
Business Finance Homework Help

Texas A&M University Kingsville The Industry Life Cycle Summary


Write a summary of 650 words for the question below, use the APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Refer to the attached textbook to complete the assignment.

1. Select an industry and consider how the industry life cycle has affected business strategy for the firms in that industry over time. Detail your answer based on each stage: introduction, growth, shakeout, maturity, and decline.. 

Business Finance Homework Help

CALUMS Statement of Cash Flow and Decentralization Report


Explain the concepts of

A.) Statement of Cash Flow – (Objective, Purpose, Advantages and Disadvantages, Types, Steps)

B.) Decentralized Organization – (Objective, Purpose, Advantages, and Disadvantages)



Write a minimum of 700 words for each A.) and B.)

Provide minimum 2 references for each A.) and B.)

Content should be straight and no repetitions.

Business Finance Homework Help

IS 4600 Indiana Tech Disaster Recovery Planning Risk Register Presentation


1) Create a Risk Register spreadsheet. NOTE: Refer to the ” Sample Risk Register” Powerpoint.

Include the following columns: Description, Owner, Source, Likelihood of Occurrence*, Severity of Impact*, Controllability*

2) For each of the functions you identified in Phase II identify a potential risk and document it in your Risk Register.

Initially you will simply document a brief description of the risk. In the Module Assignment Folder is a copy of the “The Security Risk Management Guide” from Microsoft. Appendixes of this document can be very useful in identifying threats and vulnerabilities.

3) Complete the remainder of your Risk Register by reviewing each risk.

**Items noted with an asterisk should be flagged as High, Medium, or Low, and then explained with a brief comment.

Business Finance Homework Help

Wartburg College Operations Management Starbucks Discussion Board


Using the definitions of quality in the text and quality tools, discuss how the organization that you work for, or associate with, could implement quality tools for either product or service quality improvement. Be sure to recommend specific opportunities that represent measurable characteristics…not just conceptual.

( I work at starbucks)

After posting your inital response to the questions, respond to at least two others’ posts in the discussion.

1- Rylan:

For the purpose of this discussion, I will use the dirt work and excavation job I have been at for the last five years. Over the years I have worked there, I have noticed that we have what seems to be a never ending list of customers we try to help. During the busy seasons, fall and spring, my boss’s phone does not go ten minutes without ringing. Farmers are constantly calling and asking when we will get to them this year, sometimes people can be on the waitlist for up to a year. An area I think my company could improve on is proper employee communication. The foreman talk amongst themselves and have an idea of what is going on, but the rest of us are left to figure it out and it causes a lot of unnecessary stress and confusion. I definitely think that morning meetings need to be implemented to discuss the agenda for the upcoming week or day. There are many times when I have been unprepared for what is to come that day and we waste time waiting for parts we need that I could have grabbed in the morning. Overall, the involvement of people needs to be better. Another common area that we can improve on is inventory. From my knowledge, there is currently no system in place to keep track of the supplies being used for jobs during the day. More often than not, we completely run out of a supply and are stuck to figure something else out. For example, I have been forced to cut, glue, and tape different fittings together to make do with what we have. With the correct supplies in stock we could more easily, and efficiently complete jobs. Tracking supplies would also help with the billing process; we could charge out based on supplies used. Overall, the implementation of these quality improvement ideas would increase our productivity and customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction would then open the door to more job opportunities and an increase in profit.

2- Devin:

I am finishing up one of my first actual jobs in my major—accounting–but I feel like this example does a great job in describing quality and its impact on an organization. I currently work at a small, local accounting firm that offers tax services to a variety of clients ranging in net worth. Taxes are something that a lot of people and businesses are able to complete, and there’s quite a market for different services regarding taxes (i.e., Turbotax, H&R Block, other local CPAs, etc.). Because of this, differentiation plays a big role in the overall strategy of the organization during the tax season. Meeting the needs of the clientele is a big part in what drives the overall strategy for most accounting organizations since a client can always find another accountant to fulfill their needs.

