Sociology homework help

Note:I need complete 6-8 pages paper on the following assignment. HALF PAGE LENGTH IS NOT ACCEPTED. Must address the all steps properly.  Must include 5 credible references cited in APA.  Must provide 100% original work.DO NOT PROVIDE THE PREVIOUSLY USED WORK.DO NOT WRITE QUESTIONS IN ANSWER!AssignmentThe assignment is to read the police reports which include evidence and result of analysis, review the crime sketches, and photograph of the scenes, as well as some constitutional challenges to the case in the form of a motions hearing. (CHECK THE ATTACHED FILE)The motion are not specifically listed in this report, however the defense filed a motion to suppress the1.       Knife (which was later found to be the murder weapon)2.       DNA evidence and3.       ConfessionIn your paper, explain why you believe, or don’t believe these items were legally obtained by law and enforcement.Write a complete 6-8 pages paper that addresses the following:1.       Discussion on the crime scene investigation and analysis of the evidence at the scene.2.       Discuss investigative steps and strategies involved in this homicide investigation.3.       Discussion on both interviews of witnesses and interrogations of suspects.4.       Explanation to counter defense efforts to suppress evidence. (Constitutional challenge).5.       Provide an analysis of what you learned in class and how it was applied in this case. Include any glaring differences between the text and application process.In your paper,·         Must provide proper introduction and conclusion.·         Must provide proper analysis that how the case was investigated.·         Must include minimum 5 credible scholarly sources cited in APA.