Sociology homework help

  1. Review the Reading Guide: Socialization and Social Institutions for information on roles, statuses, and social institutions to assist with this assignment.
    • A sense of self is developed through roles and statuses that are reinforced through social structures and that shape our personal experiences. Roles are patterns of behavior that we use every day to reflect our social status, such as the role of parent, worker, daughter/son, student,neighbor, etc. Each of these roles is associated with a different status.
    • Social institutions are systems and structures that shape the activities of groups and individuals in society. Family, education, and religion are examples of social institutions that affect the everyday lives of people at a micro-level.
    • Complete the 10-slide Socialization and Self-Identity Presentation Template on socialization and its influence on our self-identities. Instructions for what to include are provided in the speaker notes section for each slide, which can be accessed by clicking the View tab at the top, then clicking Notes. As you work through the presentation template, you will replace the instructions in the speaker notes section with actual speaker notes—that is, sentences that represent what you would say about each slide if you were to give the presentation in person.
    • Ensure that you have installed Microsoft® Office 365 prior to beginning this assignment. Complete the steps outlined in the Installing Office 365 Learning Activity if you have not already.
    • View PC- PowerPoint 2013 – View Speaker Notes or PC- PowerPoint – View Speaker Notes for a brief visual demonstration on adding speaker notes to your presentation.
    • You may conduct a search for PowerPoint tutorials in the Media Library for additional assistance using Microsoft® PowerPoint®.
    • You may add pictures and graphics to enhance your presentation, and you are welcome to change the design layout of the presentation.
    • Submit your assignment.
      Note: Students at the local campuses will deliver their presentations in class and do not need to include speaker notes.
    • Center for Writing Excellence
    • Reference and Citation Generator
    • Grammar and Writing Guides
    • Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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