
Business Finance Homework Help

share what you have learned about your communication skills


  • Now that we are half-way through the course, share what you have learned about your communication skills.
  • In addition, since you are going to be working on revising your outlines to write your final proposals, what do you think about revision? The novelist, John Irving said, “Half my life is an act of revision.”
  • How much revision do you use in your communication? Consider the “Ten Principles of Power Editing” found in Chapter 5.
  • Which ones do you use and why are they helpful to you? Why?
  • How will you revise your outline to write your full plan?
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Business Finance Homework Help

Explore the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its impact on organizations that ignore it.


The total paper needs 5,000 words, I had already wrote 2,000 words, but it was graded as 30 (The full mark is 70 score).

The attached file is the model paper of 70 scores. The second attached file is the template draft, which seems like an outline. The third and fourth are the resources that the teacher provides. The fifth is the advices the teacher gives to the 30 score paper.

The duplicate checking rate is 18%. Harvard style.

Business Finance Homework Help

consumer behavior report


Assessment type:Applied Report

Length: 3,000 words (excluding reference list)


You are a consultant for a marketer who wants to introduce a new premium chocolate bar targeted at an affluent market. Explain how an understanding of Attitude, Drive/Motivation, Self and Personality may help this activity

Guidance. Find an affluent (Luxury) brand of chocolate. Identify the marketing communications that the brand uses to communicate the symbolic benefits of the product. Align these symbolic benefits to core concepts determined from “self and personality”, drives and motivations and then finally the development of positive attitudes towards those emotional communications. Now, suggest a line/product extension that you can apply that theory too (your new premium chocolate bar)

Assessment criteria:

Business Finance Homework Help

Hospitality case study


The purpose of this assignment is for you to examine and analyze social, multi-cultural and environmental issues and their impacts upon managerial practice in the global hospitality industry.

Review the attached assignment document for full details on completing and submitting your assignment. Please be sure to answer EACH question, and put your references used after each question as well.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Question


The following activities will help students understand various concepts from the weekly readings.

Activity I: For many years, critics have charged that intermediaries contribute strongly to the rising prices of goods in the American economy. Would business marketers improve the level of efficiency and effectiveness in the channel by reducing as far as possible the number of intermediate links in the channel? Support your position.

Activity II: An increasing number of manufacturers are adopting more sophisticated purchasing practices and inventory control systems. What are the strategic implications of these developments for business marketers wishing to serve these customers?

Activity III: Hill-Rom is a leading B2B firm that dominates a niche in the healthcare industry. Go to and, first, describe the products and services that Hill-Rom offers to hospitals. Next, describe how Hill-Rom products or solutions might reduce the total cost-in-use for a hospital.

Business Finance Homework Help

G141/COM1002 Section 04 Introduction to Communication


For your final course project, you will be submitting two files:

  1. An updated course project paper that reflects improvements made in response to the instructor feedback you received.
  2. A PowerPoint version of your course project.

Update Your Paper

In the previous module, you turned in a rough draft to your instructor of your written paper. Look over the comments your instructor made and make the necessary changes to the paper. Make sure if you need major revisions you take the proper time to complete your paper. It will take less time if you only have a few minor revisions.

Develop a PowerPoint

The second file you will be turning in is a PowerPoint. At some point in your career, you may need to create a report and then present that information to colleagues — most likely in a PowerPoint Presentation. That is what you will be doing for this part of the project.

  1. Your PowerPoint should include the following types of slides, for a total of 7 or more slides.
  2. Title Slide
  3. A content slide for each communication element
  4. Definition of element
  5. How the element was shown in the movie
  6. Conclusion Slide
  7. References Slide
  8. When you are creating your PowerPoint, keep these things in mind:
  9. Make sure your content is well organized and flows logically.
  10. Use the Speaker Notes feature in PowerPoint to reduce the amount of text that appears on the slides. (The Speaker Notes will contain the text that guides what you would say while presenting the slides.)
  11. Add pictures to the PowerPoint to demonstrate your creativity and visual communication skills.
  12. Use proper grammar and spelling.
  13. Cite each definition with proper APA citation style.

When developing a PowerPoint slideshow, it’s important to be mindful of how you layout your content. The slides should present key points, arranged logically, without extraneous information contributing to a cluttered look. Using the Speaker Notes feature in PowerPoint is a great way to include relevant details without overloading the slides.

Business Finance Homework Help

HLTH 4100: Health Organization and Behavior


There is more than one way to lead, and there are multiple leadership styles (Byler, 2016). Leaders play a central part in directing organizations toward their goals (Robbins & Judge, 2018). For this Assignment, you will examine key characteristics of leaders and the relationship among personality, traits, power, politics, and leadership. You also will explore how leaders implement change.

Byler, B. (2016, August 3) The 4 leadership styles, and how to identify yours. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from…

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Essentials of organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Visit Personality Club (2019). Do you know your personality type?

Choose two living individuals whom you admire for making change that positively impacts society, and consider how their personality type contributed to their fame and their characteristics, traits, or behaviors that you share with these leaders. Also, consider which characteristics might be dominant in effective leaders, how the personality types of these leaders factored into their success, and if their approaches to leadership were charismatic, authentic, or neither.

To complete this Assignment:

Write a 1- to 2-page paper that addresses the following:

  • After conducting research on the Internet, choose two individuals and provide a brief explanation for your selection.
  • What common characteristics do the individuals you selected share?
  • Are the characteristics of these leaders based upon traits or behaviors? Explain.
  • Which do you personally view as dominant in effective leadership, traits, or behaviors? Explain why.
  • What change did the individuals you selected champion?
  • How did they go about implementing the change?
  • What was their approach to leadership: charismatic, authentic, or neither? Explain.

