
Law Homework Help

OU Plagiarism and The Recklessness of The Student Doing the Job Essay


Question 1 :

Describe an instance of plagiarism or other use of another’s intellectual property with which you are familiar. Please give one argument condemning this conduct and one argument defending it.

Minimum 500 words with all references in APA Format.

Question 2 : Describe another instance condemning plagiarism.

Need 250 words with all references in APA Format.

Need both questions addressed separately with references below each question.

Law Homework Help

Grand Canyon University Firearms Laws Questions


Write a 1,250-1,500-word essay that thoroughly explores the following questions:

  1. Do you believe that removing firearms from otherwise lawful citizens reduces the opportunity for crime? If so, how? If not, why not?
  2. Do you believe that gun laws will remove access to firearms by criminals? Why or why not?

Use the GCU Library to locate four to six peer-reviewed sources in support of your content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. This style guide is located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Law Homework Help

HU Criminal Justice Project Discussion


Read the section on boot camps in text including section on representative boot camps. Watch following videos and read summary below. Answer the following in paragraph form.

  1. Are juvenile boot camps a valid form of treatment for juvenile offenders?
  2. What do you think are their pros and cons?
  3. What type of offender would they best serve?
  4. Would they have worked with you if you were sentenced to boot camp when you were 16 years-old?

Review the following

What are juvenile boot camps?

Juvenile boot camps are correctional programs for delinquent youth in a military-style environment. These programs typically emphasize discipline and physical conditioning and were developed as a rigorous alternative to longer terms of confinement in juvenile correctional facilities. Many, but not all, of these programs are followed by a period of probation or some form of aftercare. Boot camps are generally restricted to non-violent or first-time offenders.

Are boot camps effective?

Boot camps do not reduce recidivism. Numerous studies of adult and juvenile boot camps have shown that graduates do no better in terms of recidivism than offenders who were incarcerated or, in some cases, than those sentenced to regular probation supervision. In fact, some researchers have found that boot camp graduates are more likely to be re-arrested or are re-arrested more quickly than other offenders.

Boot camps may not be cost effective. Although some boot camps enable jurisdictions to save money because youth serve shorter sentences, others have found that the extra costs of operating boot camps outweigh the benefits. For example, boot camps tend to be more labor intensive and more expensive to operate. If youth are sentenced to a boot camp when they could have been placed in probation or a community-based program, jurisdictions are actually losing money.

Experts agree that a confrontational approach is not appropriate. Most correctional and military experts agree that a confrontational model, employing tactics of intimidation and humiliation, is counterproductive for most youth in the juvenile justice system. The use of this kind of model has led to disturbing incidents of abuse. For youth of color (who represent the vast majority of the juveniles sentenced to boot camps)-as well as for youth with emotional, behavioral, or learning problems-degrading tactics may be particularly inappropriate and potentially damaging. The bullying style and aggressive interactions that characterize the boot camp environment fail to model the pro-social behavior and development of empathy that these youth really need to learn.

Positive changes demonstrated while in the program may not last when a youth returns to his community. Many adult and juvenile offenders sentenced to boot camps report that the program is helpful to them and they feel more positive about their futures. It is unclear, however, whether these attitudinal changes persist after youth leave the boot camp, or whether they are related to actual changes in behavior once a youth returns to his community. Without significant therapeutic intervention while in the program, as well as specialized aftercare following release, boot camp programs have been consistently unsuccessful in “rehabilitating” juvenile or adult offenders.

Boot camps are not a “quick fix.” Most boot camps have high drop-out rates (as many as half fail to graduate in some programs), and staff in at least one juvenile program have expressed concern that too many youth lack the maturity and self-control to succeed in a military-style program. After leaving boot camp, youth are not prepared for productive lives in their communities. The Office of Justice Programs of the U.S. Department of Justice has suggested that, for boot camps to be effective, they must incorporate a full range of rehabilitative services and programs, including education, substance abuse treatment, individualized case management, and mental health care. Clearly, the idea of “shock incarceration” as a tough, low-cost alternative to more intensive juvenile justice programming has not been borne out by our 15 years of experience with boot camps across

What is the alternative?

Youth who are involved with the juvenile justice system require an individualized approach that takes their strengths and needs into account. Programs and policies should be family-centered, including the family in all decision making about a child, as well as culturally and developmentally appropriate. Research has shown that small, community-based programs are more effective and less costly than correctional institutions, for the majority of children who come into contact with the juvenile justice system. Rather than removing children from their families and communities, which only increases their difficulties and sense of marginalization, most youth can be managed in their communities while they receive a full range of rehabilitative services, including mental health and substance abuse treatment.

Law Homework Help

ISS 3130 FIU Alternative Exit Strategy from Afghanistan for US Troops Discussion


This disscusion will be looking at the prospect of peace in the United States’ longest armed conflict, the Afghan war. People in the U.S. and around the world hear less and less about the conflict, despite thousands of U.S. and coalition soldiers remaining in the country. The world remains uncertain of how to approach Kabul and any long-term plans to fix the country are muddled in corruption and political bias.

