
Law Homework Help

GCU Social Issues Discussion


Which theory makes the most sense to you in its explanation of global stratification: dependency theory, modernization theory, or conflict theory? Explain your answer (Discussion Question 1) 150 words

Make a list of social problems experienced on a global scale. Choose one to research throughout the semester and provide a brief summary of the global social problem. Support your research with peer-reviewed sources. (Discussion Question 2) 150 words.

Explain the history of failed attempts to enact national health insurance in the United States .(Discussion Question 3) 150 words.

According to your personal worldview, should individuals have a right to medical care? Are there any instances when medical care should not be considered a right? (Discussion Question 4) 150 words.

Law Homework Help

University of Phoenix Delinquency Case Criminal Justice Worksheet


Assignment Content

  1. Scenario: Imagine you are a probation officer who has been tasked with creating a report to share with the key personnel of the local school district to build awareness about laws and court processes that impact local court juvenile sentencing.Write a report that consists of 2 parts:Part 1: Data VisualizationResearch statistics on populations of juvenile delinquents using the OJJDP’s Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics (EZAJCS) data tool for national data on juvenile delinquency demographics, offenses, and case processing trends. Choose 1 of the following options to investigate:

    • How 1 year’s delinquency case totals compare to another year’s totals based on the age at referral, manner of handling, and disposition
    • How 1 year’s case processing totals compare to another year for 2 types of offenses and how they vary for different demographic groups and genders

    Create a visual representation of the data that shows a comparison of both groups, such as a chart, graphic image, diagram, or infographic. Do not use a table. Instead, select a visually appealing layout that your community would find easy to read and understand.Create an image for your data visualization using an illustration tool in Microsoft® Word or PowerPoint®, or use an online drawing tool such as Piktochart® or Smore.Part 2: Executive SummaryWrite an executive summary of your findings in 250 to 525 words. Complete the following in your summary:

    • Explain the data shown in your image. Summarize what the difference in the numbers means for juvenile sentencing in courts.
    • Categorize the types of offenses that come under acts of delinquency and status offenses in juvenile courts.
    • Describe in detail the court process applicable for either type of offense and the court personnel associated with each process?

    Submit your assignment.Resources

Law Homework Help

HLS 470 Colorado Technical University Online Unit 2 CI Sectors & SSA National Planning Scenarios Essay


You are the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Officer in the Plans Directorate of your County Emergency Management Agency. Your county commissioners have decided, based on continuing economic factors and other municipality-level constraints, that the county may be better suited to orchestrate and implement the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) better than the municipalities.

The paucity of available and full-time assets in the municipalities will simply not support successful implementation of this national-level plan. Based on your education and training, the county Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) has selected you to oversee, orchestrate, and synchronize the efforts of all associated stakeholders in meeting the six objectives in the NIPP. The county EMC would like this product in the form of a strategy (e.g., short and broad but addressing the key tenets) and the objectives stated in the NIPP.

He does not seek the intricate details that are normally associated with a program or plan; rather, he wants an overarching document that provides the affected stakeholders (e.g., owners or operators of Critical Infrastructure (CI), associated first responders, elected officials, and other public safety officials) with a strategy for protecting the county’s CI. He specifically wants the strategy to include a vision, goal, what needs to be accomplished, how you intend to accomplish each objective, and the resources that you intend to use to enable this strategy.

Using what you have learned thus far from the statutory, directive, plan references, and any dialogue with your colleagues, develop a County Strategy for Critical Infrastructure Protection that includes the specified tasks directed by your County EMC. Your only constraint is that this is not intended to be the intricate detailed plan for executing each implied task associated with critical infrastructure protection. It is meant to provide a reader with a general sense of background, purpose, tasks to be performed, and a conceptual framework of how you intend to execute the county responsibilities for successful completion of all specified and implied tasks.

Assignment Details

Address the following in a strategy document of 2-3 pages:

  • In your county CIP strategy, include      the following components:
    • Vision
    • Goal
    • What needs to be accomplished
    • How you intend to accomplish each       objective
    • The resources that you intend to       use to enable this strategy
  • How will you synchronize the efforts      of all associated stakeholders in meeting the six objectives in the NIPP?      Explain in detail.
  • Remember to be specific and detailed      in your county CIP strategy.  Use the Dallas county and Texas state as location 

Law Homework Help

South University Online RPT in Reducing Criminal Recidivism Research Proposal


I’m working on a public service report and need an explanation to help me study.

Research Paper: Proposal Assignment Instructions


The purpose of this assignment is to conduct research in an effort to develop a topic proposal for your Final Research Paper for the course. For this assignment, please conduct research in the area of rehabilitation and treatment services. You will examine and consider new approaches that have recently been or are currently being utilized throughout the corrections industry.


Please submit a 1-to-2-page proposal for your Final Research Paper. The proposal should include a list of topics or content selections. Additionally, please be sure to list the academic sources and selected scriptures that will be utilized in this Proposal Assignment. You may utilize an outline format in completion of this assignment.

Please be sure to adhere to the following:

  • Utilize and cite at least 5 sources (industry, governmental, academic) in addition to the course text, and at least one scripture from the Bible for a total of 7 sources.
  • Utilize APA formatting throughout.
  • The Proposal Assignment should contain at least 1 to 2 pages in length.

Law Homework Help

University of Phoenix Criminal Justice Violent Crimes Questions


I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Imagine you are training new case managers for victims of familiar (family and other relationships) violence.

Write a 350 to- 700-word training guide in which you:

  • Identify causes and impact of victimization within families and relationships.
  • Describe police response practices to familiar violence incidents and calls for service.
  • Discuss mandatory criminal charging in familiar violence cases.
  • Identify federal and state (where you live) violent crime/crime of violence and victims’ rights laws.
  • Identify crime data and trends in familiar violence.
  • Discuss future approaches to police response in familiar violence incidents.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Law Homework Help

Prince George’s Community College Evolution of Hacking and Malware Paper


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need support to help me study.

  • Reflect on the evolution of hacking and malware. How has hacking and malware evolved, and what is the global impact of these crimes? Discuss some of the legal challenges in prosecuting hacking and malware writers.  

Law Homework Help

Prince George’s Community College Police and Communities in Washington DC Paper


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need support to help me study.

  • Relationship between the police and minority communities in Washington DC. Do you believe police managers and policymakers demonstrate flawed thinking in their approach to minority communities? Why, or why not? 

Law Homework Help

Prince George’s Community College Security Screening at Airports Paper


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need support to help me study.

What is your opinion of security screening at airports, courthouses, and other public buildings? Do you think we should be more or less concerned with special needs searches?


Law Homework Help

North Carolina Central University Unethical Behavior Against Social Norms Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

As a Chief of Police, what steps would you take to end unethical behavior in your division? Discuss. For more information on unethical behavior, look on google.