  • Paper must include a minimum of four (4) distinct in-text citations / references.
  • Two in-text citations / references must be from the textbooks for this class, and the remaining in-text citations / references must be scholarly articles. However, you may use more than four references.
  • For more information about in-text citations, refer to Chapter 8 of the 7th edition APA Manual or this APA Style resource regarding ‘Author-Date Citation System’.
  • To review formatting and structure of various reference examples, refer to Chapters 9 and 10 of the 7th edition APA Manual or this APA Style resource regarding ‘Reference Examples’.



Family Assessment Paper_Template [Word document]Preview the document



Give yourself permission to only go as far as what is comfortable FOR YOU. Only push yourself as far as YOU are comfortable. Please contact me if you have any questions.


Family Assessment Paper RubricFamily Assessment Paper RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProvided a definition of the family system that included a complete, clear, and labled (with key) genogram AND ecomap3 to >2.7 ptsStellar job! You have exhibited A quality work in this area! You completed all that was required as well as demonstrated work quality above expectation/above standard. Kudos to you! Well done!2.7 to >1.8 ptsOkay or Nicely Done! You completed all that was asked with only a few errors. The errors presented did not significantly distract from the overall quality of the document. There may, however, be area(s) in need of clarity and/or omission(s) of some content.1.8 to >0 ptsLet’s Chat! Based on what was presented, it seems there is room for us to discuss ways to improve in the future. Part of that discussion may be ensuring that the requirements are clear/understood. Be certain to take some time to review the feedback, then, as you need, reach out! Let’s schedule a day/time to chat 🙂3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesribed and discussed the key processes of family resilience to include, at least one belief system and how this belief system impacts the family, organizational patterns connected to the reading (Van Hook), and communication patterns connected to the reading (Collins).3 to >2.7 ptsStellar job! You have exhibited A quality work in this area! You completed all that was required as well as demonstrated work quality above expectation/above standard. Kudos to you! Well done!2.7 to >1.8 ptsOkay or Nicely Done! You completed all that was asked with only a few errors. The errors presented did not significantly distract from the overall quality of the document. There may, however, be area(s) in need of clarity and/or omission(s) of some content.1.8 to >0 ptsLet’s Chat! Based on what was presented, it seems there is room for us to discuss ways to improve in the future. Part of that discussion may be ensuring that the requirements are clear/understood. Be certain to take some time to review the feedback, then, as you need, reach out! Let’s schedule a day/time to chat 🙂3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentified current stressors for self and family related to the individual, interpersonal, environmental, and community risk factors within social, econcomic, and political injustices3 to >2.7 ptsStellar job! You have exhibited A quality work in this area! You completed all that was required as well as demonstrated work quality above expectation/above standard. Kudos to you! Well done!2.7 to >1.8 ptsOkay or Nicely Done! You completed all that was asked with only a few errors. The errors presented did not significantly distract from the overall quality of the document. There may, however, be area(s) in need of clarity and/or omission(s) of some content.1.8 to >0 ptsLet’s Chat! Based on what was presented, it seems there is room for us to discuss ways to improve in the future. Part of that discussion may be ensuring that the requirements are clear/understood. Be certain to take some time to review the feedback, then, as you need, reach out! Let’s schedule a day/time to chat 🙂3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesribed and discussed the current status of the protective mechanisms utilized by family related to individual, interpersonal, environmental and community protective factors including any social, economic and political supports3 to >2.7 ptsStellar job! You have exibited A quality work in this area! You completed all that was required as well as demonstrated work quality above expectation/above standard. Kudos to you! Well done!2.7 to >1.8 ptsOkay or Nicely Done! You completed all that was asked with only a few errors. The errors presented did not significantly distract from the overall quality of the document. There may, however, be area(s) in need of clarity and/or omission(s) of some content.1.8 to >0 ptsLet’s Chat! Based on what was presented, it seems there is room for us to discuss ways to improve in the future. Part of that discussion may be ensuring that the requirements are clear/understood. Be certain to take some time to review the feedback, then, as you need, reach out! Let’s schedule a day/time to chat 🙂3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussed the impact of race, class, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and/or differing personal abilities upon family resilience, stressors and protective mechanisms3 to >2.7 ptsStellar job! You have exhibited A quality work in this area! You completed all that was required as well as demonstrated work quality above expectation/above standard. Kudos to you! Well done!2.7 to >1.8 ptsOkay or Nicely Done! You completed all that was asked with only a few errors. The errors presented did not significantly distract from the overall quality of the document. There may, however, be area(s) in need of clarity and/or omission(s) of some content.1.8 to >0 ptsLet’s Chat! Based on what was presented, it seems there is room for us to discuss ways to improve in the future. Part of that discussion may be ensuring that the requirements are clear/understood. Be certain to take some time to review the feedback, then, as you need, reach out! Let’s schedule a day/time to chat 🙂3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflected on the experience of conducting the assessment on self to include feelings, learning, and application of learning to the future2 to >1.7 ptsStellar job! You have exhibited A quality work in this area! You completed all that was required as well as demonstrated work quality above expectation/above standard. Kudos to you! Well done!1.7 to >1.0 ptsOkay or Nicely Done! You completed all that was asked with only a few errors. The errors presented did not significantly distract from the overall quality of the document. There may, however, be area(s) in need of clarity and/or omission(s) of some content.1 to >0 ptsLet’s Chat! Based on what was presented, it seems there is room for us to discuss ways to improve in the future. Part of that discussion may be ensuring that the requirements are clear/understood. Be certain to take some time to review the feedback, then, as you need, reach out! Let’s schedule a day/time to chat 🙂2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessional Writing Skills: Demonstrated solid use of APA skills, writing, grammar, and punctuation. Met in-text citation / reference minimum and page count maximum.3 to >2.7 ptsStellar job! You have exhibited A quality work in this area! You completed all that was required as well as demonstrated work quality above expectation/above standard. Kudos to you! Well done!2.7 to >1.8 ptsOkay or Nicely Done! You completed all that was asked with only a few errors. The errors presented did not significantly distract from the overall quality of the document. There may, however, be area(s) in need of clarity and/or omission(s) of some content.1.8 to >0 ptsLet’s Chat! Based on what was presented, it seems there is room for us to discuss ways to improve in the future. Part of that discussion may be ensuring that the requirements are clear/understood. Be certain to take some time to review the feedback, then, as you need, reach out! Let’s schedule a day/time to chat 🙂3 pts
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