Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. Term Paper Writing: Elements and documentation
Different courses may have different requirements for the writing of a term paper. You
need to find them out and comply with them. This website introduces some
common principles and elements for a proper term paper. Samples of standard
format of English and Chinese documentation are provided for your reference.
1. Components of a Term Paper
2. Guidelines for Preliminaries
3. Guidelines for Text
4. Guidelines for Reference Materials
1. Components of a Term Paper
i. Preliminaries
a. Title Page
b. Abstract (if required)
c. Table of Contents (if required)
ii. Text
a. Introduction
b. Main Body (Chapters or Sections)
c. Conclusion
iii. Reference Materials
a. Parenthetical Documentation
b. Notes (if any)
c. Appendix (if any)
d. English References
e. Chinese References
2. Guidelines for Preliminaries
2.1. Title Page
A title page contains:
i. the title of your paper
ii. your name and student number
iii. the course name and code,
iv. the instructor’s name
v. the due date
2.2. Abstract
An abstract is a brief summary of the main ideas of your term paper usually
in about 100 to 200 words. The main elements are as follows:
i. a short statement of your research nature or subject
ii. a brief description of your general theoretical approach and
research methods
iii. a short summary of your main arguments and research findings
2.3. Table of Contents
A table of contents provides an analytical outline of your paper with the
sequence of your presentation. A table of contents should list out:
i. the heading of every division of the paper
ii. the subheadings of every subsection within the divisions (if any)
iii. page number for every division and subsection
3. Guidelines for Text
3.1. Introduction
An introduction should be an interesting opening to show the main theme and
specific topics of your paper. An introduction usually forms through:
i. a concise and complete statement of your research question or the
general purpose of your term paper.
ii. a justification for your study (the significance)
iii. a background to your research question and a review of the relevant
literatures on it (literature review)
iv. a brief statement of the sources of data, the procedure or methods of
analysis (methodology)
v. a preview of the organization of the paper
3.2. Main Body (Chapters or Sections)
Since the topics of term papers are so diverse, it is impossible to give specific
indications of how to write the main body of a term paper. But, the general rule
is that you must organize your presentation in a logical framework with a clear
conceptual linkage among sections and give every point with substantial support
from concrete source.
3.3. Conclusion
A conclusion should provide a firm ending of what you have discussed in the
paper and, preferably, further to reach a judgment, to endorse one side of an issue,
or to offer directives. A good conclusion usually contains:
i. a recapitulation of the main findings or main themes
ii. statements about the specific values or alternative insights of your paper
for understanding the subject matter
iii. indications of the important relevance to the current circumstance or
future possibility
iv. suggestions for policy in points to your findings
4. Guidelines for Reference Materials
Different institutions have developed different styles of documentation. No
matter which one you use for your paper, the principle is to be consistent. The
format system provided. Here comes from the American Psychological
Association (APA system).
4.1. Parenthetical Reference
A term paper must have a clear documentation of all reference materials used in
the text. This requires that your paper must indicate from where you obtained:
i. direct quotations
ii. borrowed ideas (including paraphrases and summaries)
iii. data and cases (if they did not come through your own research)
i. One work by one author
If the author’s name appears in the text,
Walker (2000) compared reaction times
If not,
In a recent study of reaction times (Walker, 2000)
ii. One work by multiple authors
First citation in the text:
Wasserstein, Zappulla, Rosen, Gerstman, and Rock (1994) found
First next citation in the text:
Wasserstien et al. (1994) found
iii. One work by group as author
Use the name of the group as the author
Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department (1997) found
iv. Authors with the same surname
For one work by one author, show author’s initials in all text citation:
R. D. Luce (1959) and P. A. Luce (1986) also found
For one work by multiple authors, show the first author’s initials in all
text citation:
J. M. Goldberg and Neff (1961) and M. E. Goldberg and Wurtz (1972) studied
v. Two or more works within the same parenthese
By different authors:
Several studies (Balda, 1980; Kamil, 1988; Pepperberg & Funk, 1990)
By the same author:
Past research (Gogel, 1984, 1990)
By the same author in the same year:
Several studies (Johnson, 1991a, 1991b, 1991c)
vi. Specific parts of a source
One specific page:
(Cheek & Buss, 1981, p.332)
More than one page:
(Cheek & Buss, 1981, pp. 332-333)
A specific chapter:
(Shimamura, 1989, chap.3)
4.2. Notes
The notes at the foot of each page are called as footnotes. The notes at the end of
each chapter or at the end of the paper before other reference materials are called
as endnotes. But, both formats and functions are the same.
i. Documentation notes
Footnotes or endnotes for reference documentation is seldom used now.
In APA system, it is replaced by the parenthetical documentation form.
If you would like to know how to use footnotes or endnotes for
reference documentation, see The research paper: Process, form, and
content by Roth (1986, chap. 8) or Assignment and thesis writing by
Anderson and Poole (2001, chap. 11).
ii. Content notes
However, it remains common to use footnotes or endnotes for
providing additional content in the text. Such footnotes or endnotes
a. include material which is not strictly relevant to the main
argument while yet is too important to be omitted.
b. explain, supplement, amplify material that is included in the
main text.
c. give cross-reference to other sections of a paper
4.3. Appendix
The purpose of appendix is to provide reader with detailed information which
would be distracting to read in the main body of the paper. Usually, the
information in an appendix is a large table, a long cross-reference to the text, a
sample of a questionnaire or other survey instrument used in the research.
