
Business Finance Homework Help

CCSF Putting Sustainability Into Supply Chain Management Research Paper


The paper needs to define business process, describe the BPM discipline, discuss what is ‘the supply  chain’ in business and compare contrast to Michael Porter business ‘value chain’. 

Explain how applying information technology can support and drive innovation in these core business  processes (look for examples – Search internet, business journals, BPM journals . Finally select a  company you are interested in learning about and chose one of their Core Supply Chain end to end  process you will be documenting and analyzing during the term. (I would like to select a cruise line  industry – could be Royal Caribbean, NCL, Carnival, Etc.) 

Recommended outline: 

I. Introduction – Open paper with what are processes, what is BPM and then introduce the concept of  companies supply chains (what is the supply chain) 

II. Supply Chain and Value Chain Compare and Contrast – discuss a company’s supply chain and value  chain (Michael Porter – Corporate Strategy) – why are processes critical to ensure organization effective  and efficient performance – bring up competitive advantage (Michael Porter) opportunities. 

III. Information Technology – Bring up what has dramatically change in the past 20 years – ERP,  Information Systems, CRMs, Mobile Apps, Process Re-engineering – all due to the emergence of broad  and inexpensive, and productivity driven enabling information technology into processes. 

IV Introduce the Company you will be looking into and select the ‘Core’ Supply Chain processes you will  be studying during the term. (I would like to select a cruise line industry – could be Royal Caribbean,  NCL, Carnival, Etc.). Will it be Supplier Relationship? New Product Development? Order Fulfillment? or  Customer Relationship? See Table 1.4 in Chapter 1 (see below). Do not say you will study the supply  chain. This is too broad of an undertaking. 

V. Conclude – summarize what you have discussed.

Business Finance Homework Help

HCL 499 National Louis University Medicine and Health Discussion


After reviewing the readings and video presentation on managing change models and transition to goal setting, which path and/or model do you think would work best for your case study company (Cedars-Sinai Women’s Heart Center) on employee turnover/employee retention?

Using your recommendations for your case study organization, share how you would use either Kotter, Lewin, or another business change model to effect the changes you have recommended in your Business Plan. Explain your answer and give some examples.

  • Read: Mind Tools Content Team. (2018). Kotter’s 8-step change model [Article]. Retrieved from Note: This is an overview of Kotter’s 8-step change model. The link also has a 3-minute lecturette on Kotter’s change model.
  • Read: Mind Tools Content Team. (2018). Lewin’s change management model [Article]. Retrieved from Note: Lewin’s change management model consists of three stages of change referred to as unfreeze, change, freeze (or refreeze). This link also has a 2-minute lecturette on Kotter’s change model.


  • Review the Vission vision and core values to ensure strategic intent creates a culture where the employee see their value and opportunity to grow.
  • Choosing diversity as part of the workforce. This is instrumental for any organization to be successful (Cloutier 2015).
  • Training and development programs. This will ensure that new hires and existing employees are getting the right training and provide opportunities for advancement.
  • Create a positive culture. Improve leadership communication. Better communication helps leadership provide employees with constructive feedback to better their jobs. This can attribute to improve an employee’s attitude toward work each day and patient care is no longer at risk.

Business Finance Homework Help

BUS 411 Post University Baldrige Core Values Reflection


Write a reflective paper summarizing your experience of the BUS411 course. Refer to the Baldrige Core Values in this reflective exercise and discuss how these Core Values were exhibited in your work in this course and throughout your program of studies in the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business. 

  • Refer back to the Baldrige Core Values PowerPoint.
  • Discuss how these Core Values were exhibited in your work throughout this course and your program of study in the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business.

• What are your key takeaways from your study of the Baldrige Core Values?

• What will you utilize in your career that you have learned through these Core Values? 

Business Finance Homework Help

DUNY Supply Chain Plan Citrus Juice Business


Guidelines for the Supply Chain Plan Part II assignment are as follows.

Directly apply the concepts of Modules 4, 5, 6, and 7 to your selected product or service.

Each weighted section should be two pages.

See the table below for section details.

Business Finance Homework Help

University of Louisiana at Lafayette Hardware and Software Questions


I need a some research done for a graduate level course. It is Mgmt 518. 1) Explain the difference between hardware and software, and provide examples of
both hardware and software that are currently being used in your organization.
2) According to the textbook and high-quality research, what can a manager do to
influence employees to effectively utilize the technology the organization has
invested in?
3) Summarize a news story describing a business that either successfully or
unsuccessfully implemented an ERP, and explain the impact it had on the
4) Explain the advantages of using computing to simulate an automobile crash test
as opposed to actually staging a crash, utilizing external sources to support your
assertions. Moreover, provide a similar example of how computer simulations
could be utilized in the industry you currently work (or the industry in which you
plan to work) and discuss the advantages it would provide in that specific
5) If you were the new CIO of Disney, and the CEO wanted you to expand the use
of the MagicBand technology for other uses, describe in detail other ways in
which this technology could be used. Cite material from your textbook in addition
to high-quality external sources.

Business Finance Homework Help

Montgomery College Dominance in The Media Spectrum Comprehensive Outline


 AssignmentThe Battle to Become the Best Mass Media debate in favor of the type of mass media that you want to see win dominance in the media spectrum. Invention of all Time!

