
Business Finance Homework Help

SEU Set of Characteristics that Makes You Superiorly Discussion


I’m working on a management question and need guidance to help me learn.

Define distinctive competence.

Give two examples of a distinctive competence that can be sustained and not easily duplicated.

Explain why it is hard to copy these distinctive competencies.

Business Finance Homework Help

MU Currency Conversion Worksheet


I just need this currency conversion to be done by Wednesday 12 PM, this is very simple and is just converting I would like you to show all steps that were typed into calculator inorder to get the answer.

Business Finance Homework Help

CSUN Meditech Surgical Coordination and Communication for Patients Case Study


I’m trying to learn for my Supply Chain class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

read the attached case study then find a conclusion and summary in a page or page and a half single spaced.

Business Finance Homework Help

University of Mary Impact of Project Management Worksheet



As a research component, this course provides an experience of submitting written work to a professional journal for peer review & publishing.

The journal is an essential tool for the researcher. It is comprised of pertinent, captured quotes from peer-reviewed sources. Researchers identify related peer-reviewed content, conduct a cursory read, identify relevant salient points, enter the comment (Aaha!-moment) within the journal, add key words to each entry, and appropriately cite it using APA format to include page numbers within source. When the research is complete, the journal provides an easy means for pulling together thoughts based upon the keywords defined within each journal entry. In effect, it provides rich, synthesized content to written work. See: Sample Journal.docx


Students will conduct research during modules 1-3, which will supply content for the research paper due during module 4.
1. Identify a research topic specific to project management that interests you.
2. Create a journal that will be used for the next three weeks.
3. Conduct a search for a minimum of 3 relevant peer-reviewed articles per week (total of 9 articles by the end of week 3).

1. Use the Welder Library (Links to an external site.) for searching scholarly journals.

4. Add journal entries that are relevant and expand upon your research topic. As a rule of thumb, a minimum of one journaled page PER assigned reading chapter, or article. Full or excerpted quotes must be cited per APA: (Author (s), publication date, page number) following each quote – in quotation marks.
5. Submit/re-submit the journal with new journal entries for each module on or before the due date. Do not create a new journal for each module.

Please review rubric to ensure full points are obtained: Research Journal Rubric.pdf

The course text is:

A Guide to the


(PMBOK® GUIDE ) Seventh Edition

Business Finance Homework Help

Florida State University Australian Treasury Discussion


I’m working on a business question and need guidance to help me learn.

Prior to the economic crisis of 2018, the Australian treasury relied on unstable funding sources, but realized this was a disaster due to the crisis. After the depression, the Australian treasury shifted to stable funding sources. explain the reasons for this shift?

Business Finance Homework Help

ABAC Business study variables Observation Approach Question


I’m studying for my Business class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

1.Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the observation to the communication approach. Under which circumstances could you make a case for using observation?

2.Distinguish between the following:

a) Internal validity and external validity.

b) Preexperimental design and quasi-experimental design.

c) History and maturation.

d) Random sampling, randomization, and matching.

Business Finance Homework Help

Amarillo College Understanding Consumers Attitudes and Behaviors Paper


In class, we will learn about consumer attitudes. One of the important subjects in this area is “Implicit Attitudes” (also known as “Implicit Associations”)which is what this mini-assignment will cover.

Step A: First, go to (click). Here, take at least two (2) IAT tests of your choice (you can, of course, take more if you’d like). Set the results of these two tests aside for later — copy-paste the results into a Word document or save screen captures.

Note: Make sure to read the sections that describe the methodology (“How does IAT work?” and “What about order effects?”). Also read the sections that describe the behavioral implications of implicit associations (“Why should I care about my IAT score?” and “What can I do about an implicit preference that I do not want?”).

Step B: Read the following two articles to learn more about implicit associations.

Ch. 3 of Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Blink” (click HERE).

Scientific American article “I love him, I love him not” (click HERE).

Step C: Based on Steps A and B, answer the following questions about the first IAT test you took.

Share the result you saved in Step A. What did it say?

What did the result say about other people’simplicit associations? Please describe. Be sure to copy-paste the bar chart into the assignment.This bar chart shows the distribution of implicit associations among millions of survey takers.

Discuss your findings from #1 and #2 by relating it to what you read from the two articles in Step B (“Blink” and “I love him, I love him not”). IMPORTANT: Use direct, word-by-word quotes (“…”) from the articles to support your arguments. Make sure to include the following points in your discussion.

  • Where do you think your implicit association came from? Discuss multiple possible sources and how these sources may have influenced your implicit associations.

How do you think this implicit association can potentially affect your (or people’s) behaviors or decision-making in a real-world setting? Also, how would you prevent these implicit associations from affecting yourself and others? For example, researchers suggest that people focus on “creating strategies that deny implicit biases the chance to operate, such as blind auditions.”

Business Finance Homework Help

Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Business Customer Relations Essay


1. How can businesses effectively manage the relationship with their customers?

2. Describe the purpose of a business-level strategy.

3. Explain the concept of a cost leadership strategy.

Business Finance Homework Help

GSU Health Care Management Discussion


1.Decision-making is a vital part of a leader’s function. It is crucial to have a process for making sound decisions. If you were the head of a team in a health care organization, what are some decision-making strategies you would implement to ensure effective communication?

Answer in about a paragraph

2. Internal communication is just a effective as external communication. If I were a health care leader, to ensure things ran smoothly, I would make sure the team know the policies, procedures, and complaisance regulations of the organization. This is very important and gives them a platform to also keep them in the know.

Reply to post within 2-3 sentences