
Law Homework Help

Sullivan University The Legal Process Discussion


I’m working on a law discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Imagine that you lead an organization and have just received notice that the organization is the named defendant in a lawsuit. Your legal counsel is on contract and it costs you $1000 just to get them on the telephone, and the organization’s finances are relatively tight.

Using the concepts from Chapter 3 in the textbook, identify and explain your reasoning behind the 5 or 6 most-important things you would want to know about the complaint, the plaintiff, or your organization’s relationship with the plaintiff, before you make the call to your attorney.

Law Homework Help

Duke University Case 8 Kaset Thai Sugar Company Case Study


Attached below are guidelines(screenshot), samples, and the cases you’ll work on.For Case 1.17. AA Capital Partners, Inc.Write a statement of facts and answer all questions.Work should be like attached samples

Law Homework Help

IND 501 Excelsior Natural Disaster Updates About Recent Flooding in City Discussion


I’m working on a law writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Please see attachedment docuemnt with my tweets .

You and your colleagues had a twitter conversation in which you all addressed a specific aspect of the emergency in your communities through the lenses of your professions.

Tweets can only go so far in imparting critical information. Podcasts have become a go-to for millions to get credible information quickly and on demand. In your leadership role, you will often need to communicate using modes of communication that are low costs and will reach your stakeholders wherever they may be. Podcasts can accomplish this.

You will create a 5-minute podcast that provides your community with more information about the issue you tweeted about. You want to speak persuasively and compellingly. Imagine that you really need your community’s buy-in and have these few minutes to get it. The information should be evidence-backed, closely aligned to the issue at hand (e.g. digital safety, being savvy to scammers, etc.) and very focused. You will need to research the legal or compliance issue involved in your discipline’s perspective. Use your profession’s best practices, as well, when you provide your recommendation to your audience.

This will involve some research. You should have at least three sources of current, highly credible information and should credit your sources in your podcast by organization or research (not by document).

(I will do the recording just provide the notes). You can record this podcast using Zoom. Zoom will generate an M4A audio file of your recording titled ‘Audio Only.” You can rename and upload that file to this forum. Please see these Zoom use instructions download for instructions on setting up a meeting and recording. You must provide a transcript in a Word or PDF format.

Law Homework Help

CJA 475 UoP Measuring Outcomes of Scottsdale Police Departments Plan Paper



You are a member of the Scottsdale Police Department’s team of strategy leaders and your role is to develop a strategy for measuring the outcomes of the strategic plan.

Write a 525-word sentence outline in which you summarize a strategy for measuring the outcomes of the Scottsdale Police Department’s strategic plan.

Include the following in your outline:

  • Stages of plan implementation
  • Overview of stakeholders involved in the process
  • Examples for measurements of outcomes
  • Rationale and justifications for measuring outcomes
  • Explanation of the gap analysis

Format your outline according to APA guidelines.


Law Homework Help

ISS 3130 SDSU Alternative Exit Strategy from Afghanistan for US Troops Discussion


I don’t know how to handle this International Law question and need guidance.

This discussion will be looking at the prospect of peace in the United States’ longest armed conflict, the Afghan war. People in the U.S. and around the world hear less and less about the conflict, despite thousands of U.S. and coalition soldiers remaining in the country. The world remains uncertain of how to approach Kabul and any long-term plans to fix the country are muddled in corruption and political bias.

Student outline for posting:

  • Watch – Inside the Taliban’s Takeover of Afghanistan (Links to an external site.)
    • Ignore the Vice News anchor who makes points that are immediately contradicted and focus on the content of the video
  • Since we get to learn from our mistakes, provide an exit strategy you would present to President Biden on how to properly exit Afghanistan during his administration (you’re not allowed to assume Biden will be re-elected)

Law Homework Help

American InterContinental University Human Trafficking Root Cause and Implications Essay


Based on the feedback you have received on your introduction paragraph, begin writing a 3–4-page rough draft of the body paragraphs of your research paper, which should have a clear focus, problems and solutions, and reliable/scholarly sources as support. You should have a good supply of research notes to bring into each of your arguments. Be sure your rough draft includes the following:

  • An introduction that has been revised based on prior feedback 
  • Body paragraphs organized around focused analysis and supporting evidence for each of the key points that you are researching 
  • In-text citations and a reference page to document the sources being used

Law Homework Help

The University of South Florida Globalization and Nationalism Discussion


After reading the assigned chapters (Chapters 24, 25, 27, 29, 31, & 32), answer two of the following questions. Then, reply to three classmates’ threads.


