
Law Homework Help

Taft College General Theory of Crime Discussion Paper


Part 1:300 word response not including the Question please

Part 2 & 3: 100 word responses

Part 1: In your opinion, are Control Theories strong enough to be considered general theories of crime? Why or why not? Is any one theory within the category better than the others? Which one and why? Be sure to use evidence from lecture/assigned readings to support your contention.

Part 2: 1. Self-control theory is a good explanation for crime in general because outside factors such as environments and child hood make a big impact on the opportunities one has to commit crimes. However, the idea that self-control is permanent is not exactly true for everyone. The theory mentions that self-control is permanent unless opportunities to commit crimes changes for the individual. The idea that peoples ways of living stays stable throughout their youth and into adult hood is not a very acceptable or trusted concept. Each individual is different. It seems that this theory is tautological because it states poor parenting causes low self-control and thus leads to crime. This is a learned cycle for the children involved because they see and learn directly from parents actions/behaviors.

2. I believe control theories are strong enough to be considers general theories of crime because it all leads back to child hood trauma i.e. bad parenting. Bad parenting can be a very significant cause of why people commit crimes and the opportunities they have to commit them. If a parent neglects a child its whole life and does not teach them morals (right from wrong) the child will grow up not knowing a difference. Research has shown that the majority of offenders in prison did not have a strong/healthy relationship with their parents. I think one specific theory from control theories that really supports this is Hirchi’s social bonding theory because it takes into account the attachment issues one may have experienced in childhood as well as the beliefs ones has. It all links back to the type of morals one was taught in childhood.

3. For people who have never committed a crime before, I think that courts should consider how harshly they are punishing someone as first time offenders. Of course, it would be ideal that they learn a lesson and do not commit crime again but this is not always the case. For people who have a criminal history and are on parole or probation, courts should introduce a rehabilitation program that allows these people to live a better life on the outside. Many offenders have a hard time getting employment after getting out of prison and there should be programs designed where they partner up with companies that hire offenders, so they will have a line of work set up for them. Society as a whole should stop holding a negative stigma over offenders who enter back into society. If someone keeps referring to an ex offender as a criminal then they will never get out of that mindset. Society should work to be more accepting of those who are trying to turn their lives around.

Part 3: Based on this weeks Control Theories I still stand by delinquent friends cause delinquent behavior (i.e., lay down with dogs, get up with fleas) because I feel like human beings are more prone to go out and look for friends that are like them. Even after learning more about the theories I more side with this idea. Also believe that human beings inherently more tabula rosa (Social Learning & Subcultural Theories) because human beings are not born to naturally behave evil more so who we are socialized around and if they are evil then they will go along not exactly knowing that it is not actually right.

In my opinion, I believe that Control Theories are more so strong enough to be considered general theories of crime. I would consider it to be a general reason as to why human beings commit delinquent acts because it goes back to human beings being born as “blank slates” and it is up to who we are surrounded by that creates who we are whether it is right ways to live or bad ways to live. Human beings can be raised normal but may have improper socialization would not understand proper cultural norms, values and laws.

A specific theory that I liked the most this week was Social Bonding Theory. I think it is a good explanation of crime because human beings are social animals and if we lack any of the four bonds that were listed then it can result in criminal acts. I can see that if a human being stops having emotional connectivity with others and stopped caring about being in pro-social activities then they can engage in the opposite and become delinquent. Then, if they lose those interest and start to not care about any good commitments and beliefs then they don’t care about any bad outcomes.

Law Homework Help

MHA 646 Belhaven University Legal and Regulatory Environment in Healthcare Paper


  • In a well-organized, two to three page essay, discuss the case of Perin v. Hayne. Be sure to discuss the court’s reasoning and ruling on each of the four legal theories. Why did the court have no occasion to decide whether failure to advise the plaintiff of the risk of nerve injury raised a negligence issue?
  • Requirements: Minimum of 750 words. APA format. Minimum of 2 academic sources.

Law Homework Help

Manhattan College Criminal Justice Lebanon Correctional Institution Essay 

As you view this video take notes on how the individuals or groups listed below

Self-identify or see themselves. 

How they interact within their own group, between the groups, along with their similarities or differences.

How each group believes they are expected to behave, how the opposing group thinks they should behave, and actual roles that they have assumed.

The Warden

  1. The Correction Officers (Rookie and Veteran)
  2. The Inmates (Convicts and Inmates)
  3. The use of the Tactical Response Team (their effectiveness and their ability to command/control inmates verses that of the rookie officer(s))

The Families of Offenders

  1. The Victims of Crimes 
  2. In addition examine the:
  3. (A)Physical plant,
  4. a.Housing
  5. b.Recreation Areas (Outside/Inside)
  6. c.Rehabilitation

d.Mess Hall

(B)Type of security in use in the housing unit

C)How and why inmates segregate themselves within the Mess Hall

D)How classification and rehabilitation is being applied.

a.Do you think the type of rehabilitation could be successful; why or why not. 

