Sociology homework help
WORD LIMIT- 6-7 pages maximum. total 1400-1500 words.
To show an understanding of how structures/systems of misogyny and white supremacist result in violence against women, LGBT, and racialized communities.
Drawing from at least 2 readings from the course, and one film or video from weeks 8-12, explain the structure of gender-based or white supremacist violence. Use direct quotes only. Do not paraphrase.
Describe concrete experiences of actual individuals and situate them in social structures. These structures include the criminal justice system (police, courts, prisons), media, education, the family, or the economy. Or, these structures also include dominant beliefs about identity categories of race, gender, and sexuality. Concepts such as misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, distribution of life chances (Dean Spade), rape culture, or hegemonic masculinity are some of the key terms that you can use in your essay (you need only one, but these are all options).
You can use any film or video covered in the course and any of the recommended or required readings. Lecture slides also provide valuable information and should be scanned for relevant information (hint: if you discuss topics that are covered in slides but do not incorporate the information in the slides then this will impact your grade). You can also use any of the discussion questions as a starting point for your essay.
This is not a research paper. Do not add research materials unless you get approval from the instructor.
Write your essay in scholarly format using Chicago Manual Style citations (in-text or footnotes). Information for bibliographies is included in the syllabus.
1. Include your name, student number, the date, course number, and the professor’s name on the top left of the first page.
2. Include a title for your work.
3. Use 12 point Times New Roman font and double space your work.
4. Insert a footer or header with your last name and the page number.
readings are below in pdf.
use, above film and these pdf for essay, no outside resources needed.