
Business Finance Homework Help

Ashford University Fiscal Policy and the National Debt Discussion


I’m working on a Management exercise and need support.

  • Read Chapters 9, 11 and 12 of Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice.

There are two parts to this discussion.

Part 1

In your own words define and explain fiscal policy. List the pros and cons for the fiscal policy you selected. Include supply-side economics in your explanation. As you think through your answer, remember the government may exercise expansionary or restrictive fiscal policy.

Part 2

Research one specific real-life example of a fiscal policy and explain its overall impact on the economy. In your example, discuss any political influences.

Note: when possible, select a different example than those already posted by a fellow classmate.

Discussion 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion,

  • Read Chapter 11 of Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice.
  • Read Chapter 4 of Popular Economics: What the Rolling Stones, Downton Abbey, and LeBron James Can Teach You About Economics.

Let’s cordially debate a controversial and often misunderstood macroeconomic topic. Our huge U.S. government debt (see the latest debt being counted at U.S. Debt Clock (Links to an external site.)) continues to grow and is constantly in the news.

For your initial post address the following:

  • Is the large and increasing national debt an issue we should be concerned about?
  • How does John Tamny view the national debt? What is your conclusion? Is this a problem, why or why not? Be sure to support your conclusion with facts.

Business Finance Homework Help

Ashford University the Great Recession of 2008 2009 Causes & Responses Presentation


For this assignment, assume the role of an economic advisor to Steve Forbes. Using this week’s required resources as well as at least two additional credible resources, prepare an 8-10 slide audio presentation highlighting the causes and responses to the Great Recession.

To communicate with Mr. Forbes, you will submit an audio PowerPoint with speaker notes that is 8-10 slides.

Specific questions to consider in your presentation:

  • What caused to the Great Recession of 2008-2009? Address any monetary and fiscal policies that played a role before, during, and after the recession.
  • Has the crisis changed the structure of the U.S. economy?
  • Could a similar recession happen in the future, why or why not? Provide supporting facts for your opinions.
  • What economic advice would you offer to steer the economy away from such a deep and long recession?

In this presentation,

  • Hypothesize two to three causes of the Great Recession.
  • Analyze the underlining fiscal and monetary policies leading up to, during, and after the Great Recession.
  • Conclude on any changes in the U.S. economy from the Great Recession as well as any future recession possibilities of this magnitude.
  • Propose a minimum of three economic policies and actions to avoid future recessions.

The Great Recession of 2008-2009: Causes and Responses recorded video presentation

Business Finance Homework Help

Alabama State University Optimistic Leader Values Progress Questions


  1. Explain the type of strategy that an optimistic manager would select for her company. 
  2. Explain the type of strategy that a pessimistic manager would take for his company.
  3. Compare strategic plans and tactical plans.
  4. List and explain four common organization development (OD) techniques.


5.Discuss the benefits and drawbacks to a “work from home” model and how you would convince employees that have enjoyed this model during the COVID lockdown to return to an office/business model that requires them to be at work every day. 

Business Finance Homework Help

University of Florida Unethical Issue Discrimination in the Workplace Discussion


Identify an ethical issue in the workplace. You may describe one from the news or at your current or former job.  You do not have to state the organization’s name (use Company ABC or XYZ if you wish). In a 200-300 word essay, answer each of the following questions.

  • Describe the ethical issue. What happened? 
  • Why do you believe these events occurred?
  • How did the issue affect employees and the company?
  • Identify three repercussions associated with this issue. What could be done to prevent similar issues from reoccurring? 
  • Name three tools managers use to encourage ethical behavior in the future.

Business Finance Homework Help

Oregon State University Steps and Procedures of Computing Discussion Paper


For this project, we’re going to use cluster analysis to “tell a story” about our data. I’m asking you to divide the Oregonians in your sample into groups or clusters based on two quantitative variables. Your “story” will be an explanation of your data that highlights some interesting feature(s) or makes a point about the data.

Please note this project will likely take some trial and error. Please relax into it and have some fun with the process: think of it as an exploration. Trial and error is the spice of life!

You will begin by opening a small data set. If you don’t have a data set of your own you’d like to explore, I recommend taking a random subset of the OregonPUMS_data. You will take a small subset of this data (I recommend n=400, so as not to upset XLSTAT too much: some clustering algorithms grind to a halt with large data sets).

Note that “Weight,” just like last time in project 1, is probably not what you think it is! I’m not forbidding “weight” but realize you’ll have to do a bunch of research about what “weight” is in order to write about it well and get credit!


Step 1: Select your sample of n=400. Lucky for us, XLSTAT is quite good at taking a random sample. Check out: Simple Random Sampling in XLSTAT ; alternatively there are several tutorials online for taking a random sample with regular excel.

Step 2: Choose two QUANTITATIVE variables that you would like to work with. Copy and paste your two variables and their corresponding sampled data (there should be 400 rows of data, two columns) into a new sheet. I prefer to do this so that I am not overwhelmed by variables that I am not using. Next, remove any rows with missing observations. This will save time later when you go to plot your clusters.

For the following steps, be sure that you have installed the XLSTAT add-in. Click on the XLSTAT tab on the top of your Excel sheet.

