
Law Homework Help

CJ 230M4 Purdue University Global Elements of a Criminal Act Essay


CJ230M4-4: Describe the elements that constitute a criminal act.

GEL-7.02: Identify the ethical issues within the field of Criminal Justice.

Elements of a Criminal Act

For this assessment, read the following scenario and then in a 2–3-page paper, answer the questions presented.


Patrice wanted to kill her mother-in-law, Kayla, so she hid behind a building and waited for her to get off the bus. When Kayla got off the bus, Patrice shot at her with her rifle, but missed and killed Angela, who was behind her. Patrice attempted to fire again at Kayla, but her rifle jammed and Patrice ran off.

Patrice’s attorney moved to dismiss the charge of the attempted murder of Kayla on the ground that Patrice could not have killed Kayla due to the malfunctioning of her rifle. The court granted the motion.

Was the court correct in dismissing the attempted murder charge? Be sure to identify and describe the elements of a criminal act (at least three) and address impossibility and distinguish if it is a complete or incomplete attempt.

Also address any ethical or moralistic concerns associated with allowing a criminal defendant to avoid criminal responsibility by successfully asserting a legal defense such as impossibility.

Answer the questions above in a 2–3-page paper (excluding cover and reference pages) in APA format.

Note: This Assessment will require outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used. You may consult the Library, the Internet, the textbook, other course materials, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style.

Law Homework Help

UC Ethical Legal and Social Concerns in Criminal Law Question


Question I- Eddie Embezzler has worked for Betty Boss for many years as an accountant. During his employment, Eddie has taken thousands of dollars from Betty’s business. As a result, Betty has suffered. Did Eddie violate a criminal law, a civil law, or both? Explain.

Question II – Two (2) high ranking managers of Anrun Corp. know that the company’s revenue is rapidly declining. However, at a recent shareholder meeting, they tell the shareholders to expect record profits in the next quarter. Explain the three Blanchard and Peale questions that these two managers should have asked themselves before the shareholders’ meeting.

Question III – The appellate court decides that the trial court committed reversible error by including evidence found by law enforcement. Law enforcement discovered this evidence when committing a Fourth Amendment violation, which should have been excluded at trial. This inadmissible evidence was the lynchpin of the prosecutor’s case, which resulted in a conviction. Where does the case go from here? Is the Defendant free to go? Does it go back to the trial court? Does it go all the way up to the Supreme Court?

Questions IV – During the course of a divorce proceeding, the judge orders the husband and wife attempt to settle their custody dispute through the mediation process. During the course of the mediation, the husband tells the mediator that he has secretly been selling marijuana to their children’s friends. Ultimately, the mediation breaks down and the parties cannot come to a settlement. During the divorce trial, can the wife introduce the mediator’s testimony as evidence?

Law Homework Help

Touchstone 3,2


Touchstone 3.2: Draft an Argumentative Research Essay

ASSIGNMENT: Using your outline and annotated bibliography from Touchstones 1.2 and 2.2, draft a 6-8 page argumentative research essay on your chosen topic.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the Touchstone.

As this assignment builds on Touchstone 2.2: Create an Annotated Bibliography, that Touchstone, as well as Touchstone 3.1, must be graded before you can submit your research essay draft.

Sample Touchstone 3

A. Assignment Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

1. Argumentative Thesis Statement

❒ Have you included a thesis in your introduction that takes a clear, specific position on one side of a debatable issue?

2. Argument Development

❒ Are all of the details relevant to the purpose of your essay?
❒ Is the argument supported using rhetorical appeals and source material?
❒ Is your essay 6-8 pages (approximately 1500-2000 words)? If not, which details do you need to add or remove?

3. Research

❒ Have you cited outside sources effectively using quotation, summary, or paraphrase techniques?
❒ Are the sources incorporated smoothly, providing the reader with signal phrases and context for the source information?
❒ Have you referenced a range of at least 7 credible sources?
❒ Have you properly cited your sources according to APA style guidelines?
❒ Have you included an APA style reference page below your essay?

4. Reflection

❒ Have you answered all reflection questions thoughtfully and included insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses?
❒ Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment?

B. Reflection

DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.

  1. Provide one example of a place where you have used rhetorical appeals or source material to support your argument. How does this enhance your essay? (2-3 sentences)
  2. Touchstone 4 is a revision of this draft. What kind of feedback would be helpful for you as you revise? Are there parts of your draft that you’re uncertain of? (3-4 sentences)

Law Homework Help

Washburn University Criminal Activity of the Female Gang Member Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Criminal justice/ Juvenile Justice. I will attach an access to an e book. half a page required.

