
Law Homework Help

Strayer University Policing in America History of The Police Worksheet


Assignment 1

In this course, we have been learning about the different time periods of policing. Based on the current climate, there is a level of distrust today between the police and the public. Riots, marches, and protests in response to high-profile police shootings have eroded the relationships that were built through community policing. With the hopes of improving police efficiency and finding new approaches to working together with the public, we move into a new period of policing.

Using the Internet links provided this week and your textbook look at the different periods of policing up to today. Based on the changing role and function of police officers over the years, address the questions below, ending with the current state of policing and how it is affected by technology.

Law Homework Help

Southern New Hampshire University Physical Infrastructure Question


Overview: This assignment will introduce you to risk analysis and the purpose of the threat assessment process through a case study. ? Begin by reviewing Chapter 6, Section 6.1 (chart) and Section 6.4 (risk formula), in Understanding, Assessing, and Responding to Terrorism. ? Then, in, read the following sections: o “Identifying Critical Infrastructure: What to Protect” (which is located in the “Introduction” section) for background. o The case study “A Tale of One City” (which is located in the “Risk Management” section of the document), which will be used as the case study scenario mentioned below. 

The risk formula for this course will be as follows: Risk = Threat x Vulnerability x Consequence (R = T x V x C) 

These are the five steps in the risk management process you will use in this course and apply to this assignment: 

? Asset Assessment—Identifying Critical Infrastructure 

? Assess Threats—A systematic effort to identify and evaluate existing or potential threats to a jurisdiction and its targets.

? Assess Vulnerability—The identification of weaknesses in physical structures, personnel protection systems, processes, or other areas that may be exploited by terrorists.

? Assess Risk (Criticality and Consequence Analysis)—Criticality assessments help planners determine the relative importance of assets, helping to prioritize the allocation of resources and the most critical assets. An essential part of the risk equation is considering the consequence of the loss of or serious damage to important infrastructures, systems, and other assets. 

? Determine Countermeasures—Countermeasures, such as expansion of staffing, installation of equipment and new technology, or target hardening, must be evaluated or tested periodically to ensure that improvements are working as intended (Assessing and Managing the Terrorism Threat, 2005). 

Case Study: Using the details from the case study scenario “A Tale of One City”, you are the chief of police for a community of 75,000. The mayor has tasked you with conducting a risk assessment of critical infrastructure within your jurisdiction. You learn that the mayor has raised questions regarding your department’s recent risk assessment report. 

Prompt: Draft a paper summarizing the information that you would present to the mayor. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed (use the case study for details): 

? Explain to the mayor the five main steps to risk management that your team applied in the risk management process. Provide details about how these steps relate to the case study. 

? Identify the key community partners that your team worked with. 

? Identify the regional law enforcement partners that your team worked with. 

? List the critical infrastructures that were identified within the jurisdiction in order of significance to the community, from least significant to most significant. Referring to the case study, explain why they were listed in that order. 

? Use a scale of low, moderate, and high to identify any threat levels (T), vulnerability levels (V) or criticality levels (C) for key infrastructures in the scenario.

? What did the team identity as the major critical infrastructure risk for the community? Explain why they identified this particular risk. 

? Explain the importance of objective assessment in this process.  

Law Homework Help

Environmental Practices on Agricultural Land Questions


A half-page and single space for total answers.

Consider the 2012 annual report for the USDA Conservation Reserve Program (Links to an external site.) and the website showcasing projects around the country at the CRP is 30 website (Links to an external site.).

Which policy tool is being used to influence environmental practices on agricultural land? Why?

What do you think of the public outlay of funds to support these environmental practices? Consider your answer from the perspective of an agricultural producer, then consider the answer from the perspective of a consumer/citizen.

Note that 2012 is the most recent annual report, but if you want more statistics about recent years, they are at the USDA FSA Conservation Reserve Program Statistics (Links to an external site.) page.

Law Homework Help

Legal Terms Related to Business Associations and Contracts Discussion


I don’t know how to handle this Law question and need guidance.

1- Read chapter 8 and make a glossary in a word/pdf document

Please submit a glossary of legal terms related business associations and contracts.

2- Please write definitions, in your own words, for the following terms:

Sole proprietorship


Joint venture

Unincorporated association

Loose association

Fiduciary duty

Actual authority (might be easiest to write a quick example)

Implied authority (might be easiest to write a quick example)

Apparent authority (might be easiest to write a quick example)





Independent contractor






Promissory estoppel


Parole evidence rule

Exculpatory clause

Anticipatory repudiation 

Law Homework Help

CRMJ 2367 STNCC Causes of Anxiety and treatment Discussion


This is a bonus assignment! You are to create and submit a short (1-page) essay demonstrating knowledge of the various causes for anxiety and treatment options. The essay will need to be double spaced, 12 font, and Times New Roman. A sample essay with be provided for formatting guidance.