Step 3: Use different options in the software to create 5 different “data stories”: if you’re overwhelmed about what to pick, you can use these options:

a table of xlstat options for clustering

*Scatterplots will have to be created separately using the Results by Object output. Under the colors tab, use whatever colors you would like, but be sure they are bold and distinct. For example, it would be a bad idea to use white or both red and red-orange.

Step 4: Write up your project! Which clustering method out of the five did you prefer? Why?

For your final report, compare and contrast each of the five clustering methods. You may choose to use your XLSTAT output or use Tableau/other software to make a prettier graph. Tell your story using your preferred clustering method, and how the clustering supports that story. Who are these groups? What does this clustering tell us about the people in Oregon? How could a business or entrepreneur use their understanding of this clustering story to further their goals?

Rubric for Project (40 points)

Maximum 5 points total if your variables are not quantitative! You must have two quantitative variables!

15 points: at least 5 different scatter plot graphs, all using the same basic variables (Step 1) but different clustering choices (Step 3). Data process and data product both discussed, particularly for Method 5. Clusters must vary, and at least one method shouldn’t be “just stripes,” e.g. both variables should matter.

10 points: your narration of the progression of your thinking (data process story).

5 points: Instructor’s subjective take on the product story. Was it gripping, interesting, well done?

5 points: graph conventions, labels, etc.

5 points: conventions: correct punctuation, sentences, etc.

Data Note: Be careful about the “Person’s Weight” variable. This does not mean “how much this person weighs” it means “how much weight to assign this person’s answers.” If you’re curious (not required) you can read about statistical weighting here: (Links to an external site.).… (Links to an external site.)

Business Finance Homework Help

University of Florida Moving Manufacturing Operations Overseas Discussion


Can you help me understand this Management question?

You are on the board of directors for an American toy company. The CEO just presented a proposal that involves moving your company’s manufacturing operations overseas. Board members are in an uproar. Some members are for this change. Others are against it. Describe your position.

  • Are you for or against the move? Why?
  • Explain your position to the group.
  • Give examples that support your ideas.

Business Finance Homework Help

MGMT 643: change management _discussion forum_critical thinking


Please go to and read the latest Angus Reid Canadian national poll with the headline: Quitting Time? Nearly half who prefer to work from home would look for a new job if forced back post-pandemic


Questions: Is this poll truly reflecting what employees really think, or it is what they “wish,” or are they just kidding themselves, that employers will call the shots and employees better toes the tine, or quit!

what to do about workers who don’t want to go back?


The last thing that many Canadians working from home may wish to think about at this midpoint of summer is returning to the office. Their employers, on the other hand, may well be thinking of little else.

A new study from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute finds some Canadians pushing back on the idea of returning to work onsite, to the point where many would leave their job if asked.

The future is also a source of fissure. What would those Canadians who want to continue working from home do if they were asked to return to the office? This condition has the potential to create some tension in employer-employee relationships in the coming months. While two-in-five say they would return to work at the office full time without much issue, 25 per cent say they would go back begrudgingly and likely start looking for another job. One-in-five say they would lean toward quitting immediately.


Depth of participation and critical thinking

Your participation consistently provides original and critical thinking, use of references to support positions where required, and respectful questioning of discussion topics. THIS IS NOT A CUT-AND-PASTE exercise from other sources. Personal experiences are encouraged from work and student life.

Grammar, courtesy, and respect

Postings must be professional, accurate grammar and spelling, and devoid of slang or acronyms that have no meaning. Postings must be courteous and respectful to other students as well as opinions of all groups and organizations.

Business Finance Homework Help

LIU Accounting Financial Analysis Case Study


In week twelve you selected a publicly traded company – APPLE INC and found their annual report. 

Now that you have their financial information I would like you to perform a ratio analysis on the financial statements. 

Focus on the financial statement analysis chapter (PDF – attached) you are reading this week. 

You will want to compute ratios for your company for the last two years. Do not compute each ratio you learned about for your company. There may be some that are not relevant. Rather focus on those eight ratios that you feel are the most important and relevant to analyze how your company is doing. Make sure to justify the ratios that you choose for your analysis. Compare how your company has done to the industry averages. Do you notice any trends that are positive or negative? Does anything look good or bad that is notable? Do you have any suggestions on things they could be doing to improve these ratios? 

Please analyze what you found for each of the eight ratios. Then organize your findings into a 15-minute presentation. Be sure to include some background on your company in your presentation.

Business Finance Homework Help

federal gift and estate taxes


The assignment below will assess your knowledge and understanding of
the federal gift and estate taxes, and your ability to apply that
knowledge to solve problems.

Complete the following exercises and problems found at the end of Chapter 1 in the text:

  • EX. 19
  • EX. 20
  • EX. 21
  • EX. 23
  • EX. 24
  • EX. 25
  • EX. 27
  • EX. 28
  • EX. 29
  • EX. 30
  • EX. 38
  • EX. 46

Submit your answers in a Microsoft® Excel® worksheet. Each
exercise/problem should be completed on a separate tab, and your final
answers should be clearly identified and highlighted.Please see attached file.