
Law Homework Help

SOC 207 Saint Josephs University The Juvenile Justice System Questions


Answer the following questions: answer in paragraph form of 4-5 sentences for each question (with the exception of #10).

  1. Outline and highlight the major characteristics of the child savers movement, including its origins, foundations, and flaws, and trace them where possible through Falling Back.
  2. Thoroughly describe the therapeutic interventions of Mountain Ridge Academycriminal thinking errors, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and the 12-step model (AA/NA). Highlight one problem of each as the young men experienced them in the facility.
  3. What does Fader mean when she refers to the “therapizing” of youth? How is this problematic given what we know about adolescent brain development in general, and the interventions of young men of color at facilities like Mountain Ridge Academy in particular?
  4. According to Fader, what is the street code and what is her main critique of it? Discuss the contradictions between what they were taught in Mountain Ridge Academy and their lived experiences back in Philadelphia in relation to the street code.
  5. What was the experience of the young men of Falling Back when they returned home in terms of family/fatherhood, employment, and desistance from crime (or persistence in it)?
  6. How does identity operate in the lives of the young men she followed in Falling Back? Be sure to cite at least two specific people from the book and the importance of their identities.
  7. Fully describe the four sentencing philosophies (rehabilitation, deterrence, incapacitation, vengeance) and associate each one with one or more eras of juvenile justice (“Get Tough”, Child Saver, and so on).
  8. Beginning with the death penalty, trace the 21st century legal history of sentencing juveniles, including the practice’s current status (being certain to cite actual Supreme Court cases), and what role brain science contributed to the movement.
  9. What was the central idea of Just Mercy? How does this conflict with the cultural conditions of the “get tough” era of juvenile justice? Discuss two of the people from the book and how they were caught up in the era of getting tough, and how Stevenson sought to redeem them?
  10. Compose a perfectly formed haiku about the Caught podcast?

Caught Podcasts:

“Time Out”:…

Caught, episode 1:…

Caught, episode 2:…

Caught, episode 3:…

Caught, episode 4:…

Caught, episode 5:…

Caught, episode 6:…

Caught, episode 7:…

Caught, episode 8:…

Caught, episode 9:…

TED Talk: “Why Teens Confess to Crimes They Didn’t Commit”:…

“The Talking Cure”:…

“Decarcerated Hernan Carvente”:…

Course Books:

Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson:…

Falling Back by Jamie M. Fader:…

Law Homework Help

Syracuse University Data Recovery from Windows Computers Essay Questions


Part I – Essay Questions

1. Is it necessary for forensic examiners to understand how data is stored by various types of file systems? Explain why or why not. Support your answer with examples.

2. When examining evidence media, is it necessary to use the same operating system used on the original? Explain why or why not. Support your answer with examples.

3. Is the date-time stamp of various file system objects significant in the analysis of evidentiary media? Explain why or why not. Support your answer with examples.

Part II – Scenario

You are the digital forensic examiner at a pre-trial session with the judge and opposing counsel. You have been asked to explain the various methods that data is stored and erased in the Windows environment. Your discussion should include concepts such as slack space, unallocated space, the sequence of events that take place when a file is deleted, and any other points that you deem important. Keep in mind that you must prepare your discussion in terms that non-technical people can understand.

Written reports of no more than five pages are to be prepared in a professional manner using the APA style for your cover page and references. Format and neatness matter, as do spelling and grammar. Use one-inch margins, 12-point fonts, and double-spacing. Put page numbers on all pages but the first. Up to 30% may be deducted for work that does not meet professional standards.

Law Homework Help

Albany State University Comparative Criminal Justice Discussion


I need help with a Criminal Justice question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Which purpose of criminal sanctioning seems to be predominant in the world today? Which purpose do you believe is most effective?

Law Homework Help

Albany State University Introit Social Problems Discussion


I’m working on a Criminal Justice exercise and need support.

As you read chapter fourteen, note the section entitled Urban Sprawl on pages 415 – 416. The section details several problems associated with urban sprawl. Are these really problems or are they opportunities? Select one of the three sociological paradigms: conflict, functionalism, symbolic interaction. In your opinion, does the paradigm you selected view the outcomes of urban sprawl as problems or opportunities or both? Explain your answer.

Law Homework Help

Post Societal Issues Are Some Distinct Causes of Prison Overcrowding Discussion


1. Overcrowding

Discuss the causes and consequences of jail overcrowding.  How does it impact rehabilitation and treatment programs and jail management?  What solutions would you propose?  Be specific.

2. Prisoners’ Viewpoint

To understand how to treat criminals in the system as an officer you need to put yourself in their position.

For this discussion board you need to look at prison from the inmate’s point of view.  Describe what prison life would be like and the subculture and how you think you would handle living inside for 24 hours a day without the freedoms you normally have.  What freedoms or items would you miss the most?

Law Homework Help

ASU Criminal Justice Report


Assuming that you did an internship in a local Group Home facility, Diversion Center, Transitional facility or a Crime Lab, Police Department, Sheriff Department, etc and after your internship, you are offered a temporary position where you work 20 hours a week. The facility/agency Manager offered you this part-time position because they thought you did an excellent job as an Intern. Now, you are about to graduate with a Bachelors of Science degree in Criminal Justice or Forensic Science from Albany State University, and due to the resignation of the Supervisor, the Facility/Agency Manager has offered you a position as a Supervisor. Now, you have worked in this facility for about two years as an intern and a part-time worker and you know all the problems that exist such as disciplinary problems, lax supervision, staff not being motivated, funding problems, etc. Specifically, outline and discuss/describe how you plan to address these issues because the Facility Manager, who does not have a degree, will now be expecting you to do some miracles – to recommend some changes or make suggestions for improvement as the person next in command of the facility.

Law Homework Help

CUNY Kingsborough Community College Hurricane Emergency Management Essay


Write a 750-word paper in which you analyze the work of the secondary responders (i.e., non-law enforcement, such as EPA, Coast Guard, engineers, etc.) in the aftermath of the emergency. Exclude details about police and fire response, as they are primary responders. In your paper:

Detail roles within structured command (ICS).

Outline applicable crisis response objectives.

Law Homework Help

VIT Personal Experiences with Plagiarism & the Instance of Plagiarism Discussion


Question 1 :

Describe an instance of plagiarism or other use of another’s
intellectual property with which you are familiar. Please give one argument
condemning this conduct and one argument defending it.

Minimum 500 words with all references in APA Format.

Question 2 : Describe another instance condemning plagiarism.

Need 250 words with all references in APA Format.

Need both questions addressed separately with references below
each question.

Law Homework Help

VIT Unlawful Intrusion Due to The Advances in Technology Government Institutions Essay


Question 1 :

Please describe a case that has been in the news recently and describe what harm can be done by the unlawful intrusion into the computer of another.

Minimum 500 words with all references in APA Format.

Question 2 :

Discuss ways to avoid unlawful intrusion and protect information.

Minimum 250 words with all references in APA Format.