
Business Finance Homework Help

HRM 515 Strayer Evaluating Organizational Effectiveness Amazon Inc Case Study


The most important measure of organizational effectiveness for a business is usually expressed in terms of how well its net profitability compares with its target profitability. Additional measures associated with organizational effectiveness can include, but are not limited to, an organization’s growth data and customer satisfaction survey results.

According to Pedraza (2014), highly effective organizations exhibit strengths over five areas: (1) leadership, (2) decision making and structure, (3) people, (4) work processes and systems, and (5) culture. To achieve and sustain organizational success, companies needs to adapt to the dynamic environment (i.e., internal and external). Evaluating and improving organizational effectiveness and efficiency is one strategy used to help sustain growth and enhance the development of an organization and, increasingly, is becoming an important component of a human resource professional’s job. In that light, write a paper that addresses the following:

  • Select a large company with which you are familiar that is not meeting its objectives or obligations (public or private). The company can be one at which you are currently employed, have been employed in the past, or one that you admire. Ensure that this is a public organization or that this organization has a strong online presence.
  • Evaluate the organization using the five criteria provided above. Discuss the results of your evaluation. Are you surprised by the results? Why or why not? What was interesting about the results?
  • Describe the central issues and problems that are affecting its effectiveness or efficiency.
  • Discuss how the role of human resources would be perfectly suited to lead/assist in addressing these issues.
  • Finally, discuss the strategies and tactics a human resources professional can utilize to gain the influence needed to be seen as a strategic player/assistant in these types of issues.

Business Finance Homework Help

Thomas Jefferson University Unethical Behavior in Workplace Discussion


For management, the most important way to avoid ethical mistakes is by paying attention to information they would prefer to ignore. However, by not addressing the situation head-on the consequences for the organization could escalate and ethical misconduct could ruin a company’s reputation. Unethical behavior covers a wide range of activities from financial misconduct to illegal employment practices, not taking care of safety issues in the workplace, overbilling consumers to misrepresenting a product in advertisement.

The question is have you ever seen unethical behavior in the workplace? Provide some insight into the situation. Was it fixed by management or not and what were the consequences? If you haven’t seen any unethical behavior try to find a current situation of unethical conduct from a news article and provide your observations.

  • This author looks at the role that Human Resource Management plays in improving corporate ethics. Also include is how ethics should be considered in an employee’s performance. Creating an Ethical Culture (Links to an external site.). (Cover story). (2014). HR Magazine, 59(4), 22-27.
  • Linda Fisher Thornton (2014) shows that ethical behavior comes from the top. She identifies seven actions leaders can take to inspire ethical conduct in the workplace. Fisher Thornton, L. (2014). Ethical leadership. (Links to an external site.) Leadership Excellence, 31(1), 34.
  • Another short but substantiate article. According to Ross Tartell (2011) leaders definitely need to start off with a strong innate moral compass but overall much of what leaders need to know, say and do comes with what they have learned over their career. Tartell, R. (2011). Can leadership ethics be learned (Links to an external site.)? Training, 48(3), 16-18.

Business Finance Homework Help

MVCC Organizational Behavior Section of Onboarding Playbook Essay



Determine the value of organizational behavior.


Individual behaviors in the workplace impact an organization, and leadership should understand its impact on an organization as a foundation for creating strategies in effectively leading. In this scenario, a technology company has been struggling with sales recently, and leadership believes developing new, in-demand products will increase business. The administration determined that hiring product and market development specialists will be necessary. The new talent will assist current software developers, taking over some of their responsibilities with new products. The company’s talent acquisition team has indicated that the newly hired talent onboarding activities will require current software developers to get them up to speed. Overall, the developers are not happy with the decision to have the new talent take over some of their responsibilities, even though they do feel overwhelmed with current workloads. They are not looking forward to training new employees either, even actively resisting this process. As part of the talent acquisition team, you have been asked to complete a section for the onboarding playbook for new employees. The section you have been asked to complete is the section on organizational behavior.


Develop a 2-3-page organizational behavior section of the onboarding playbook for all new employees that:

  • Explains the three levels of organizational behavior (OB) and their importance for leaders to understand.
  • Describes the four behavioral science disciplines that inform leadership’s understanding of organizational behavior.
  • Details the personal factors that influence individual behaviors and the organization.
  • Discusses managers’ challenges and opportunities in applying OB concepts.
  • Uses examples to support understanding of concepts in a well-defined organizational behavior section of the onboarding playbook.
  • Provides attribution for credible references used in the development of content ideas following academic guidelines.
  • As always, please keep in mind who your audience is and use correct grammar and spelling.

