
Business Finance Homework Help

Saudi Electronic University Quality Function Deployment Discussion


I’m working on a management discussion question and need support to help me learn.

what is QFD – Quality Function deployment ? and what is the use of it?

Business Finance Homework Help

Strayer University Critical Elements of Your Strategic Plan Question


Cecilia Brown (C.B.)

What are the critical elements of your strategic plan?

Aligning our mission, vision, “values,” and culture in a strategic plan that clearly articulates accountability, ensuring “KPIs accurately reflect what success looks like.” (Wright, 2021) (Welch, 2005)

How will this plan, if successful, advance the mission of the organization?

If successful, the team would have demonstrated tested assumptions backed with an agile, flexible, easy to follow, sustainable roadmap and “data story” connecting the risk, cost, and return on investment in R&D (avoiding “wasting money” on “half-baked ideas”). (Siciliano, 2015) (Duarte, 2019)

Bing Image, 2021

Going above and beyond means investing in sustainable solutions stakeholders believe in; this includes being accountable for mistakes.  Our approved R&D budget includes identifying bottlenecks in the process of moving from A.I. to an Explanatory Artificial Intelligence (XAI) infrastructure.  “The power of the stem” will provide agile solutions leading to reduced risks and avoid irreversible damage from floating under the radar.  The team’s plan of action creates an easy-to-follow roadmap with controls decreasing lack of understanding and implementation through identifying training needs with upward mobility infrastructures, timelines, regularities, consistency, and significance of current best practices alignment with stakeholders’ needs. The saying “the cherry on the cake” is a positive topper to good news in casual or business conversations. My imagination pictured a cake with icing and a shiny red cherry on top with a long stem. Then I thought about the stem and wondered if anyone ever inspects the stem?  It reminds me of how the person(s) listening is aware of the ingredients and recipe and has already bought the cake. So, the stem represents critical risks that could fly under the radar with the potential to cause irreversible damage if gone unnoticed. Companies like “Zillow” are paying a hefty price based on overreliance on A.I. (cake) programming (ingredients) and blindly trusting projected ROI resulting in irreversible damage caused by signs of wear that did not register as threatening until it was too late. Zillow lost the trust of stakeholders and employees due to layoffs leading to millions of dollars in write-offs. (Metz, 2021) (Macmillian, 2021)

How will your plan strengthen your organization’s economic moat and create a position of sustainable market leadership that your competitors can’t easily replicate?

Maintaining a competitive advantage over our competitors includes more than just protecting “long-term profits” and “market share.” It’s about building relationships. Taking immediate ownership of mistakes, offering sincere apologies followed by continuous action steps rebuilding trust, loyalty, and showing authentic empathy. In this author’s opinion, companies that do not own up to mistakes increase the risk of losing stakeholders’ trust and loyalty. In 2018 the Starbucks ‘ CEO offered a second apology after the first was not well received by stakeholders. (Bariso, 2018)

An excellent example of the importance of “moat strength” is depicted in a show called “Escape to the Chateau” on the Peacock channel. A couple took the time to research several chateaus in France before deciding on one that happened to have a moat. By taking the time to research, they can explain where they are, what wanted, and an “action” plan on how they will get there. By understanding what they want in a chateau (cake), they gained enough facts that clearly defined their understanding and explanation while thinking outside the box while setting a solid foundation to build on.  Therefore, they foresaw the “power of the stem” in the roof’s condition in their case. The roof was a significant risk they identified with, significantly impacting their bottom line and quality of life.  Therefore, when they found the chateau of their dreams with a roof in good condition, it was “the cherry on the cake.” The team took the time to research and come to a consensus early on an easy-to-follow flexible plan (ingredients) with a clear mission, aligning values and culture (recipe) with sustainable bottom-line results (the cake). By establishing an easy-to-follow flexible decision flowchart/roadmap/timeline with controls aligning with a budget to confidently make fast decisions with the flexibility to recognize and meet adversities (“cherry stem”). For example, when touring chateaus, they started with an inspection of the roof first. If the roof was in bad shape, they gathered ideas from the property for their future purchase without further steps forward on the property viewed with a bad roof. There was a clear stop with an explanation based on facts. They later found that as the show progressed, they learned that the moat’s drainage (cherry stem) area needed regular waste clearance to maintain the health of their moat and avoid flooding of their chateau investment. Hence, the importance for knowing how to get to the root of a problem quickly, communicate an easy-to-follow solution that eliminates bottlenecks (waste), the ability to get rid of waste (blockages), and keep moving forward without losing trust, time, and money. Therefore, action steps (recipe) with precise details align with what stakeholders want to include a flexible, agile risk plan of action. Consequently, the “cherry on the cake” saying underestimates “the power of the stem.” It is essential to include a plan of action to identify significant risks and have a flexible procedure to overcome adversities by implementing controls that spot potential issues (stem) early on with a clear roadmap (controls/best practices/regularity/communication/training) development) and ability to adjust. Jack Welch’s eight leadership rules include having “the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls.” It is critical to take the time to research, understand and explain (to the best of your ability) why metrics, data (ROI) (ingredients) are relevant before building a roadmap.  (Brown, 2021) (Davenport, 2013) (Gallant, 2021) (Strawbridge, 2021)

