
Health Medical Homework Help

UOPX Knowledge Collaboration Among Physicians in Online Health Communities Ques


Answer the first 2 question with a minimum of 200 words each and a reference for each.

1. Consider the complexities of interdepartmental collaboration of diverse teams across several functioning areas of an organization. Evaluate your leadership acumen and the skills needed to achieve collaboration across functional groups to achieve success. Discuss the opportunities for growth in your current skill set and provide an example of how you can prepare yourself for these challenges. Include in your discussion what you can start doing, stop doing, and continue doing to prepare yourself to lead in these complex situations.

2. Leadership positions within teams can often be fluid and dynamic. Circumstances may require an individual to step forward and lead in some situations and then adopt the role of follower in others. As a leader, discuss when you know when it is appropriate to lead and when it is appropriate to follow. Include an explanation on how you can utilize conscious leadership in fostering leadership skills in your team members, so they too feel confident enough to lead when the situation calls for it.

Reply to the response below with a minimum of 200 words with or without a reference.

3. Collaboration as a leader is something that I strive for in my current role and will continue to strive for in any of my future leadership roles. However, collaboration can be difficult at times. As a teacher, for example, I not only have to collaborate with other grade level teachers, multi-grade level teachers, parents, and administration, but one also must collaborate with the students. Keeping everyone happy is always a challenge but sticking to your convictions and having strong beliefs in how you run a classroom helps others trust your process. One area of growth in my current skill set would be shared or distributed leadership. I am the type of person that enjoys collaborating with others but have a difficult time delegating responsibility. The reason for my own hesitation is due to the risk that occurs when the leadership role gets distributed. This is one area that I hope to improve on in the future because “…teams with shared leadership have less conflict, more consensus, more trust, and more cohesion…” (Northouse, 2021). By being able to have more positive interactions with my team it is likely my team effectiveness would also improve. When team effectiveness improves it would not only improve my own reputation as a leader, but also that of the organization. One way I plan to start doing is to research how effective leaders go about picking their teams. It is not simply as easy enough as choosing qualified candidates, but also ensuring those candidates can work well with others. “Members also need to be personally competent in interpersonal and teamwork skills” (2021). As I am not currently looking for others to join a team, by beginning my research on how effective leaders choose members I can be better prepared for what that process is like when the time comes.

Health Medical Homework Help

UP Utilization of EHR to Improve Medication Administration Research Paper


Assignment Content

Create an 8- to 10-page Practicum Project Proposal. It should provide a thorough explanation of the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, and why) and H (how) in regards to your project:

  • Why is there a need for the project
  • What is the project and what do you intend to accomplish with it
  • Who will be participants in it and who will be impacted by it (stakeholders)
  • Where will the project take place
  • When will it take place
  • How will you implement the project and how will the intervention address the need

The aim of the proposal is to secure the buy-in of your project. The proposal should sell itself. The more comprehensive a plan you present in the proposal the greater the odds of buy-in. You will want to use this at your kick-off meeting to gain consensus among all stakeholders and to set the expectations and common objectives for your project.

Your final practicum proposal should contain the following elements:

  1. Title Page
  2. Table of contents
  3. Introduction
  4. Align to organization’s vision and mission statement
  5. Background of project’s impetus
  6. Literature review
  7. Gap analysis/needs assessment
  8. Project charter, scope, and objectives
  9. Implementation plan
  10. Define the processes and procedures involved
  11. Work units, tasks/activities
  12. Define project deliverables
  13. Define the metrics that will determine success. How will you know that change is an improvement?
  14. Timeline and schedule
  15. Budget
  16. Cost-benefit analysis
  17. Identify all resources needed (tangible and intangible)
  18. Risk management plan
  19. Reference Page
  20. Appendices

Note: The expected length of the final practicum proposal document is 8 to 10 pages, not including the title and reference pages or appendices. You may incorporate some of the tools you completed in order to strengthen your proposal. All remaining work that you completed for your project should be included as appendices to the proposal.

Provide in-text citations and references for all sources cited.

Format your paper, including the reference page, according to APA guidelines.