Use the Writing Lab for timely feedback to help you fine-tune your deliverable before you submit it for grading.

Peer tutoring may be available for this course. Search for course-specific tutoring within Tutor Match.

Business Finance Homework Help

TJUEFC Strategic Tactical & Action Planning and Company Strategies Discussion


  • Discuss the most important insights you received from the readings, resources and your own research on strategic planning vs. tactical/action planning. How are they similar? How are they different? What are their purpose for the organization and for managers/leaders?

Business Finance Homework Help

Rasmussen University Marketing for Organizations Presentation



You work for a marketing organization that has taken on a new client. The new client is originally an American company which targets American clients. However, with the current trends, this company realizes it needs to extend into global operations.

Your task is to create two logos for this new client and submit a video presentation for the marketing team to review. Create an original, American-style logo, and then create a more globalized version of that logo. Since most of the company’s global clients come from India, design the global logo to reflect the visual preferences that might appeal to that specific global audience. When designing the logos, utilize the following visual communication elements:

  1. Logo size
  2. Logo color scheme
  3. Logo symbols/symbolism
  4. Logo iconic meaning

The marketing team has specified that the video presentation should be less than three minutes in length, and be created using a screen share to show both your visuals and audio analysis. They have also sent an email stating the following items need to be addressed:

  • The main objective is to present your two logos and address how they strategically and effectively use the visual communication elements itemized.
  • Be sure to compare and contrast how differently American and Indian target audiences may respond to these logos.
  • Discuss why your marketing organization should consider the importance of using the visual elements you visually designed for these logos.

Business Finance Homework Help

PSY 355 GCU WK 1 Child and Adolescent Psychology Discussion


Write a 500-750-word paper discussing the importance of child and adolescent psychology on development. Address the following in your paper:

  1. Discuss how the study of child and adolescent development has changed over time.
  1. Describe the five theoretical perspectives, including the major theorists associated with each

Include at least two scholarly resources, in addition to the textbook, in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide(7th edition), located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Business Finance Homework Help

ORG 8803 Ashford University Finding my Business Passion Paper


During the In-Residence you will be presenting a business plan for an innovative venture to a panel of investors. Your final project in this course will go into greater depth on the culture portion of a business such that you will design a plan to encourage an innovative organizational culture in either a new venture or an existing business.

In order to help prepare you for both of these activities, you may need some help in deciding what type of business you would like to start. Read the online Girard article to get your creative juices flowing. You may find the live links within the article useful as well. Try at least one of the suggested exercises.

In your initial post, evaluate the exercise you tried and what came from it. Also, include any initial ideas you have for your innovative venture. In your response to your peers, point out both similar experiences you might have with your peers as well as where you might be different in terms of the types of businesses you’d like to start. Finally, try to both encourage your peers as well as provide them with constructive feedback that will better one another’s initial ideas.

Business Finance Homework Help

BUS 242 NVCC Module 06 McCurry Restaurant versus McDonalds Appeal Analysis


McDonalds v.McCurry legal case

You may google the topic “McDonalds v.McCurry legal case” or take a look at the articles below. Be careful to check the dates of the article. This case has been going on for about nine years! You can still answer the questions listed below.

Discuss intellectual property law (more specifically, trademark law) as it applies to McDonald’s litigation against the Malaysian restaurant “McCurry” and answer the following question:

  • In your reasoned legal opinion, was the Malaysian federal court’s dismissal of McDonald’s lawsuit against McCurry a sound decision? Why or why not?
  • Visit and carefully examine the McCurry restaurant sign (Pictures and videos of the McCurry restaurant sign are available via the “About McCurry” section of the web site.) Compare the McCurry restaurant sign to the ubiquitous McDonald’s sign. Based on your comparison of the two signs, has McCurry committed a trademark violation?
  • Why or why not? Should McDonald’s have an exclusive right to the “Mc” prefix? Why or why not?
  • According to the web site, McDonald’s is an enormous multinational corporation, operating over 31,000 restaurants in more than 119 countries on six (6) continents. In your opinion, why would McDonald’s choose to engage in a protracted (eight-year) legal battle with a relatively small Malaysian restaurant operating only 137 outlets solely in Malaysia?

Business Finance Homework Help

SEU Strategic Management and Business Policy Book Chapter 8 Questions


I’m working on a management discussion question and need support to help me learn.

What are the important strategies to be avoided as per Slide No-24 of Chapter-8. Explain why they are dangerous with the help of examples.