All in all, I feel that the organization that I was a part of did a satisfactory job of meeting and exceeding the needs of its clients; but, I do feel that there are different tools that may be adopted that would further enhance the drive to differentiate their services from other competitors. Communication always seems to be a big thing, both between the clients and employees, as well as employees to employees. Taxes can be complicated, so when clients bring in their information and just expect the accountant to understand every decision they made during the prior year with no background knowledge or information it can potentially lead to a communication breakdown and may not result in the best possible outcome. Because there are many people who can do taxes, providing the best possible service is crucial in order to retain the current customer base as well as grow and expand it. I think that having meetings with each individual client, while it might take a longer amount of time, allows for the tax associate to truly understand as well as clearly communicate what is needed in order to complete the client’s tax return. In fact, many of the issues regarding tax for the firm I worked at were completing the return in a timely manner because one, we did not have an understanding of each client’s situation during 2020 (crazy year, as is!), and two, we did not have all the necessary forms or items needed to actually complete their tax return. In the tax software, it actually tracks the amount of time spent, which associate, as well as how many entries were made, which I feel is a great way to track whether or not client meetings made a bigger difference. A reduction in time spent on each individual tax return because a client meeting occurred is the best way to gauge whether or not they actually had an impact. I understand why it hasn’t currently been integrated to the current system as we have over 1,200 individual clients, but by the end of this last season we still had to file extensions for over 144 clients because we lacked the necessary information. While it might be hard to completely track whether or not clients found it to be a better quality by offering these meetings, their retention as well as potential growth might be an indicator of the growth through differentiation brought on by an increase in quality. By being able to clearly communicate what we need from the client, the firm would be able to complete their return faster as well as provide them the best possible outcome in reducing their tax liability.

Business Finance Homework Help

Harvard University Process Of Auditing Information Systems Discussion


For this discussion, please pick one of the following topics:

  • Planning an Audit & the Regulatory Drivers
  • Risk Analysis & Best Practice Frameworks
  • The IS Audit Process & Considerations
  • Communicating Audit Results
  • Control Self-Assessments & Continuous Auditing

For the topic you have chosen, summarized what you believe this topic is about (1 Paragraph), as well as why it is important (Another Paragraph). Then, pick an organization you are familiar with (school, company you work for, company you want to work for, place you regularly go to, etc.), and talk about how you think they utilize or adhere to the topic you picked (The Final Paragraph).

Please make sure your submission is sufficient enough to show to your instructor that you understand the topic you chose, you realize its importance, and you are able to apply the topic to a real world situation.

Business Finance Homework Help

JMU Auditing Information Systems Process and Considerations Discussion


For this discussion, please pick one of the following topics:

  • Planning an Audit & the Regulatory Drivers
  • Risk Analysis & Best Practice Frameworks
  • The IS Audit Process & Considerations
  • Communicating Audit Results
  • Control Self-Assessments & Continuous Auditing

For the topic you have chosen, summarized what you believe this topic is about (1 Paragraph), as well as why it is important (Another Paragraph). Then, pick an organization you are familiar with (school, company you work for, company you want to work for, place you regularly go to, etc.), and talk about how you think they utilize or adhere to the topic you picked (The Final Paragraph).

Please make sure your submission is sufficient enough to show to your instructor that you understand the topic you chose, you realize its importance, and you are able to apply the topic to a real world situation.

Business Finance Homework Help

Strayer University Performance Appraisals within Organizations Discussion


Managers are often overwhelmed by their day-to-day activities and postpone important aspects of their jobs, including performance appraisals. What is the purpose of performance appraisals within an organization? Do you think performance appraisals are effective? Give a reason for your position. What components should be included in a performance appraisal?

Business Finance Homework Help

Ethics and You Nintendo Data Breach Discussion


You are being challenged to view a data breach from two distinct yet opposing viewpoints. Research a well understood data breach that occurred in the past 24 months.