Notes from my discussion post:

Upon completion of the Myers-Briggs personality test, I learned I am an ESFP personality type. This personality type fits me to a tee. The personality traits of ESFP are extraverted, observant, feeling, prospecting and assertive. ESFP’s “appreciate having the right tools and are quite ingenious at finding ways to fix and repair things with dexterity. They love variety and are curious and adventurous, enjoying the unexpected.”(Personality Pathways Journal, 2021, para. 3).

As a future healthcare leader, I feel my personality type shows the potential to be an excellent leader. “In examining personality traits, researchers have consistently found extraversion to be the most predictive trait of effective leadership.”(Robbins & Judge, 2018, p. 187). I consider myself someone who is comfortable speaking to and working with all types of individuals. I can adapt very well in different situations. I consider these traits to be very accommodating to healthcare leadership.


Personality Pathways Journal. (2021).Understanding & using personality type. Personality Pathways. Retrieved August 4, 2021, from

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Essentials of organizational behavior(14th ed.). Pearson Education.

Business Finance Homework Help

ACCT 503 A Financial Statement Analysis – A Comparative Analysis of Apple, Inc. and Alphabet, Inc.


Below is the link for the financial statements for Apple Inc. for the fiscal year ending 2017. (Links to an external site.)

When you arrive at this website, please do the following.

First, select SEC Filings, next select Annual Filings using the drop-down arrow labeled All Filings and then select 2017, using the drop-down arrow labeled Year,

You should select the 10-K dated 11/03/2017 and choose to download in PDF, HTML, or Excel format. The PDF format is the best format for searching.

Below is the link for the financial statements for Alphabet, Inc. for the fiscal year ending 2017. (Links to an external site.)

First, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on SEC filings and additional information. Next, click on Alphabet SEC filings. Type 10-K in as the Filing Type and click Search. Click on Documents for the 10-K dated 2018-02-06. Finally, click on the link next to the Form 10-K. This will open the 10-K in HTML format which is searchable.

A Sample Project Template is available for download in the WK7 Course Project folder under the Files area of the course. The sample project compares the ratio performance of Nike and Under Armour using the 2014 financial statements of Nike and Under Armour provided at their websites.Your final Excel workbook submission should contain the following. You cannot use any other software but Excel to complete this project.

  1. A Completed Worksheet Title Page tab, which is really a cover sheet with the names of each team member, the course, the date, your instructor’s name, and the title for the project.
  2. A Completed Worksheet Profiles tab which contains a one-paragraph description regarding each company with information about their history, what products they sell, where they are located, and so forth.
  3. All 16 ratios for each company with the supporting calculations and commentary on your Worksheet Ratio tab. Supporting calculations must be shown either as a formula or as text typed into a different cell. The ratios are listed further down this document. Your comments for each ratio should include more than just a definition of the ratio. You should focus on interpreting each ratio number for each company and support your comments with the numbers found in the ratios. You need to specifically state which company performed better for each ratio.
  4. The Summary and Conclusions Worksheet tab is an overall comparison of how each company compares in terms of the major category of ratios described in Chapter 13 of your textbook. A nice way to conclude is to state which company you think is the better investment and why.
  5. The Bibliography Worksheet tab must contain at least your textbook as a reference. Any other information that you use to profile the companies should also be cited as a reference as well as the links to the financial statements.

Required Ratios for Final Project Submission:

  1. Earnings per Share of Common Stock
  2. Current Ratio
  3. Gross Profit Rate
  4. Profit Margin
  5. Inventory Turnover
  6. Days in Inventory
  7. Accounts Receivable Turnover
  8. Average Collection Period
  9. Asset Turnover
  10. Return on Assets (ROA)
  11. Debt to assets Ratio
  12. Times Interest Earned Ratio
  13. Dividend Yield [For the purposes of this ratio, use Yahoo Finance to look up current dividend per share and stock price; just note the date that you looked up this information.]
  14. Return on Common Stockholders’ Equity (ROE)
  15. Free cash flow
  16. Price-Earnings Ratio [For the purpose of this ratio, look up the market price per share as of September 28, 2017 for Apple Inc. and for Alphabet, Inc. use December 29, 2017]

Note: The Excel files uploaded as the assignment submission should not include any unnecessary numbers or information (such as previous years’ ratios, ratios that were not specifically asked for in the project, etc.).

Please upload your final submission to the Week 7 Assignments page by the Sunday ending Week 7.

There is also a Peer Evaluation Template in the Week 7 Group Project Folder under Files. If your group has an issue with lack of participation from a group member, please submit this peer evaluation via e-mail directly to the instructor. If I do not receive peer evaluations from group members, I will assume that all students meaningfully contribute to the group project. On group projects, I seriously consider feedback from the peer evaluations to promote intra-group accountability. As the instructor, I reserve the right to individually adjust a student’s grade from feedback received from the peer evaluations.

Other Helpful Information:

If you feel uncomfortable with Excel, you can find many helpful tutorials on Excel by performing a Google search.

Chapter 13 is a good reference chapter for the group project and contains ratio calculations and comparison comments for two fictitious companies Chicago Cereal and Giant Mills so you will likely find this information helpful.

  1. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) provides historical stock quotes.

APA style must be used to complete the references on your Bibliography tab. The Library contains information on APA formatting.

Business Finance Homework Help

Chapter 21 International Financial Management Nestle Case Study Essay


In Chapter 21, the authors discuss the factors that affect international financial management, which include the following:

• Currency differences
• Language differences
• Cultural differences
• Differences in economic systems
• Differences in country risk

Please select a multinational organization and discuss each of the components noted above. You should also include the following sections:

• What are four (4) key takeaways from this assignment
• Conclusion
• References