
Law Homework Help

Glendale Community College New England Patriots Discussion


I’m working on a law test / quiz prep and need a reference to help me learn.

1. What is the best way to describe the attitude of the New England Patriots’ organization about rules compliance?

2. Why do companies issue press releases when executives depart that indicate the executives are leaving to spend more time with their families? What are the ethical issues in issuing such statements if they are not true?

3. Would Immanuel Kant take issue with the philosophy, “Treat employees well because then stockholders will prosper?” Please explain your answer

4.Using the MLB steroids case as an example, explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules.

5.Explain why the Sarbanes-Oxley Act prevents accounting firms to provide both auditing and consulting services to a single client.

6 Discuss the ethics of a borrower deciding to no longer make any payments to the lender under a mortgage contract. Be sure to include an analysis of any rationalizations and who are the stakeholders affected by this decision.

Law Homework Help

Pepperdine University Criminological Theories & Neurological Theory Discussion


) Complete chapters 6, then submit a 500-800 words minimum answering question 1, 2, and 4 of the listed questions in the “Critical Thinking” section found at the end of the chapter. When writing your section, do not quote directly from the reading, and please properly cite your sources using APA, MLA, or Chicago format. Please submit a PDF with your answers on Canvas using the assignment submission section.

1. Is there a “transitional” area in your town or city?
Does the crime rate remain constant there, regardless
of who moves in or out?
2. Is it possible that a distinct lower-class culture exists?
Do you know anyone who has the focal concerns
Miller talks about? Were there “focal concerns” in your
high school or college experience?
3. Have you ever perceived anomie? What causes
anomie? Is there more than one cause of strain?
4. How would Merton explain middle-class crime? How
would Agnew?
5. Could “relative deprivation” produce crime among
college-educated white-collar workers?

Law Homework Help

Case Western Reserve University Types of Bankruptcy Law Directions Discussion


Your clients, Fred Frugal and Barney Bizarre, have been operating their business for the past five (5) years. The first year Fred and Barney were busy getting established and acquiring customers. Years two through five, however, proved very successful for Fred and Barney as they were able to expand their customer base, their revenue base, their employees, and their business assets. Unfortunately, a sudden, unanticipated downturn in the economy in this, their sixth year of operation, has caused Fred and Barney to lose a large portion of their customer base. They have spent money advertising with various media in an attempt to gain new customers, but their income from sales and services remains flat and declining. Likewise, their stockpile of financial resources is being rapidly depleted forcing them to contemplate downsizing and layoffs as the bills mount faster than they can pay them off

Law Homework Help

CRJ 426 Colorado State University Child Interview Protocol Questions


Option #1: Child Interviews (Paper) Rapport building methodology has been found to be a crucial step in interviewing child victims. Based on your required article reading this week by Ahern and Lamb (2017), as well as additional scholarly research, discuss in detail the following two child interview protocols.

• The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Protocol

• The Memorandum of Good Practice (MoGP)

1. What are the benefits of each of these interviewing techniques?

2. What are the limitations of these interviewing techniques?

Law Homework Help

LAW 101 SEU Dierdre Advice Discussion


Deidre McFadden came to the offices of Webber & Associates seeking help in organizing her business, Fashion Angels, a toy-making enterprise focusing on dolls with multiple outfits. She wants to run the business and has few personal assets so is not worried about personal liability. Deidre’s aunt, Penelope, is elderly, wealthy, and adores her only niece. Penelope is willing to invest $500,000 to start the business, and Deidre has $10,000 to contribute on her own. Deidre expects to do all the work without compensation as it will take at least a year before Fashion Angels will make any profit. Penelope will sign any agreement terms, with one condition. Penelope is insisting that Deidre cannot leave the company, stating “I don’t want my money going to a stranger, it’s for Deidre.”

Deidre is looking for your advice as to the type of entity that would suit her best. “I don’t want my aunt to become the target for bill collectors if I fail. And to be honest, I really don’t want her interfering in the business because she can be quite aggressive.”

What advice would you give Deidre?

Law Homework Help

CRJ 105 Strayer University Week 5 Crime and Criminal Behavior Discussion


Week 5 Discussion

Routine Activities and Lifestyle:

Analyze and discuss the routine activities and lifestyle theories in order to explain victim precipitation. Do both of these theories explain how someone can become a victim? How? Be sure to summarize what precipitation means in your post.


Law Homework Help

Central Texas College Use of The Double Blind Method in The Criminal Case Discussion


I need help with a Criminal Justice question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Eyewitness Misidentification

Jennifer Thompson & Ronald Cotton in the Picking Cotton: 60 Minutes Special

Eyewitness testimony is a big part of my criminal cases but it can be flawed. Procedures dealing with eyewitness, photo lineups, and in-person lineups have changed over the years because old procedures have been found to be flawed.

Should witnesses or victims be believed without testing and without investigation in criminal cases? Explain.

Do witnesses and victims ever lie in criminal cases?

In medical studies involving the testing of medicine a double-blind method of testing medicine is used in which the participants taking the medicine are not told if they are taking real medicine or a placebo. Doctors administering the drugs are also not told which whether the medicine they are administering is real or a placebo. 

Why do you believe the double-blind method is used in medicine?

  1. Do you believe this procedure should be used with eyewitness identification in criminal cases? Why?
  2. Based on events in 2018, do you believe Americans understand the issues surrounding due processes and criminal justice? Explain.
  3. Do social media movements help or hurt due process and accuracy in our criminal justice system? Explain.

Law Homework Help

CJ 232 San Jose State University Correctional System in United States Responses


Please read The Below First

I’m looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Course Hero or any online cites to provide your answers. The professor checks these other sites as well. If you do this to provide your answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to Chegg or Course Heroetc.

Someone that uses their own words, so nothing can be found on the internet.

Someone who does not Plagiarize others work from online websites.

I have word documents attached with the instructions.

Then let me know. 

Thank you.

Subjects are:

Criminal Justice

This is the book that is used:

American Corrections in Brief

ISBN-13: 9781305633735


Clear, T. R. (2016). American Corrections in Brief. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from…

Your answers will be original?

The professor or anyone will not be able find these answers on any online website?

Please answer:

1. Read all the instructions and let me know if you have any questions about what must be done.

2. Your answers will be all original?

3. Do you guarantee that all your work is original and none of what you write can or will be found on any online site?

Therefore, I try to provide a longer time for the work to be completed.

Law Homework Help

East Texas Baptist University 4th 5th 6th 8th and 14th Amendments Discussion


I need support with this Criminal Justice question so I can learn better.

Please submit Amendments 4,5,6,8 & 14 verbatim. Please describe how an individual’s rights are protected in a brief senario/explanation with each amendment.