
Law Homework Help

AIU Business Law Maria and Jennifer Deal Discussion


Each of us makes promises all the time; most we keep, but some we don’t. The question this week focus on when a promise is—or is not—enforceable. Said differently, when will the law make a person keep a promise? Choose one of the scenarios below and explain whether you think that the promise made is enforceable. Be sure to think about the concepts of offer, acceptance, consideration, legality, and capacity.

  • Uncle John promises his nephew that he will give the nephew $10,000 on his 18th birthday if the nephew doesn’t drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, do illegal drugs, or engage in any immoral behaviors.
  • Bill asks Sally to marry him, and she answers yes. Bill then sells his favorite sports car and pays upfront for a lavish wedding ceremony and a three-week trip to Europe.
  • Keith agrees to transport ceramic figurines from Los Angeles to New York City in his moving truck. What he doesn’t know is that each figurine is filled with packets of cocaine.
  • Maria and Jennifer are having drinks at a local bar, and both are a bit tipsy. As the night goes on, Maria asks Jennifer to trade Jennifer’s three-carat diamond ring for Maria’s 1978 Ford Duster, and Jennifer agrees to the deal.

Law Homework Help

AIU WK 6 Fulfill Another Obligation in Exchange for Remuneration Discussion


I’m working on a law discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

In some ways, contracts can be very easy to enter into. In fact, we often enter into agreements simply by our actions.

For example, many businesses place small notices near their entryways warning that by entering the building you consent to video recording or by parking in a specific lot you agree that the lot owner is not liable should anything happen to your car (even if you paid to park there).

Are these agreements valid?

Should individuals be held to agreements even if they did not know about them?

Law Homework Help

AU Criminal Justice Risk Need Responsivity Model Capstone Outline


Capstone Paper Outline

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 2, 7, and 9 from the text. Additionally, watch Bryan Stevenson at TED2012: We Need to Talk About an Injustice. Looking ahead at your Capstone Paper in Week 5, provide an outline highlighting the major points of your paper for review and discussion among your classmates and instructor. In your outline, include all major ideas your Capstone Paper will address, with brief two to three sentence explanations for each.

In your paper, outline the following:

  • Revise your thesis statement that you created in Week 1, which identifies your social and criminal justice issue.
    • Incorporate any feedback that you received regarding your thesis statement from your instructor.
  • Summarize your chosen social and criminal justice issue.
    • Describe what makes this an issue.
    • Provide data to show how this issue has made an impact on society.
    • Explain which social justice principles need to be addressed and why.
    • List the cultural and diversity issues present in your chosen social and criminal justice problem.
    • Evaluate how addressing your chosen issue contributes to the goal of a more just society.
  • Analyze the empirical research on your chosen topic.
    • You may use your Week 1 Annotated Bibliography to complete this section of the paper.
  • Propose a possible resolution to your chosen social and criminal justice issue.
    • Evaluate which branches of the criminal justice system are impacted/involved and how they either help or hinder the issue.
    • Analyze how the criminal and social justice theories (in relation to the United States Constitution) and landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions impact your chosen issue and support your resolution.
    • Examine how the judiciary, corrections, and law enforcement systems address social equality, solidarity, human rights, and overall fairness for all and how these essential concepts impact your issue and resolution.
    • Evaluate how poverty, racism, religion and other sociocultural variables may apply to contemporary social and criminal justice by drawing information among the fields of, but not limited to, criminology, law, philosophy, psychology, science, and sociology.

Law Homework Help

CRJ 202 Mass Incarceration Reforms Implement Changes Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Read Corrections (8.6 – 8.13)*

Watch Habeas Corpus: The Guantanamo Cases (25 min)****

Review Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2019*****

AssignmentEssay 6 – Mass Incarceration
Referencing the material provided in this folder on Incarceration (including linked videos), write a 500-word response Choose ONE (1) of the following items: ITEM 1:

  1. Do policymakers and the public have the stamina to confront the second largest slice of the pie: the thousands of locally administered jails?

Will state, county, and city governments be brave enough to end money bail without imposing unnecessary conditions in order to bring down pretrial detention rates?

  1. Will local leaders be brave enough to redirect public spending to smarter investments like community-based drug treatment and job training?


  1. Can we implement reforms that both reduce the number of people incarcerated in the U.S. and the well-known racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal justice system?

If so how? If not, why not?

  1. Make certain that you identify Item1 or Item2 in your paper, but DO NOT INCLUDE the questions. 

Law Homework Help

Personal Values in Officers and Law Enforcement Discussion


Can you help me understand this Criminal Justice question?

How do an officer’s personal values influence the way he/she enforces the law?