Your assignment is to identify and make five (5) comparisons and/or similarities between individuals and/or specific groups.  Examples are Rookie Officers vs. Veteran, within the Veteran Officer Group (Officer vs. Tactical), Inmate vs. Convict, Rookie Officer vs. Convict, Inmate Visitor vs. Victim, the effectiveness of the Warden (autocratic vs. bureaucratic and/or hands on – hands off approach: who would you want to work for and why), and the ratio of staff to inmates and challenges officers or inmates may face may be confronted with.  Not only identify them but describe and explain how their relationships within their group or between groups.  

Use separate paragraphs or bullet type points to separate the required five (5) comparisons and/or similarities.  

Law Homework Help

CRJ 102 All American Career College Social Justice and Juvenile Justice Discussion


When looking at the relationship between social justice and juvenile justice, there are two overarching concepts when addressing juvenile delinquency: treatment and punishment. These two concepts have driven a cycle of changes in the juvenile justice system over the years. Your task is to support your premise that your state or city should implement a philosophy of treatment for juvenile offenders, punishment, or a combination of the two (i.e., treatment and punishment) for a specific crime or criminal justice issue identified in your paper. In your paper,

  • Explain the differences between the treatment and punishment concepts.
  • Examine types of treatment versus types of punishment for juvenile crimes.
  • Build the case for which one (i.e., treatment, punishment, or combination of both) you believe has the stronger position based on your research and the specific juvenile crime to which you will apply the concepts of treatment and punishment. The crime you choose can be violent (e.g., homicide, sexual assault, etc.) or non-violent (e.g., drug possession or sales, theft, etc.).
  • Select your city (or state) and one other jurisdiction in the United States.
    • Identify the prevailing thought in your city (or state) as well as the other jurisdiction you chose (i.e., treatment, punishment, or a combination).
  • Analyze which of the two jurisdictions has lower recidivism rates.
    • Identify whether the recidivism rate is the best indicator of success or failure of treatment versus punishment philosophy.
    • Explain why or why not.
  • Examine scholarly research on the most effective strategies for reducing juvenile crime rates.
    • Identify which strategy or combination of strategies the research appears to support.
    • Identify whether it is based on type of crime.
    • Explain whether a given strategy works best depending upon the nature of the crime (i.e., violent vs. non-violent).
  • Support which juvenile justice intervention strategy would be most effective to counter the crime or criminal justice issue based on your research.
  • Summarize which concept (i.e., treatment, punishment, or combination) best supports the overarching concept of social justice.

Law Homework Help

DCJ100 Us justice


Students will compose an expository essay, which investigates an idea, evaluates evidence, and presents an argument. The student will explore the concepts of freedom, power, equality, justice, and/ or civic life, and their evolution, in the context of the US (DJC 100.1). The student will classify, categorize, and summarize the structures and functions of government in the U.S. appropriate to the concepts discussed (DJC 100.3).

This is an academic, formal essay written to an academic audience. Students must use Calibri 11 font.

Expository Essay – Does the Constitution Still Matter Today?

Does the Constitution still matter? The Founding Fathers are considered geniuses for the government they created, especially considering how long it has lasted. Does the Constitution still matter today? Does the Constitution protect and safeguard the rights and liberties of the people to the extent promised by the Founding Fathers? Why or not? Argue your position by citing at least three (3) specific provisions within the Constitution and/or Bill of Rights.

Length: 3-4 pages typed, doubled-spaced

Format: APA style. Use the pre-formatted library (click link).

  • Title your essay (title should capture the essence of your thesis)
  • Submit your essay to Canvas
  • Paper will be run through TurnitIn (plagiarism detection)
  • Need a good quote for the introduction? Click here downloadfor ideas.
  • No spaces between paragraphs.


Paragraph 1: Introduction. Present your argument/thesis. Make sure that you include the three amendments/sections in this paragraph. If you are having difficulty writing this paragraph, do it last! 🙂

Paragraph 2: Discuss one section/amendment. Topic sentence relates back to thesis. Cite provision; analyze provision; relate back to thesis.

Paragraph 3: Discuss one section/amendment. Topic sentence relates back to thesis. Cite provision; analyze provision; relate back to thesis.

Paragraph 4: Discuss one section/amendment. Topic sentence relates back to thesis. Cite provision; analyze provision; relate back to thesis.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion. This paragraph should fully review thesis and main ideas.