      1. How has globalization affected environmental change? What does regime theory tell us about global environmental cooperation?
      2. How might the idea of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities’ in relation to climate change be viewed differently by the different international relations theories? What would realists argue that this demonstrates in comparison to what a liberal might argue?
      3. What is the history of terrorism? Why should we learn about it? What are the five areas in which globalization has improved the capabilities of terrorist groups? What are the limitations?
      4. Is nationalism a cause or consequence of the nation-state? What role did nationalism play in forming nation-states? What kind of nation-states? What was the relationship between nationalism and decolonization in the twentieth century?
      5. How do processes of globalization change our conceptions of nationalism? Also, does nationalism help or hinder international order?
      6. Why has IR traditionally omitted concerns of poverty, development, and hunger? What might be a Marxist or dependency theory account of the causes of poverty? Do you agree?
      7. What does the concept of the ‘global South’ add to our understanding? What are the implications of uneven development for theoretical approaches to IR and IPE, particularly world systems theory?
      8. Have institutions associated with structural adjustment policies been more of a success or failure? What theoretical assumptions motivate your answer?
      9. Which theory of international politics best accounts for the emergence of an international human rights regime? How do Liberalism, Marxism, Realism, and Social constructivism explain the concept of human rights in world politics?
      10. With reference to the chapter, assess the multilateral, bilateral and NGO human rights regimes. Which do you find most convincing and why?
      11. Why do states intervene in some humanitarian crises and not others? Outline the key objections to legitimizing humanitarian intervention. What are the responses to these objections? How sound are the arguments on both sides?
      12. What are the strengths and weaknesses of non-forcible humanitarian intervention approach? Does it offer a ‘third option’? How might the rules of international law and the institutions that uphold them (i.e., the UN), be reformed to prevent the horrors of Rwanda and other similar tragedies
      13. Threaded Discussion Requirements:
        • You are required to answer two of my questions, thus starting two new discussion threads for other students to reply.
            • Each answer to my questions should be in at least 300 words, totaling 600 words for both answers.
              • Greetings or compliments will not be counted toward the length requirement of each thread.
            • Each answer should be posted separately.
              • Thus, you should have two separate threads for each discussion.
            • Both answers to my questions should be posted by no later than Friday of the discussion week.
              • This is done to provide you sufficient time to reply to your classmates’ answers.
        • You are required to use the textbook as the primary course of information.
            • External source may be used to enrich your responses; however, such use should be secondary.
            • Your answers should demonstrate to me that you have both engaged and critically thought about the readings.
        • You are required to reply to at least three other students’ discussion threads.
            • Each reply to your classmates’ threads should be in at least 100 words, totaling at least 300 words for all three replies.
              • Each reply should be substantial and discuss related ideas or concepts
              • Greetings or compliments will not be counted toward the length requirement of each thread or reply.
        • You are required to provide in-text citations and references in the 6th edition of the APA writing format.
            • In-text citations for the textbooks or any other source of information should include (1) the author last name(s), (2) publication year, and (3) page number (s)., i.e. (Baylis, Smith, & Owens, 2014, p. 37).
            • Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

                • I will frequently put suspicious discussions through Turnitin.
                • Students with plagiarized discussions will automatically receive a failing grade (FF) for the course.

              Use the following Grading Rubric for guidance with your discussion.

              90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 Below 60
              The discussion does everything in the B, and it shows a synthesis of the topic with the concepts from international relations. The discussion does everything in the C but includes original evaluation of the material and makes nearly all of the main points from the course material. The discussion is organized, references course material, and includes well-thought ideas.The discussion addresses all the assignment questions/topics.The discussion provides in-text citations and references Some thoughts are related to the topic and some course material is mentioned or alluded to. There appears to be an attempt at structure and organization.The discussion does not address all the assignment questions/topics.The discussion is missing in-text citations and/or references. The discussion shows little effort, poor organization, and no incorporation of course material.
              Thoughts are incomplete and not always relevant to the topic.The discussion does not address the assignment questions/topics.The discussion misses in-text citations and/or references.

Law Homework Help

Strayer University Goals of Criminal law and their Importance Paper



Criminal law is aimed at the misbehavior that falls below society’s norms and values. The burden of enforcing criminal law and maintaining public order and public safety falls to local, state, and even the federal government; all help to shape and prescribe conduct in the United States. Each state is specifically responsible for the maintenance of public order and public safety within their borders. The federal government is responsible for regulating criminal conduct delegated to it by the U.S. Constitution. Each branch of government, at the state and federal level, must proscribe the required elements of each crime charged and prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt per the Due Process Clause and other constitutional requirements. In this assignment, you will explore criminal law, criminal culpability and its limitations, and what is required for criminal liability and punishment.


Write a 3-page paper in which you:

  • Explain the goals of criminal law and why these goals are still important today.
  • Explain the connection between state police power and the limitations of this power imposed by the Constitution.
  • Identify the differences between state and federal jurisdiction, when it comes to criminal law, and what is meant by due process of law.
  • Describe the manner in which the four goals of criminal law are met by requiring and proving both a mental element and physical act beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • Use at least three high-quality academic references. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.
  • Write clearly and concisely in a manner that is grammatically correct and generally free of spelling, typographical, formatting, and/or punctuation errors.

Law Homework Help

Strayer University The Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws Responses


Answer Two Questions. Please respond to the following:

Question 1: (Must contain 150 words)

Consider the key reasons why some states’ legislatures modified the castle doctrine. Select an article within the past five years where either the castle doctrine or the stand your ground law was used as a defense and discuss whether or not you agree or disagree with the use of the defense by the assailant – did they successfully make their case? Provide a rationale to support your response and respond to no less than one of your peers.

Question 2: (Must contain 150 words)

In your response to the following ATTACHED statement, if the writer agreed the defense made their case, see if you can offer an argument in opposition that they did not, and that they should be convicted. If they disagreed, see if you can offer an argument in opposition that their defense should have succeeded.