Psychology homework help

Essay: You will have one Essay to write during your time in this class. It will be 1000 words (cannot be less than 900 words or exceed 1,100 words), double- spaced, in the font of Times New Roman or Times. You can answer all these questions to write the Essay, or just a few. However you must at least answer the third prompt or you won’t do very well on the essay. Your essay must include citations from your textbook. However this is an opinion paper so the essay does not need to be in any formal format such as MLA or APA. So your citations can simply be: “(Page #)” after the written information you are writing about from the textbook. What your essay will be graded on is in module titled Essay. Here are the questions you can write your essay on. Question #3 is a big part of what your essay will be graded on. Your essay will be due October 12th and will be worth 20% of your grade.

  1. What did you learn this semester that changed the way you saw yourself, the world and others?
  2. How will you apply what you learned about psychology to your future career goals?
  3. What are the kinds of situations in your future career goals that psychology would be helpful for?
  4. How will what you learned about psychology make you a better employee, manager, boss or creator?