Sociology homework help

 Unit 7 You will submit your final paper. This paper must be written in APA 6th edition format, which includes a title page, body of at least 5 full pages and a maximum of 8 pages, and a reference page(s). Note: The title page and reference page(s) are not included in the 5 full – 8 page body length. This assignment must be submitted via SafeAssign in Word Document format. Refer to the following pages for the grading rubric.

For this policy paper, you will select a social welfare policy problem of personal interest and conduct a search of the available literature (with emphasis on peer-reviewed journal articles) surrounding the selected policy problem. This paper must be written in APA 6th edition format, which includes a title page, body of at least 5 full pages and a maximum of 8 pages, and a reference page(s). Ideas for this policy paper topic include but are not limited to: 1. Policy for women and children 2. Policy for LGBTQ 3. Income security and the policies that include retirement, disability, death, and unemployment 4. TANF and drug testing 5. Social Security 6. Education (e.g. Head Start and free tuition) 7. Mental health treatment and incarceration 8. Poverty 9. Child abuse and protection Requirements You must use at minimum 3 scholarly resources for this policy paper. Wikipedia,, and other non-scholarly sources of information will not be accepted. If you are in doubt about the reliability of a resource, ask your instructor. Topics that must be addressed in this policy paper include 1. Brief introduction to the policy problem; 2. History of social welfare policy in this area; 3. Alternative proposals to address this problem (a minimum of two alternatives must be included); 4. Rational policy analysis of the alternatives; 5. Political ramifications of each alternative; 6. Summary/conclusion