Write 5 pages thesis on the topic the controversies surrounding genetically modified organisms.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic the controversies surrounding genetically modified organisms. Major Scientific institutes including the world health organization, The American Medical Association, the British Royal Society, and the US National Academy of Sciences did research and came to the conclusion that genetically modified foods are not any riskier than non-genetically modified or organic foods (Shelly-Jenkins 1427).

The assessment and management of the risks associated with GMOs are made on a case by case basis, making it difficult to create a clinical study of GMOs in general. In India, regulators use different risk assessment measures depending on the law`s specifications (Raju 246). In the US, genetically modified foods are compared to non-genetic foods by regulators. For instance, the protein in genetically modified food is substantially equivalent to the non-genetic protein. The difference between the two is used to tell the toxicity of the substance.

Critics oppose the safety of genetically modified foods stating that substantial equivalence is not enough tests for toxicity. It is said to be too shallow because only the substances found different from the non-genetic foods undergo further tests for toxicity. However, regulators have set up workshops and consultations to address the issues by acquiring data which helps in developing standards for conventional foods (Mae-wan Lim & Cummins 132).

One of the most common risks involved in genetic modification is the introduction of allergens (Mae-wan, Lim & Cummins xii). The allergens cause a risk of high allergic reactions among users. The regulatory authorities require that producers should test for allergenicity in the genetically modified foods before they are released to the market. The GMOs safety measures put in place to ensure that genetically modified foods are at lower risk of introducing such toxins is smaller than in using traditional breeding processes. Besides, genetic modification can be used to&nbsp.reduce the risk of food allergies.&nbsp.