Subject: Information Technology Importance in Strategic Planning Research Topic: Adopting Agile Business Transformation in IT The team research project will be turned in during residency weekend. Each

Subject: Information Technology Importance in Strategic Planning

Research Topic: Adopting Agile Business Transformation in IT

The team research project will be turned in during residency weekend. Each student will be assigned to a group to complete the project. The research project will focus on research related to an approved IT Strategy topic of your team’s choice as it applies to an organization or industry. The paper must tie to a section of the course textbook or other materials from this course.


  • Must be written in APA format and the body should be 6 pages.
  • Contain at least 3-5 works cited (references). At least 2 of the works cited should be peer-reviewed articles (not more than 5 years old) and 1 must be the textbook or other materials from this course.
  • No Wikipedia citations