Support your answer/position. In order to receive maximum points you must:

  • Provide an opening and concluding argument supported by at least one research source (cited, Wikipedia will count as zero) news, journal, or textbook source A minimum of 100 words

Law Homework Help

CTC The Types of Bloodstain Spatter Patterns Discussion


The types of bloodstain spatter patterns The wikis in this course are intended to encourage students to share and explore topics in each lesson. Use the lesson objectives to select a topic you would like to learn more about. Indicate the topic you chose, check the learning activities, conduct research, and enter the information you have found

Law Homework Help

SU Yummy Ice Cream Case Negligence and Foreseeability Discussion


I don’t know how to handle this Law question and need guidance.

Discussion Question 1: Yummy Ice Cream Case: Negligence and Foreseeability

The following discussion question presents a scenario involving negligence and the concept of foreseeability.

Penny Penelope drives an ice-cream truck for Yummy Ice Cream during the summer on a suburban route in Florida. Music plays through a loudspeaker on the truck to draw attention to the truck as it travels through the various subdivisions. On hearing the music, six-year-old twins Joey and Janey run for the truck, darting into the street between two parked cars. Joey is the first one to run out. He does not see a sports car speeding straight toward him. The car hits Joey, knocking him unconscious. The car speeds away without stopping.

Joey’s parents want to sue Yummy Ice Cream for negligence and for liability of the driver of the ice-cream truck. They have come for advice to the law firm where you work. Your lawyer asks you to evaluate the case in terms of:

  • Whether Yummy Ice Cream and its driver owed a duty to Joey and Janey.
  • Whether Yummy Ice Cream and its driver breached the duty.
  • Whether the breach of the duty was the proximate cause of the accident.
  • The damages, if any.

Also, analyze the role of the speeding car’s driver and answer:

  • Was it foreseeable that a car would come speeding down the road?
  • If it was foreseeable, is there anything Yummy Ice Cream could do to lessen the risk?

Include at least one (1) source outside of class materials in your responses, whether a primary or secondary source of law, and provide appropriate citation.

Discussion Question 2: Negligence and the Hasty Musician

A rising classical-music star is running late for a performance. He is carrying his guitar with him. Hailing a cab, he arrives at the Symphonic Hall. Quickly paying the driver, he grabs the strap of the guitar case and starts to exit the cab. The strap catches on the door, which slams shut. The cab immediately moves on to the next fare. The guitarist is yanked off his feet and dragged half a block, still holding the strap of the guitar case. The strap breaks, the cab keeps going, and the guitarist is hit by another car. With two badly broken arms, one broken leg, a few broken ribs and a concussion, he is taken to the hospital. Who is liable for the musician’s injuries? The cab driver, the second driver, both or neither? Discuss your answer, assuming jurisdiction is in Illinois.

Law Homework Help

Reenactment and Simulation of Legal Action Questions


  1. As a whole, how do you think the trial process went?
  2. Did District Attorney’s do a good job presenting their case and why?
  3. Did the Defense Attorney’s do a good job presenting their case and why?
  4. Which witness do you think provided the biggest impact for each side of the case, and why?
  5. What verdict would you give the defendant if you were a juror and why?
  6. Do you think the video was helpful on how a mock trial is to be presented?

Law Homework Help

CJ 340 SNHU Behavioral and Environmental Factors of Criminality Discussion


Using the provided scenario and resource, choose two case studies to focus on for your speaking engagement. (Note: It is important to consider the theories and their application when reading and selecting the cases to use for this project. Some theories may not be applicable to certain cases.)

For each case, do the following:

  1. Describe the criminal behavior present in each case. Include the following in your description:
    1. Identify the case.
    2. Provide a brief summary of the case, focusing on the criminal behavior.
  2. Describe how the classical school of thought has influenced criminal justice practices specific to each case. Include the following in your analysis:
    1. How has classical theory impacted the criminal justice system in regard to the criminal behavior, laws, and policies in each case?
  3. Analyze the criminal behavior in each case by focusing on how the positivist school of thought (biological, psychological, sociological theories) has influenced criminal justice practices. Include the following in your analysis:
    1. Which theory in each category (biological, psychological, and sociological) is most applicable to the case?
    2. How may this theory influence criminal justice practices in relation to the criminal behavior in the case?
  4. Explain how critical and interactionist theories interpret social structures and influence professional practice specific to each case. Include the following in your explanation:
    1. What are the social structures and professional practices identified in the case?
    2. Which critical and interactionist theory is most applicable to the case?
    3. How may critical and interactionist theories influence professional practices in the case?
  5. Explain the similarities and differences between the two cases you chose. Include the following in your explanation:
    1. Which theories are used to analyze each case?
    2. How is the application of theories similar or different in the cases?
    3. How are behavioral and environmental factors similar or different in the cases?