This is the first of two Excel assignments you will complete in this course. Before you get started, be sure to watch the Mergent Online video (written instructions can be found here). For this assign

This is the first of two Excel assignments you will complete in this course. Before you get started, be sure to watch the Mergent Online video (written instructions can be found here). For this assignment, consider the stock you own in your TDAU thinkorswim portfolio. Choose one of the companies from your portfolio and complete the following steps:

Financial ReportsFor the company you have selected, find the most recent annual balance sheet, annual income statement, and annual statement of cash flows.

Copy each of these three reports to its own worksheet within a single Excel file. The first worksheet should be titled 20XX Balance Sheet; the second, 20XX Income Statement; the third, 20XX Cash Flow. (Replace the XX with the appropriate year.) The image below illustrates the way the file should be set up.

Stock PricesCreate a fourth worksheet within the same Excel file for historical stock prices. (You can name the worksheet Stock Prices.)

  Reference the To Find Historical Stock Prices section of the Mergent Online written instructions to locate the stock prices for your company for the most recent seven days. In your Excel file, enter those seven prices.

  On the Stock Prices worksheet, use an Excel formula to calculate the stock price’s rate of return over that seven-day period. To do this,

Subtract the stock price of the first day from the stock price of the last day.

Divide this amount by the stock price from the first day.

Multiply by 100 to get the rate of return.

3. ProfessionalismFormat the data on all worksheets so that the file has a neat and professional appearance.

4. ReferencesAt the bottom of each data tab in the spreadsheet, include a link and a properly formatted citation referencing the location of the data used.