Similarly, providing updates, identifying training and development needs and regular communication with c-level, identifying clear goals and objectives, and answering questions while meeting defined deadlines (recipe) creates a winning solution (cake) for expanding into two new market segments by 2023. (Brown, 2021) (Macmillian, 2021) (Strawbridge, 2021) (Welch, 2005)

Business Finance Homework Help

Strayer University the Postal Services Mission & Strategy Discussion


I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Hello Everyone, 

The Postal Service’s mission is to provide the nation with reliable, affordable, universal mail service (1).  This mission is impossible unless they have the best employees who play a major role in executing this mission. 

The key elements of my strategic plan will be to reduce non-career employee turnover in half, support career planning, training and development, as well as promotion and advancement.  Create retention strategies that will strengthen succession planning.  Lastly implement programs that will improve the onboarding experience. 

When this plan is executed, it will be successful because the weakest link or group who has suffered the most will have their issues made a priorioty and eventually resolved.  The pandemic exacerbated long-standing issues that could no longer be ignored.In resolving these issues, we will mplement better onboarding, and development processes for all employees for a overall benefit and change of culture. help accelerate our performance  

What are the most critical findings in your analysis of market conditions and data that indicate this is the best strategic option to pursue? 

Most of the complaints were coming from the non-career employees stating similiar issues. This is the best strategic options to pursue because when you improve employee morale and satisfaction, it is critical to better mail-deliver performance which leads to customer satisfaction. 

How will your plan strengthen your organization’s economic moat and create a position of sustainable market leadership that can’t be easily replicated by your competitors? 

Our competitors have had a little edge over us for some time because of this issue not being addressed in timely manner. This will strengthen our moat because USPS will come outo the pandemic having improved this matter and help us to accelerate our performance and deliver the best service in the industry.  

JWI 540 Week 5 Lecture (

Business Finance Homework Help

Miami Dade College Professional and ethical judgment Question


I’m working on a accounting question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Research accounting scandals and ethics in countries other than the United States. Tell us what you found? Are there as many issues with ethics elsewhere in the world? What about cultural differences?

Business Finance Homework Help

Case Study and Critical Thinking


Part 1

Read carefully the case study No 24 from your textbook (Best Buy Co. Inc: Sustainable customer centricity Model?) and answer the following questions:

  1. Identify opportunities and threats as well as strengths and weakness of the company
  2. What is/are the strategy (ies) used by Best Buy?
  3. Explain the contribution of various functional areas of Best Buy Company to its well-being.
  4. Determine the issues affecting to the strategic competitive advantage of the company.
  5. Recommend solutions for Best Buy to improve its competitive advantage.


  • Copy/paste the phrases from the text is not acceptable. You must use your own words.
  • Using the terminology developed in the course of strategic Management is highly valued.

part 2

Critical Thinking

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest logistics performance priorities. To this purpose, you should review about available literature through secondary available information. Think about how you can apply the concepts/tools that you learned in this course.

Logistics outsourcing has attracted the attention of lots of Supply chain industrialist in recent years. As firms enlarge their global reach, they often find that they need to reconsider their internal capabilities in managing the global supply chain. In many cases firms decide to outsource this function in whole or in part to agents or outsourcing firms (Trent & Roberts, 2009).

Using this concept of outsourcing you should answer the following questions by taking any Saudi company or any Multinational company of your choice.


1. Discuss, how outsourcing firms function for smooth flow of SCM?

2. Evaluate, the reasons for using outsourcing logistics service in Saudi Arabia/any company of your choice. Using some good examples.

3. Reasons why outsourcing logistics arrangement are not always successful?

4. References

The Answer must follow the outline points below:

  • Each answer should be 400 to 500 range of word counts.
  • Outsourcing Companies
  • Their Main functions
  • Any local example (saudi arabia )
  • Reasons with suitable Examples
  • Reference

Note: You can Support your answer by reading chapter 4 of your book.

You can use secondary source available on internet.