Law Homework Help

Valencia College Policing in The Era of Big Data Discussion


The assignment structure requires you to clearly include and separately identify the following:

3 main points of the assigned reading accompanied by a short description (i.e., 3 separate paragraphs)

3 major studies discussed in the assigned reading that support the main points with a short description (i.e., 3 separate paragraphs)

2 key concepts or new terms discussed in the assigned reading with short definition. (i.e., 2 separate paragraphs)

2 proposed actions to be taken that are discussed in the assigned readings with a short description (i.e., 2 separate paragraphs)

Law Homework Help

Strayer University Parole Feed Mass Incarceration in the United States Discussion


I need support with this Criminal Justice question so I can learn better.

You could have been in the same situation yourself. Instead, it is Mary Lee Smith, one of your probationers, who is about to stand before the judge in a probation revocation hearing.

When you and your husband split 10 years ago, you had two children and eventually had to declare bankruptcy and accept food stamps to be able to pay the rent. After seven years working as a secretary at the nearby state juvenile corrections center, receiving constant encouragement from Mrs. Jones, the superintendent, and taking advantage of a criminal justice scholarship program, you finished a degree in administration of justice and qualified for an entry-level position with the community resources division of the state department of corrections. You advanced as the system grew, and now, three years later, you are a probation supervisor in Judge Longworth’s court.

In a way, Mary Lee is as much a victim as she is an offender. Married at seventeen, she quit high school and moved west with her husband who was in the army. By the time she was twenty, she had two children and was divorced. With babysitters to pay and skills that would command no more than minimum wage, Mary Lee turned to such income supplements as shoplifting, bad check writing, and occasionally prostitution. Her check-passing skills developed rapidly, and it was not long before she had amassed a series of convictions, not to mention several lesser offenses for petty larceny that were disposed of by the prosecutor’s declaration of nolle prosequi. To date, Mary Lee has not served a day in prison. Judge Longworth has used admonition, restitution, suspended sentence, and probation to rehabilitate Mary Lee. However, Mary Lee’s criminal conduct has persisted, as has her inability to stretch her food stamps, welfare payments, and part-time minimum-wage employment into a satisfactory existence for herself and her children. To complicate the matter, the welfare safety net that had helped keep Mary Lee and her children afloat would cease to exist for her within 24 months.

Judge Longworth has called you into his chambers before the hearing. He read your violation report with interest. You pointed out Mary Lee’s family obligations and the imminent possibility that the children would have to be placed in foster homes if she were confined. You also pointed out that she has been faithful in making restitution and that she maintains a steady church relationship and a good home environment for her children. Although your report is fair and accurate, you realize that the judge has sensed your misgivings and uncertainty concerning Mary Lee.

Judge Longworth looks up from your report and comes directly to the point. “Do you really believe this woman deserves to go back into the community? You certainly seem to have found some redeeming features in her conduct that I don’t,” he says. “Unfortunately, it appears to me that the only way she is going to learn to respect other people’s property is to be deprived of her own freedom. I think the community is getting pretty tired of this kind of repetitive criminal conduct.” Judge Longworth looks to you expectantly for an answer.

You are on the spot. You know your answer might put Mary Lee in the penitentiary or give her another chance on probation. The judge will make up his own mind, but you know he values your opinion.

Should Mary Lee be sent to prison or allowed to remain on probation?

Is there anything else you can do as a probation officer to help Mary Lee make a more successful adjustment regarding living within the limits of the law?

Is it enough for the courts or society to tell someone like Mary Lee not to commit petty larceny, or does our system have a moral duty to provide her with support services that could increase her chance of success?

Law Homework Help

CTU Online Unit 1 Local Law Enforcement and intelligence Fusion Centers Paper


Unit 1 – Discussion Board 2 

Running head:  Local Law Enforcement and Intelligence Fusion Centers

Assignment Description

In the wake of the terrorist attacks in September 2001, the 9/11 Commission recommended that the U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) find a way to improve information sharing of terrorism-related intelligence at all three levels of government (local, state, and federal). The USIC’s answer to this recommendation was the creation of intelligence fusion centers.

Since the creation of these intelligence fusion centers, there has been much controversy because of the large amounts of personal information secretly collected and shared within the U.S. intelligence and law enforcement communities. In addition, some critics argue that in the years since their creation, fusion centers and the law enforcement entities affiliated with them have moved away from their original purpose and instead have utilized federal grants and resources to fight local crime. 

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

  • In your opinion, how effective are      U.S. fusion centers? Explain.
  • Do you feel that the creation of      fusion centers has improved information sharing of terrorism-related      information at all three levels of government? Why or why not?
  • Do you feel that fusion centers have      ultimately moved away from their intended purpose? Why or why not? 
  • Are fusion centers now being used as      a local law enforcement tool to help fight local crime? Why or why not?

Law Homework Help

Arizona State University Life Scenarios Paper


Learning Goal: I’m working on a law case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a law project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.