Law Homework Help

Subpoenas and Discovery Requests



  1. Your supervising attorney has asked you to formulate a set of interrogatory questions and requests for production of documents for his review, which could be served on the opposing party in a car accident case between Cain and Abel. Abel, our client, was sued by his brother. He also will need a subpoena for a third-party witness, Ms. Bunny Rabbit. Templates for each document are provided for you. The facts of the case are as follows:
    Abel Abrahamson is a client of your firm (Sinclaire and Sinclaire, 464 Main St., Blackacre, Hometown, 37373). He recently received a Summons and Complaint from the Blackacre Circuit Court in your home state, informing him that his brother, Cain, is suing him. The complaint is attached here.
    Your supervising attorney, Jake Smalls, has already served an Answer and Counterclaim on behalf of Abel, based off of a conversation with Abel, who has given him the following information:

    • He got into an accident with his brother, but his brother turned out into the lane in front of him, causing the accident.
    • He believes his brother was intoxicated at the time and was speeding.
    • He knows his brother went to the hospital, but is unsure of the extent of his injuries or medical bills. He is sure, however, that his brother is faking some of his injuries—he saw him moving furniture shortly after the accident. This also leads him to believe he could still perform his job.
    • He is furious with his brother, and wants to sue him for defamation. His brother has been going around town telling “everyone” that he intentionally ran him over because he thought Cain was going to tell Abel’s wife about an affair Abel was engaged in.
    • Abel adamantly denies hitting his brother on purpose, and is furious, as he has never engaged in an affair. Regardless, news of his brother’s statements about him have spread amongst the town, and Abel recently lost an election whereby he was running for the Blackacre School Board. Polling showed he lost the election due to the public’s concern over his moral fitness.

    Your supervising attorney has advised you that a claim for defamation requires allegations of a false statement, published (or spread to other people) causing damages.Mr. Smalls would like 06 interrogatory questions and 06 documents requested included in the interrogatories to be served on Cain. He has provided a template the firm uses for interrogatories for formatting purposes.
    You need to draft the appropriate questions, paying particular attention to the facts of the case, but feel free to look at more sample questions from the internet or on court websites, such as the Hawai’i State Judiciary’s website, located here:
    Mr. Smalls would like 10 requests for production of various documents which may be helpful or shed light on this case, which are to be served on Cain. He has provided a template the firm uses for requests for production for formatting purposes. You need to draft the appropriate requests, paying particular attention to the facts of the case.
    Your supervising attorney also would like to depose a witness to the accident, Ms. Bunny Rabbit. Ms. Rabbit lives at 123 Looney Tunes Dr., in Whiteacre. Using the template provided by your firm, prepare a subpoena for Ms. Rabbit.
    Your supervising attorney has asked you to schedule the deposition with the opposing attorney, so the dates and times are up to you.

    • Your assignment should be formatted according to the templates provided.

Law Homework Help

INR 4335 FIU Strategic Studies and National Security Cuban Missile Crisis Q&As



  1. Which theory should we use to explain/understand Premier Khrushchev’s strategic goals during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
  2. Which policy would you suggest to President Kennedy if you were a member of the ExComm during the crisis? Acquiescence, diplomacy, blockade, surgical strike on the missile bases, or extensive air attack?


  1. *Huth, Paul K. 1999. “Deterrence and International Conflict: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Debates.” Annual Review of Political Science 2 (1): 25-48.
  2. *Schelling, Thomas C. 2015. “Deterrence and Compellence.” In The Use of Force: Military Power and International Politics edited by Robert J. Art and Kelly M. Greenhill, 20-27. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  3. *George, Alexander. 2015. “Coercive Diplomacy.” In The Use of Force: Military Power and International Politics edited by Robert J. Art and Kelly M. Greenhill, 106-111. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  4. *George, Alexander and William E. Simons. 1994. The Limits of Coercive Diplomacy. Westview Press. Conclusion.
  5. Kim, Yang Gyu and Félix E. Martín. 2021. “At the Brink of Nuclear War: Feasibility of Retaliation and the U.S. Policy Decisions During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.” All Azimuth 10(2): 125-147.

Law Homework Help

University of San Francisco Evaluation of Defense of Intoxication Essay


Choose one question from 4 questions for part A and then choosing also one question from 2 questions for part B.

  1. Demonstrate a practical understanding of the role of the criminal law within the justice system and society generally.


  1. Evaluate the general principles of criminal law through case-law and statutory interpretation.


  1. Apply the general principles of criminal law to a range of specific offences and apply the principles of criminal law to a range of problem scenarios and provide articulate and logical solutions.

Law Homework Help

CRIJ 3351 TUTEP Breaking the Mexican Drug Cartels & Criminal Networks Discussion


Cordero (2012) quotes a report that states, “no state in the hemisphere is more important to U.S. security than Mexico, which is fighting for its life against a widespread criminal insurgency.” What you think the author means by “fighting for its life?” and to what level, does the United States interact with Mexican governmental functions? 250-300 Words. Please cite APA 6th edition.