Business Finance Homework Help

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Crash of the Avianca Flight 52 Case Study


Watch the video on the crash of Avianca Airlines Flight 52:S02E06 – Avianca 52 “Missing over New York” (46:51/YouTube) (Links to an external site.).

Review the NTSB accident: Avianca, The Airline of Columbia Boeing 707=321b, HK 2016 Fuel Exhaustion Cove Neck, New York January 25, 1990 (PDF – ERAU Hunt Library) (Links to an external site.)

Prepare a 3-5 page paper (APA format, double-spaced, not including cover page) analyzing the crash of Avianca Flight 52. You will evaluate the performance of the crew (and other teammates such as ATC, dispatch, etc.) with respect to this module’s lesson on communication. You are encouraged to discuss other areas of CRM as well but must at least focus on communication. Highlight any positive characteristics as well as areas for improvement. In your analysis, include a discussion of the principles of 6th Generation CRM/Threat and Error Management. Do not just summarize the events; include a critical analysis.

Business Finance Homework Help

Capella University Project Accounting Evaluation of Project Cash Flow Memo


I’m studying and need help with a Business question to help me learn.

You are the accountant officer in an organisation and you are required to communicate to the team regarding the Evaluation of Project Cash Flow. Write a memo addressing the management on how the evaluation is done and the steps involved. 

Business Finance Homework Help

CU Succession Planning & Strategic Training Plan of An Organization Essay


In the CapraTek: Succession Planning simulation, identify the three  best candidates for the plant manager position, interview each  candidate, and select your top choice. Create a career development plan  for the selected candidate.


For this assessment, you will use the CapraTek: Succession Planning  simulation. Using this simulation, featuring a fictitious technology  organization, requires you to make decisions about the best candidates  for a plant manager position, to interview the candidates, and to select  your top candidate in order to create a career development plan.

Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.

Personal and Professional Goals

Employees have personal and professional needs. Each employee is an  individual who wants to understand who he or she is, to define his or  her own professional goals, and to devise a plan for how to achieve  these identified goals. It is your responsibility, as a training  professional, to assist employees in meeting both their professional and  personal goals. Ideally, the employee development system will allow  employees to see how their personal goals align with organizational  goals. Furthermore, it will set expectations for employees’ continued  growth within the organization and provide feedback on their progress  toward professional and personal goals. For example, an increasingly  popular and important method of employee assessment is the 360-degree  feedback method. This assessment tool is a multisource assessment that  provides the employee with a chance to receive multi-rater feedback from  peers, managers, and other coworkers and sources that work directly  with the individual, along with a self-evaluation. The results of this  assessment assist the employee with identifying and understanding areas  for improvement.

Career Management

An organization’s most valuable resource is its employees. An  organization that invests time, money, and human resources in caring for  the well-being of employees should receive a return of appreciation  that shows through longevity, continued contribution, performance  improvement, and ROI. Career management is an important issue for  organizations that hope to maintain growth for both the organization and  employees. As our world changes, so does the need for the organization  to maintain pace with advancements in technology and processes.  Organizations must constantly look to the future and anticipate human  capital needs. Similarly, employees should be encouraged to think about  their own long-term goals and how the organization can help them achieve  these goals. A solid career management process will meet both the  organization’s and employee’s needs.

To develop employees for longer-term, continual growth with an  organization, this assessment introduces succession planning and  developing a career management plan.


Complete the CapraTek: Succession Planning  simulation activity. Be sure to download your activity log results  after completing this simulation; you will use them in this assessment.


For this assessment, complete the following:

  • Analyze how succession planning supports an organization’s strategic training plan.
  • Articulate why candidates were selected to be interviewed.
  • Develop a career development plan for the chosen candidate.
  • Analyze the selection of a candidate to hire for a position.

    Blanchard, N. P., & Thacker, J. (2013). Effective training (5th ed.). Prentice Hall. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 11.

  • Bennett, B. (2003). Job rotation. Training Strategies for Tomorrow, 17(4), 7.
  • Garvey, B., & Alred, G. (2000). Developing mentors. Career Development International, 5(4), 216–222.
  • Gray, D. (2014). Succession planning 101. Professional Safety, 59(3), 35.
  • Hall, D. T. (2004). The protean career: A quarter-century journey. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 65(1), 1–13.
  • O’Neil, J., & Marsick, V. J. (2009). Peer mentoring and action learning. Adult Learning, 20(1/2), 19–24.
  • Management development methods: How to get the right balance. (2008). Development and Learning in Organizations, 22(6), 29–31