Write one paragraph on the surrounding facts from the organizations perspective as to what took place, what data was compromised, and what the implications are to the organization and customer as well as what was done to prevent this type of situation from reoccurring.Then, reply to at least two other posts

Business Finance Homework Help

Wartburg College Process and Capacity Analysis Discussionboard


Read “OM in the News: Why Do the Empty Planes Keep Flying?” from the textbook blog.

Also, watch the fascinating video (available on YouTube) about Demand and Capacity Management in the Air Cargo Industry called, “Air Cargo’s Coronavirus Problem” (View time 12:52).

Then, based on the reading and video, address these questions:

  1. What types of capacity changes could airlines make that might decrease the necessity of flying near-empty passenger planes?
  2. What changes do you think had to be made at the Anchorage airport during April 2020?
  3. What other industry has or could adjust its capacity and service offerings to continue to make money during the pandemic despite a huge drop in its traditional demand?

After posting your inital response to the questions, respond to at least two others’ posts in the discussion.

First post: Rylan

I think it would be extremely beneficial if each airline had a number of planes that were equipped to only carry a small number of passengers. If they had these planes available when need be, they could send them out to complete a flight that is scheduled to have a small number of passengers and carry cargo with the remaining space on the plane. It seems like too much a hassle to strap packages down on seats that were meant for passengers. Having planes designed to carry cargo and a small number of passengers would add to the company’s revenue. Another possible solution that came to my mind was joint-flights. A single plane could have the capability of carrying passengers who desire one of two destinations the plane will stop. It is like a subway system in large cities, but for planes. The only thing that may be an issue is cleaning between flights.

Like most places, I am certain Anchorage was required to take extra precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Especially since the flights they were receiving at their airport were from Asia. Since the video mentioned that the U.S. was the leader of new cases of CoronaVirus in April of 2020, I assume the Anchorage airport needed to bring in more fuel than usual to fuel the cargo planes carrying medical supplies to the U.S.. With the increase in the number of flights passing through Anchorage, more employees also might have been added to the operating structure of the airport.

I think restaurants are a big industry that adjusted or could have adjusted to continue to make money during the pandemic. I understand that people were and still are scared of the disease that continues to devastate the world, but there are also others who did not stop living the way they had before the pandemic. Restaurants like McDonald’s, Dairy Queen, and Arby’s had no problem adjusting to the pandemic because they offered drive-thru food service beforehand. However, sit-down dinners could have restricted the store to 50% capacity or less to follow the six foot guidelines the CDC put in place or they could have started a delivery system to continue to bring in some revenue.

Second post: Megan

In order to decrease the necessity of flying near-empty passenger planes, airlines could move more towards transporting cargo and offering less flights for trasporting people, since the demand for transporting cargo is higher right now. They could also modify the planes, so they can carry both cargo and people on flights with less passengers. A way they could do this could be rearranging seats, making it so they have more space to put cargo.

With the increased flights coming into Anchorage, the airport needed to change it’s operations. They could do this by increasing their staff as well as remodeling the building in order to make it more useful to house and transport the cargo coming in. They also potentially decreased the amount of food and shops within the airport due to the lack of travelers. Instead, they probably moved those employees to different positions needed in the transportation of cargo.

Another industry that needed to change it’s service offerings in order to continue to make money during the pandemic is hotels. With less of a need for hotel rooms due to the lack of travelers, during the height of the pandemic, many hotels were used to house people that needed to quarantine, or turned into make-shift hospitals with many medical centers being at their maximum capacity. By making this modification, hotels were still able to make money without the need for travelers to book hotel rooms. Another industry that could make changes to meet demand is the public transportation industry. During the time where schools and industries were shut down, there was less of a need for public transportation. Instead, the public transporation industry could have used some of their buses to help deliver packages (like UPS, etc.) due to an increase of people using online ordering.