Read the Chapter and complete the assignment consisting of two (2) questions.

Describe in detail the criminal activity of the female gang member and compare it to the male gang member.

Law Homework Help

Excelsior College MOD 1 Summation of Policies and Procedures Discussion


Base on the attachment Provide a summary of your policies and procedures. For each one, briefly explain what inspired you to include it.

This is your opportunity to share information about your final deliverable with your classmates. Your policies and procedures have undoubtedly been influenced by your interactions with your foreign contact and your classmates and it will benefit everyone in the class to see the benefits of the interactions to this point.

First, watch the following video that you initially watched in Module 1:


Provide a summary of your policies and procedures. For each one, briefly explain what inspired you to include it.

Be specific and give credit to your classmates as necessary. Besides seeing the policies and procedures of your peers, part of the reason for this discussion is to see how your interactions in this course have positively influenced people around you.

Law Homework Help

GOVT 2305 North Lake College US Foreign Policy Regarding NATOs Future Proposal


It is a 6 page paper on US FOREIGN POLICY REGARDING NATO’S FUTURE. I have already written a policy proposal with works cited which is attached here. This paper is an extension on that proposal which will be written from work cited and additional sources. A Sample Paper is also attached here within.

The Policy Paper

Prepare a formal research paper regarding the selected policy. The assignment must be between 5-8 pages excluding quotations, cover page, and Works Cited page(s).

The essay should address the following:
• An introduction and brief overview of the current issues facing the countries.
• The reasons for initiating changes to existing policy.
• The possible policy options or alternatives to be considered (discuss several).
• The pros and cons of each policy option or alternative (costs vs. benefits).
• The best policy option or alternative (pick one).
• A summary and conclusion

Do not use first person in the proposal or final policy paper!

The paper body must be a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 full pages in length, double-spaced. No more and no less is necessary for this activity. Keep direct quotes to a minimum; do not use block quotations. All key arguments, facts, assertions, and claims must be supported with research. The references approved in the policy proposal must be used in the policy paper: you may add additional sources (and should if you seek an A on the assignment), but you must seek approval from the instructor at least 72 hours before the policy paper due date if you intend to change any of the scholarly sources approved in the proposal.

Law Homework Help

CJ 432 Excelsior College Drugs and Crime Global Campaign Discussion


The comprehensive final exam draws from the assigned readings and other resources from Modules 1-8. You should also use additional resources to support your answers to the exam questions.

Answer each of the following questions using at least 250 words. Make sure you number each response to separate them from other answers:

  1. Explain what is meant by the “war on drugs,” and analyze the impact this war has had on the American criminal justice system.
  2. Discuss the effects drug policy enforcement has had upon special populations, as well as the arrest and incarceration rates for drug offenses in the United States.
  3. Summarize how the three categories of criminological theory covered in class – biological, psychological, or sociological – explain drug use. Which category of theory do you think would be best used to develop new drug policies.
  4. Select one or more of the the various criminal justice policies or responses to drug abuse and misuse. Explain which policy approach you think offers the best response to the drug problem. Support your response with cited and referenced sources.

Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor

Law Homework Help

JUS 636 Grand Canyon University Crime Reduction Policy Report


Assessment Description

Use the crime data from the Topic 2 assignment to formulate a crime reduction policy, of 1,500-1,750 words that could be presented to the chief of police in your town. Identify an approach for reducing crimes; choose the two most serious crimes, within the data, for each of the three environments (residential, school, and mall).

Research and identify best practices used by agencies to solve these types of problems in support of your policy. Be sure to include the pros and cons of the various approaches.

Law Homework Help

CJSA 1317 Central Texas College Juvenile Justice System Q&As


  1. Find out if your “home” state (where you are from) uses blended sentencing or if juveniles in your state are always released upon turning a certain age. Use the Internet to search a news source in your home state and locate an article dealing with your state’s sentencing guidelines for juveniles. Briefly summarize the article and then answer the following questions: Is it too harsh? Too lenient? What do you feel is best for your state and if that method is not used now, how could it be realistically changed?
  2. Give the URL of your article when you post your response
  3. Read the critical thinking exercise (1) on page 19 and answer the question a,b,and c.: a. What would you recommend to the states Legislature as the new Minimum & Maximum ages of Juvenile court Jurisdiction? b. What factors led you to raise or lower the current maximum/ minimum age of juvenile court Jurisdiction?