Introduction Round Introduction – Why will your media reign supreme? (1 – 2 minutes) You will introduce all the members in the group and the role they will play.

Background – What are the advantages of how you came about? (2 minutes) 

Top Examples – What are the advantages of the top companies in your industry (corporate structure). (2 minutes)

Benefits – Why does yours stands out among any other mass media? (2 minutes)

Conclusion – Why your media source is the best. Reinstate some of the major points. (1 to 2 minutes)

Business Finance Homework Help

MT 460 Purdue University Global Business Strategy Critical Reflection


Topic: Critical Reflection

This week, you will reflect on what you learned about the strategic concepts in Chapters 1 and 2 in your textbook.

  • Create a thesis statement. Explain what is meant by business strategy (read pages 3-4 in your textbook). Use theories, principles and concepts from various research resources.
  • Defend your thesis using research and by providing examples using experiences or observations related to the concept of business strategy.
  • Identify three (3) facts related to the business strategy concepts in Chapters 1 and 2 of your textbook that will be most useful in your career. Give examples.
  • Using a minimum of one peer-reviewed research resource, explain the strategy concepts your fellow learner might have missed covering the topics of leading or managing strategy in their essay.
  • Apply proper APA style referencing format.
  • Use headings to segment the topics in your writing in order to create a flow of ideas for your reader.
  • Write in third person.

Return to Unit 2 Discussion Instructions

Business Finance Homework Help

BUS 419 SU Wk 7 MBCT Company Project Estimating & Budgeting Report


This is the second of four assignments which, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to your selected project.

Now, it is time to develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) and project schedule for the project that you discussed in your Project Proposal assignment.


This assignment requires you to:

  • Create a WBS for your project using the proper format (MS Word, MS Excel, Visio, or any other applicable format) to depict the WBS graphically (see Figure 4.1 from Chapter 4 of Successful Project Management). Alternatively, you may use a coded format using MS Word (see Figure 4.3 from Chapter 4 of Successful Project Management: as an example). The example is in MS Project format, but the same could be done in MS Excel.
  • Create a project schedule that lists all of the core activities, dates (start and finish), and resources to complete your project. While it is recommended that you use MS Project, you can use MS Excel to create your schedule. Your project schedule must contain at least 30 separate activities or tasks, including the critical path.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) and schedule for a project using appropriate digital tools (Word, Excel, Project, Visio, etc.).

Note: This is the second of four assignments which, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to your selected project.

Now, it is time to develop a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and project schedule for the project that you discussed in Assignment 1.

Tips to maximize points EARNED:

#1 Create a WBS and #2 Create a project schedule (see below instructions) are two separate items presented in ONE integrated document format. See the specific example noted below.

  • The WBS is a specific format (rows and column headers) that includes a specific numbering format (see example provide below and examples provided in the reading material or check the Internet for WBS examples).
  • The project schedule references start and finish dates, Resources (professionals hired/vendors contracted to do the work or deliver supplies (per specific task) or equipment or non-human resources needed to complete a task AND critical path (make sure you read up on this important marker).

The assignment 2 instructions are:

  1. Create a WBS for your project using the proper format (MS Word, MS Excel, Visio, or any other applicable format) to depict WBS graphically (see Figure 4.1 from Chapter 4 of the Gedo textbook). Alternatively, you may use a coded format using MS Word (see Figure 4.3 from Chapter 4 of the Gido textbook as an example). The example is in MS Project format but the same could be done in MS Excel.
  2. Create a project schedule that lists all of the core activities, dates (start and finish), and resources to complete your project. While it is recommended that you use MS Project, you can use MS Excel to create your schedule. Your project schedule must contain at least 30 separate activities/tasks.
  3. Ensureyou also list which tasks are on the critical path (this requirement is part of RUBRIC grading)

Example of WBS Standard Format that will help you earn an A (refer to you ebooks for additional examples)

Business Finance Homework Help

Rasmussen University Enhance Viewer Perception Presentation



You have been hired by a large law enforcement agency to analyze the images used on advertising billboards in both urban and suburban regions. The billboards visually display a new campaign message to improve neighborhood safety.

During your analysis, you find that the images used on billboards in the urban areas are exactly the same as the images used in the suburban areas. Both images show parents happily talking with law enforcement officers while children run over green lawns having a fun balloon fight. You decide that these images are not sending proper perceptual messages. You decide to create a visual analysis video for the law enforcement agency to share with the administration.

For the video visual analysis, you realize you will need to find two new images that are quite different from one another. One image will be used on the urban billboard, and the other image will be used on the suburban billboard. In your video presentation, you will compare and contrast how each image utilizes the following:

  1. Compare and contrast the visual elements of cultural familiarity. Explain why it is important to use culturally familiar visuals that are quite different in the urban and suburban billboard images. Include specific visuals in your visual analysis.
  2. Identify specific visual examples of the following cognitive elements: memories, experiences, and expectation. Compare and contrast how urban and suburban viewers may be affected differently by those specific cognitive visual elements.
  3. Explain the difference between urban and suburban viewers’ emotionally engagement with each of the billboard images.
  4. Identify visual semiotic codes in both images: metonymic, analogical, displaced, and condensed. Discuss the importance of using these codes. Include specific visuals in each part of your visual analysis.