Student outline for posting:

  • Watch – Inside the Taliban’s Takeover of Afghanistan (Links to an external site.)
    • Ignore the Vice News anchor who makes points that are immediately contradicted and focus on the content of the video
  • Since we get to learn from our mistakes, provide an exit strategy you would present to President Biden on how to properly exit Afghanistan during his administration (you’re not allowed to assume Biden will be re-elected)

Law Homework Help

Albany State University Criminal Justice Budgeting Discussion


I’m trying to learn for my Criminal Justice class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Identify which priorities are addressed through the budget document. Explain how the budget could better identify and meet needs beyond pay, benefits, and overtime. Describe the shortcomings of the document. Finally, make recommendations as to how additional justification supplements might assist reviewing officials and taxpayers to better assess the needs and benefits of budget requests.…

Law Homework Help

Albany State University Criminal Justice Ethics Annotated Bibliography


Select two topic from the list below and write a brief research paper, no more than two pages for each topic (excluding cover page and references), double spaced, using APA style. Include references on the topic after finding a minimum of four (4) literature sources. Relate your topic to organizational performance measurement or improvement. prepare an annotated bibliography on your topic of relevance to criminal justice management, leadership, and decision issues.

Topic 1 Organizational Change

Topic 2 Annotated Bibliography Criminal Justice Ethics :

The annotated bibliography must consist of at least three (3) peer reviewed, scholarly articles. Prepare an annotation for each article. Review Briefly explain the findings. Critical analysis Analyze the author’s methodology, findings, and conclusions.

Law Homework Help

Park University Intro to Law Enforcement Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Identify and describe with example what you believe to be the most and least critical steps in the process of becoming a police officer

Define subculture and identify a specific or common behavior by police officers that represented their subculture? Explain.

Law Homework Help

University of Maryland Techniques of Legal Research Project Report



PROJECT 2 – Final Project (20 points /20% of final course grade)


The purpose of this project is to use Westlaw to research and apply statutory law and interpretive case law relevant to facts.

Course Outcomes Met by Project 2:

  • Practice computer-based legal research tools, retrieve, navigate, and update primary legal authority.
  • Cite to and explain the relevance of primary authority to a given legal topic or issue.

Background: Chang is working with a LCA consulting client, Attorney Mark Adams, a senior partner in a Baltimore, Maryland law firm. Adams has consulted Chang about a child visitation case. Chang has asked me to assist in the consultation by researching relevant statutory and case law and presenting my findings in a Research Summary Report.


Clementine Connor, the Client, reports that her child’s father has physically abused both her and their 7-year old child. The Client provided substantial, credible corroborating evidence of this abuse, including records of the child’s father’s criminal convictions for domestic abuse in Maryland. The child’s father, however, insists that the criminal trial was a fraud and that he was framed. The father has refused to complete the parenting skills and anger-management courses ordered by the judge in the criminal case.

The father now is seeking unsupervised, overnight visitation with the child. The Client fears for her child’s and her own safety if the father is allowed to have the visitation he is seeking. She wants advice regarding whether the father is likely to succeed in obtaining visitation.


Confine your research to the Family Law Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Focus on this Research Question:

Whether a Maryland court may reject a request for visitation when the parent seeking visitation has a documented history of child abuse and refuses to complete court-ordered parenting and anger-management classes?

I need help with my research in a Research Summary Report. Attorney Adams is a busy practitioner, so Chang wants explanations that are thorough, but concise. Each explanation should be written in complete sentences that use my own words. Scroll down for the complete Report format.

Part A

1. Using Westlaw, locate a directly relevant statutory provision in the Family Law Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland that addresses the research question. Cite the statutory provision in correct, complete Bluebook format.

2. Explain why the statutory provision is directly relevant to the Research Question.

Part B

Go to the Notes of Decisions tab/column for the statute you identified in Part A. From the list of annotated cases that appear there, select one reported Maryland state court opinion that is relevant to the Research Question.

3. Explain why the selected opinion is relevant to the Research Question.

4. Provide a short quotation (maximum 50 words) from the opinion that supports your response to Question 3. Use quotation marks to show that the text is not your own original work. After the quotation, provide a pinpoint citation to the regional reporter using Bluebook format.

5. Is the selected opinion “on all fours” with the Client’s case? In your answer, remember to compare and contrast the legally significant facts and the controlling law.

6. Is the selected opinion still “good law”? State your conclusion and explain how you made this determination.

Part C

7. Using A > B > C > D format, provide a detailed description of your entire research process. Start your description on the Westlaw launch page and include all steps are taken to locate the cited statute (from Part A) and court opinion (from Part B). A reader unfamiliar with Westlaw and legal research should be able to recreate your entire search process by following the steps of your A > B > C > D description.

Research Summary Report Format

Label and number all parts and responses. Use complete sentences and paragraph format were instructed to do so.

Research Summary Report

To: Alicia Chang, Esq.

From: (Your Name), Paralegal


Re: Connor Child Visitation Case

Part A



Part B





Part C



Review the Project

Thoroughly read the presentation to ensure all required elements are present.

Review the grading rubric to ensure that you earn the most points possible for this assignment.

Use Bluebook format for citations.

Proofread for spelling and grammatical issues. Use the spell and grammar check in Word.

Answers that require explanation should be thorough, but concise and clear. On Questions 2, 3, 5, and 6, aim for responses that are between three and eight sentences, and no more than 200 words long. Use complete sentences and write in your own words.

Law Homework Help

University of Phoenix Public Budgeting Theories Discussion


I’m studying for my Law class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Explain why the development of normative and descriptive theories is important for understanding public budgeting. How can these theories be applied to public sector organizations to improve their fiscal efficiency?

How can actions by a state government assist or impair its local governments in times of fiscal stress?   Explain different ways that states could take an active role as a local government nears bankruptcy?