Business Finance Homework Help

CU Kosovo Comparing Cultural Diversity in USA Analysis


  • Using a provided scenario, address the expectations and roles of  women and religion in a 2-3 page company memorandum for an MNC  management team.   Competencies Measured
      By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate  your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment  criteria:   

    • Competency 1: Explain how culture influences human resource practices and employee management.     
      • ​Describe how each country regards women and religion.
    • Competency 2: Analyze global issues that influence human resource practices for multinational corporations (MNCs).     
      • Assess how these assumptions impact an organization’s global recruiting and hiring practices.
    • Competency 3: Analyze the impact of cross-cultural communications on employee management in multinational corporations (MNCs).     
      • Examine organizational integration and communication impacts for HR in this scenario.
    • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly,  professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human  resource profession.     
      • Write in a professional style using APA citations and format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
    • Preparation
        A country’s culture has a significant impact on its views of women,  religion, customs, and children’s human rights; these aspects, in turn,  have a significant impact on human resource practices and an  organization’s ability to operate globally.   This assessment is based on the following scenario:       Your organization just acquired an information technology company  in the Republic of Kosovo, formerly Yugoslavia. Kosovo has not yet  received recognition from enough countries to be considered a sovereign  nation. It is an area of Eastern Europe where there are many talented  information technology professionals and small entrepreneurs. Before  your company and the new firm begin joint operations, you want to  communicate to the membership of both organizations the similarities and  differences between Kosovo and the United States.   
        As you prepare a business report, keep in mind the differences in  the roles of women in each country and the challenges that might be  experienced by the members of each organization as they begin to  integrate operations and bring both organizations under the same  reporting chain. U.S. members will experience a change in their  management structure, starting above the CIO position. In American  companies, it is not unusual to have a large number of supervisors who  are women, and in your company there are some women executives as well.  Also, consider the faiths that are practiced in the two countries.  Kosovo is primarily Russian Orthodox and Muslim, while the United States  contains members of a greater variety of religions. Lastly, the people  in the region of Kosovo are easily insulted, so you must be careful to  treat them with respect, kindness, and understanding.   Requirements
        Address the expectations and roles of women and religion in a 3–4  page business report for the organization’s management teams in Kosovo  and the United States that addresses the following:   
    • Describe how each country regards women and religion.     
      • Be sure to describe three assumptions about women and religion  that influence views in each country. How could these assumptions  influence employee management?
    • Assess how these assumptions impact an organization’s global recruiting and hiring practices.     
      • For example, could a woman hold a leadership role in your  country of interest? How does religion influence your organization and  work culture?
    • Examine organizational integration and communication impacts for HR in this scenario.     
      • For example, how will onboarding and training activities conducted by human resources be impacted?
    • Additional Requirements
        Your assessment is considered a professional style document appropriate for the workplace versus an academic paper.   It should meet the following requirements in addition to the 3–4 page business report. Include the following:   
    • Title page.?     
      • A basic title page will contain the following information centered, about one-third of the way down the page:       
        • Document title.
        • Your name.
        • Date.
    • For the 3–4 page report, set up the document pages with 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, right, and left.     
      • Left justify paragraphs, or indent using 5–7 spaces.
      • Use single-spaced paragraphs and double spacing between paragraphs.
      • Use subheadings to divide all documents—particularly those over a page in length—into logical, well-ordered sections.
      • Use ordered or bulleted lists to clarify points within? your document.
      • Put page numbers on each page, including the cover page. You may  add additional information, such as the title or your name, to each  page as well.
    • ?References page.     
      • If you ?cite sources in your document, include a reference page  at the end of the document, listing all sources referenced within the  text. Ensure that all sources listed in the references section are used  and cited within the document as in-text citation, using APA  format. Refer to Evidence and APA for more information.
    • Use 11- or 12-point Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier font.?
    • Competencies Measured
        By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate  your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment  criteria:   
    • Competency 1: Explain how culture influences human resource practices and employee management.     
      • Describe how each country regards women and religion.
    • Competency 2: Analyze global issues that influence human resource practices for multinational corporations (MNCs).     
      • Assess how these assumptions impact an organization’s global recruiting and hiring practices.
    • Competency 3: Analyze the impact of cross-cultural communications on employee management in multinational corporations (MNCs).     
      • Examine organizational integration and communication impacts for HR in this scenario.
    • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly,  professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human  resource profession.     
  • Judah, T. (2008). Kosovo: What everyone needs to know. Oxford University Press.
  • Suber, D., & Karamanic, S. (Eds.). (2012). Retracing images: Visual culture after Yugoslavia. Koninklijke Brill NV.
  • World Trade Press. (2010). Kosovo society & culture complete report: An all-inclusive profile combining all of our society and culture reports.