
Law Homework Help

Capella University Trait and Choice Theory Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Discussion post: Identifying the common characteristics of school shooters (from safe school initiative, or other relevant statistical data on school shooters). How would you explain a school shooting using both trait and choice theories of crime?

Law Homework Help

MMHA 6300 Walden University Policy Assessment Affordable Care Act PPT


Whether a health care policy was formulated at the federal (country); state (providence or regional); or local level, policies inevitably have considerable impact on local health care organizations, communities, and relevant stakeholders. In other words, a health care policy that has far-reaching relevance to the nation, state, or region ultimately impacts the grassroots interests and concerns of the community.

To complete the Assignment, select a recent (within the last 5 years) health care policy that has had substantial impact on consumers. In particular, look at a high-impact health care policy to analyze the diverse and divergent perspectives that informed its development and then assess its impact at the local organizational level.

Detailed and current information on health care policy may be found on many websites, including the following:

  • American Hospital Association (AHA)
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
  • The Kaiser Family Foundation
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
  • American Public Health Association (APHA)
  • American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)

After choosing a health care policy, select a local health care organization that is impacted by that policy. This might be a public agency, a health care facility, or any organization substantially influenced by the policy. It also might be the health care organization in which you work. As an administrator in this organization, you have been tasked with preparing an assessment of the impact of the policy on the organization’s operations and outcomes. This task requires you to take a large and complex topic (the policy) and synthesize it into digestible information that organizational stakeholders can strategically use to address issues raised by the policy.

For Part 1 of this assessment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that explains key points related to the health care policy you selected. This presentation is designed to inform and precede the dissemination of an in-depth policy assessment regarding the impact of the policy on the organization.

For Part 2, you will write an in-depth policy assessment that synthesizes the impact of the health care policy on the organization.

Part 1: PowerPoint Presentation: Key Points of a Health Care Policy

Succinct but accurate dissemination of information is often a key responsibility of a health care administrator, and understanding current changes in health care policy is an important need for many stakeholders within an organization.

For this Assignment, assume the role of a health care administrator and create a PowerPoint presentation to provide stakeholders within the organization foundational information about the policy you selected. In particular, focus on the formulation of the policy and the diverse perspectives of those who had a role in its development. As noted previously, this presentation is designed to inform the subsequent policy assessment you will distribute.

In a 12- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation:

  • Briefly describe the issue addressed by the policy as well as the background of the policy’s formulation.
  • Identify key stakeholders involved in the evolution of this policy. Briefly explain the overarching perspectives of these stakeholders with regard to the policy.
  • Define which of the stakeholders would be considered advocacy groups and which would be classified as business interests. Explain how you differentiate the two categories and why this differentiation matters.
  • Explain the impact of the policy on key stakeholders (not necessarily within the organization). For example, how does the policy impact consumers? A health care organization? An insurance company? Providers?
  • Explain the role of various government agencies and officials, including public health agencies, in the formulation and implementation of the policy.
  • Explain the ongoing role of law and regulation in the formulation and implementation of the policy.

Part 2: Policy Assessment

Once organizational stakeholders have been given foundational and critical information about the health care policy, you will provide them with a succinct, in-depth assessment of the impact of the policy on the organization.

In a 2- to 3-page executive summary:

  • Briefly discuss the relevance of the policy to the organization.
  • Explain areas within the organization that will be affected by the policy.
  • Identify key organizational stakeholders impacted by this policy. Explain how they will be affected.
  • Assess any community impact that will need to be taken into consideration.
  • Describe the expected impact of the policy on organizational outcomes.

Law Homework Help

Strayer University Theoretical Basis of Juvenile Delinquent Behavior Worksheet


For this assignment, you will use psychological and sociological criminology theories to explain juvenile delinquent behavior.


Use the Juvenile Delinquent Behavior Template [DOCX] for this assignment (Attached). Provide complete responses in all table columns and rows.

  1. Read the profiles of each juvenile on the Listverse Top 10 Young Killers list.
  2. Provide original, accurate, and complete summaries of each psychological and sociological criminology theory:
  • Psychodynamic Theory.
  • Behavioral Theory.
  • Moral Development Theory.
  • Personality Theory.
  • Cultural Deviance Theory.
  • Strain Theory.
  • Social Control Theory.
  • Match one or more juveniles with the criminology theory that best explains the child’s behavior.
    • The same child may be used more than once but avoid matching the same child repeatedly to most or all of the theories.
  • Explain your choice of theory in each case. This matching task is open to interpretation, so provide strong reasoning for your choice.
    • Provide original, accurate, and complete summaries of each of these psychological and sociological criminology theories
  • Provide complete responses in all table columns and rows.
  • *Note: The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Explain juvenile delinquent behavior based on psychological theories.

    Law Homework Help

    CJA 355 University of Phoenix Evaluations and Budget Paper


    Evaluations and Budget Paper 

    1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you answer the following questions:

    • What are the benefits of an evaluation plan?
    • What are the differences between a process evaluation and an outcome evaluation?
    • What are the types of budgets used in grant funding? Why are these types of budgets used?

    Law Homework Help

    California State University Sacramento Police Sexual Misconduct Reflection


    I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

    Write a two-page (12 font 1.5 spaced) reflection on the relation between policing, gender, and police sexual misconduct. What are the obstacles women face in achieving leadership positions? How does policing creates conditions for gender, sexual and intimate partner violence? 

    Law Homework Help

    PS 308 Central Methodist University Magic Words in Political Speech Question


    1. Explain the use of “magic words” in determining what political speech may be regulated as “soft money” vs “hard money,” as laid out in McConnell v. FEC.

    Book: American Constitutional Law: Introductory Essays and Selected Cases 17th Edition by Alpheus Thomas Mason and Donald Grier Stephenson Jr.

    Law Homework Help

    Harvard University Reflection on Nixon Drug View Discussion


    reflection just your thoughts and feelings or opioions on the material we took in class i will provide the things we took in class you can talk about one thing or mulitple things up to you

    Law Homework Help

    PS 308 CMU Similarities Between the Cases Hammer v Dagenhars Analysis


    Explain the similarities between the cases Hammer v. Dagenhars & Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co? What clauses do each of the cases deal with, and how is the reasoning similar?

    Book: American Constitutional Law: Introductory Essays and Selected Cases 17th Edition by Alpheus Thomas Mason and Donald Grier Stephenson Jr.

    Law Homework Help

    PS 308 CMU Identify Clause that Allows Congress to Coerce State Action Analysis


    What “carrot” can the federal government use to entice States to take certain actions? Identify the clause in the Constitution that allows Congress to coerce State action.

    Book: American Constitutional Law: Introductory Essays and Selected Cases 17th Edition by Alpheus Thomas Mason and Donald Grier Stephenson Jr.