If your paper has only one appendix, you should simply label it Appendix; if
your paper has more than one appendix, you need to label each one with a
capital letter (Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, etc.)
4.4. English References
At the end of your paper, you must provide a reference list in an alphabetical
order by the surname of the author. If you use the title Bibliography, you can
list out both references cited in the text and the relevant works which have
been consulted. If you use the title Reference, you should only list out the
references cited in the text.
General forms:
i. Book reference
Author’s name. (Year). Title of work. Location: Publisher
ii. A chapter or an article in an edited book
Author’s name. (Year). Title of chapter or article. In Editor’s name (Ed.), Title
of book (page numbers). Location: Publisher.
iii. Periodical (e.g., journal articles)
Author’s name. (Year). Title of article. Title of periodical, Volume Number,
iv. Daily newspaper report or article
Heading of the report or the article. (year, month and date). Title of the
newspaper, page.
Sample: Book reference
i. A reference to an entire book
Beck, C. A. J., & Sales, B. D. (2001). Family mediation: Facts, myths, and
further prospects. Washington, DC: American Psychological
ii. Book in new edition (second, third, etc.)
Mitchell, T. R., & Larson, J. R. (1987). People in organizations: An
introduction to organizational behavior (3rd ed.). New York: Mcgraw-Hill.
iii. Edited book
Gibbs, J. T., & Huang, L.N. (Eds.). (1991). Children of color: Psychological
interviews with minority youth. San Francisco: Jossey-bass.
iv. Translated work
Laplave, P.-S. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities (F. W. Truscott &
F. L. Emory, Trans.). New York: Dover. (Original work published 1814)
v. Book, group author as publisher
American Bureau of Statistics. (1991). Estimated resident population by age
and sex in statistical area, New South Wales, June 1991 (No. 3209.1).
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: Author
Note. When the author and publisher are identical, use Author as the
same of the publisher.
Sample: A chapter or an article in an edited book
Bjork, R. A. (1989). Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism in human
memory. In H. L. Roediger III & F. I. M. Craik (Eds.), Varieties of memory
& consciousness (pp. 309-330). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Sample: Periodical
Mellers, B. A. (2000). Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences.
Psychological Bulletin, 126, 910-924.
Sample: Daily newspaper report or article
New drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart failure. (1993, July
15). The Washington Post, p. A12.
4.5. Chinese References
For paper written in Chinese, the format of reference documentation used by
Chinese Social Science Quarterly (CSSQ System) is recommended. The details
are as follows:
《中國社會科學季刊》 注釋體例說明
本刊願與廣大讀者/ 作者一起從事這項建設性的活動。下面所述的格式,是本刊在參酌國內外有
真誠歡迎廣大作者/ 讀者的 “參與”,在實踐中確立和完善學術研究的注釋規範。
一、 著作引文注釋
1. 徐民:《抗美援期的歷史回顧》,北京:中國廣播出版社 1990 年版,頁 5、7。
2. 柴成文、趙永田:《板門店談判》,上海:上海人民出版社 1989 年版,頁 5-9。
3. ﹝作者為三人以上﹞王永民等:《五筆字型輸入法》,石家莊:河北人民出版社1992 年版,
頁 5、8、12。
4. ﹝集體作者﹞軍事科學院軍史研究室:《朝鮮戰爭史話》,北京:解放軍出版社1990 年版,
頁 233。
5. 《魯迅全集》,卷 13﹝十以下用漢字表示,十以上用阿拉伯數字﹞,北京:人民文學出版
社 1991 年版,頁 9。
6. 《魯迅全集》,卷十,北京:人民文學出版社 1991 年版,頁 462、464。
7. 陳忠龍主編:《論朝鮮戰爭》,南京:南京大學出版社 1991 年版,頁 2。
8. 《毛澤東選集》卷二,北京:人民出版社 1970 年版,頁 2。
9. 約瑟夫‧格登:《朝鮮戰爭》,於濱等譯,北京:解放軍出版社 1990 年版,頁 23。
10. Robert Gilpin, Economy of Internation Relations, Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1986, p. 5.
11. Max Singer and Aaron Wildavsky, The Red World Order, Chatham House
Publishers, 1993, pp.5-10.
1. 王民:“市場經濟理論”,張歌主編:《市場經濟論集》,北京:經濟出版社 1992 年版,頁
2. 鄧正來、景躍進:“建構中國的市民社會”,《中國社會科學季刊》﹝香港﹞1992 年創刊
號,頁 18。
3. 劉育寧:“克林頓政府經濟政策”,《人民日報》1993 年 3 月 23 日,第 6 版。
4. Robert Arts, “Power”. J. Nye ed., Power, Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
1988, pp. 23-35.
5. Robert Gilpin, “War and Change”, International Organization, Vol. 33, No. 4,
1993, pp. 45-55.
6. Robert Knorr, “China: Third Economic Power”, New York Times, June 10, 1992.
Selected bibliography
American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Anderson, J., & Poole, M. (2001). Assignment and thesis writing (4th ed.). New York:
Jon Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
Lester, J. D. (1990). Writing research papers: A complete guide (6th ed.). New York:
Harper Collins.
Roth, A. J. (1986). The research paper: Process, form, and content (5th ed.).
California: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

Political Science homework help