
Business Finance Homework Help

Kelloggs Commercial Risk Events Question


I’m working on a risk management writing question and need support to help me learn.

Scan the media over the next week (social media, print media, TV whatever) and come up with five different risk biases as reported in the media or in advertising. Find instances where five different risk biases that are discussed are used to exaggerate or minimize the risk of a situation. For instance, a medical company may use anchoring techniques to make it seem as if the risk of getting a disease or condition is higher and more serious than it actually is. Another example might be a politician or a lobbyist claiming the risk or opportunity of a situation is skewed in order to get a new law passed. Provide a link to each of your five abuses, and briefly explain how that abuse has been manipulated (either consciously or unconsciously).

Business Finance Homework Help

UACG How to Motivate Employees Discussion


I am attaching my paper. The yellow highlighted part has some plagrism with it. Please fix and make the paper better.

APA sixth edition citation. Please make it plagirism free. Attach a plagirism report of that part too.

Business Finance Homework Help

COM 230 Southern New Hampshire University Logo Analysis Discussion


Find two logos to analyze by searching online or in your environment. Post them into the discussion topic and answer the following questions:

Do the logos fit the criteria of effective logo design as covered in the module overview? Why or why not? Are they memorable, simple, versatile, timeless, distinctive and, relevant? Which, if any, of those factors do the logos lack?

In response to at least two of your classmates’ posts, build upon their critiques of the logos they have posted. Do you agree with their assessment? How might the logo design be improved?

Business Finance Homework Help

ISM 4011 Miami Dade College Crowdsourcing Discussion


Crowdsourcing is not only used for relatively simple tasks such as designing a Web site or designing a case for a smartphone. Today, it is increasingly being used in more complex designs as well. Precyse Technologies provides supply-chain products and solutions that assist organizations in tracking their inventories using RFID technology. It was having difficulty improving the performance and battery life of a particular RFID device; there were not adequate internal resources to tackle the problem. So, Precyse asked InnoCentive, a crowdsourcing provider, for assistance, believing that crowdsourcing would provide quick access to a worldwide talent pool and a higher return on investment (ROI). Ultimately, the company received more than 300 ideas from global experts for solving its problem. It narrowed the pool down to three finalists, from which a winner was chosen. The whole process took approximately four months, and Precyse estimated that it saved the company $250,000.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What are some typical applications of crowdsourcing?
  2. What are some advantages of crowdsourcing?
  3. How could crowd-sourcing reduce the systems design cost?
  4. Are there certain problems you would not want to use crowdsourcing to solve?

Business Finance Homework Help

ISM 4011 Miami Dade College Business Management Models Presentation



(Chapter 8)

Choose three websites belonging to businesses within the same industry/line of business (e.g. fashion, healthcare, sports, and etc). They must not have the same ebusiness model (B2B, B2C, C2B or C2C).

Navigate through each chosen website, then using Microsoft PowerPoint complete the following:

  1. Provide for each website a short summary of their business (including their line of business) and describe whether the website is a B2B, B2C, C2B or C2C. They cannot have the same ebusiness models.
  2. Review, summarize, and compare their respective website‘s specific features, uniqueness, and benefits. Use bulleted lists.
  3. Review, summarize, and discuss their respective ebusiness forms and revenue models. Use bulleted lists.
  4. Specify from your point of view (i.e. user perspective) which website you prefer. Explain why.

Your submission

  • Submit a PowerPoint document (*.ppt, *.pptx) only.
  • After submission, you will have access to your originality report. Makes sure your report shows a percentage less than 25%. If it does not, make the necessary changes to show that it is your own wording throughout (not copy/paste from the Internet) your narrative and resubmit before due date.


  • Overview of the three business websites with not the same ebusiness model(20%)
  • Websites’ features, uniqueness, and benefits comparison (30%)
  • ebusiness forms and revenue models comparison (15%)
  • Recommendation with detailed explanation (15%)
  • Spelling and grammar (10%)
  • Citations/sources/website URLs (10%)

Business Finance Homework Help

DeVry Physician Assistants and Their Role in Primary Care Bibliography


Our discussion this week brings us to the next step in preparation for your upcoming Informative Speech. In collaboration with your instructor and peers, you will be locating scholarly sources of research that you can use to support your topic and cite within your preparation outline. Be sure to read this week’s lesson about supporting your presentation with research.

You will prepare and share an annotated bibliography here in the discussion. You will also provide feedback on two classmates’ annotated bibliographies and receive feedback from your instructor and peers.

What is an annotated bibliography? An annotated bibliography is a list of citations of books, articles, and documents that may possibly be used for your speech. Each citation is followed by a descriptive and evaluative paragraph—the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to explain the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources.

Directions: Write an annotated bibliography for three scholarly sources in preparation for your Week 5 Informative Speech. Document the sources using APA seventh edition format. Alphabetize by author last name, double-space, and use the hanging indentation style as shown in the Week 3 Sample Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external site.).

As early in the week as possible, but no later than Wednesday, discuss the process you followed in locating sources that will be useful for your Informative Speech topic. If you are having any challenges locating materials, describe what support you need from your peers and instructor. We will do our best to assist.

Deliverable by Friday this week: Attach your Annotated Bibliography to your discussion post as a Microsoft Word file (not a PDF or a MAC .pages file) to the discussion no later than Friday this week.

  1. Organize the three sources in alphabetical order by author last name. Cite the book, article, or document using APA seventh edition style. Note in the Sample Annotated Bibliography the use of hanging indent style and double-spacing for the citations and how the annotations are aligned with hanging indent.
  2. Write an annotation for each source that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article, gives information about the author, and tells how you might use this information in your speech for each of the three sources.
    • Paragraph 1: First, summarize the source. This is the annotation. Be sure to write the summary in your own words and not copy from the article abstract to avoid plagiarism. Second, evaluate the authority or background of the author. What makes them an authority or expert on this subject? You may have to search beyond the article to find out more about your author.
    • Paragraph 2: Explain specifically how this work might be used in your speech. For example, it would be good for background, good for discussion of different viewpoints (state what they are), good for valuable facts and statistics, a good summary to help with your conclusion, good quotations from experts in the field, and so forth.

Business Finance Homework Help

Exxon Mobile Corp Beta and Capital Budgeting Questions


Part 1: Beta

Visit the following web site or other websites:

Yahoo Finance

1. Search for the beta of your company – Exxon Mobile Corp (XOM)

2. In addition, find the beta of 3 different companies within the same industry as Exxon Mobile Corp (XOM)

3. Explain to your classmates what beta means and how it can be used for managerial and/or investment decision

4. Why do you think the beta of your company (individual project) and those of the 3 companies you found are different from each other? Provide as much information as you can and be specific.

Part 2: Capital Budgeting

Before you respond to Part 2 of discussion 6 review the following information on Capital Budgeting Techniques

Capital Budgeting Decision Methods


To avoid damaging its market value, each company must use the correct discount rate to evaluate its projects. Review and discuss the following:

• Compare and contrast the internal rate of return approach to the net present value approach. Which is better? Support your answer with well-reasoned arguments and examples.

• Is the ultimate goal of most companies–maximizing the wealth of the owners for whom the firm is being operated–ethical? Why or why not?

• Why might ethical companies benefit from a lower cost of capital than less ethical companies?

Business Finance Homework Help

CTU Week 2 Net Present Value Discussion Board


PrimaryResponse: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

The time value of money is one of the three major principles of the study and practice of financial management. It is used to do the following:

  • Evaluate potential investments
  • Determine a rate of return on a project
  • Calculate the required payments on a loan or annuity
  • Estimate a future value of funds currently invested and the present value of funds to be received at some future date

Click on this link to review the time value of money.

Using what you learned while watching the above video, let’s say you just won $2 million. You can either choose to take your prize today or wait 1 year and accept $2,002,000 or even wait 2 years and receive $2,003,000. Knowing this information, discuss the following:

  • Would you choose to accept the prize right away or wait 1–2 years?
  • If accepting the prize right away, what do you plan on doing with the prize in regards to the concept of time value of money?
  • Based on when you accept your prize, how can the time value of money models or formulas be used to determine the rate of return for an investment or the time it will take for a current sum to grow to a desired future amount? (Click this resource for help with time value of money models or formulas).
  • Discussion Board Rubric
    Expectation Points Possible Points Earned Comments
    Application of Learning Material Content: Post demonstrates understanding of Learning Material content. 20
    Application of Course Knowledge: Post contributes unique perspectives or insights gleaned from text/learning resources, or specified by assignment. 20
    DB Responses: Responds substantively to two posts. Responses encourage interaction in the Discussion Board and classroom community. 20
    Organization: Post presents information logically and is clearly relevant to discussion topic. 8
    Professional Language: Posts contain accurate grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation with few or no errors. Any resources should be cited in APA format or style specified in the assignment. 7
    Total Points 75
    Total Points Earned

Business Finance Homework Help

CFHS Nuclear Energy and Electricity Realistic Perspective Discussion


Is creating energy and electricity through nuclear power plants, a sustainable energy source, in order to augment reliance on fossil fuels an ethical idea when compared to other technologies, such as solar, wind, and natural gas? If so, on what basis? If not, why, and is there anything that could bolster its ethical production?

In this unit, we discussed the concept of market segmentation, which is defined as product positioning that subdivides the market to target specific customers. Identify a product that you have seen with either effective or ineffective market segmentation. Explain what makes the market segmentation effective or ineffective.