Write 5 pages thesis on the topic the ideal shape of the body and physical self-worth.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic the ideal shape of the body and physical self-worth. To monitor the body image’s evaluation correctly, it is significant to recognize how it differs between gender, with females more concerned with fatness and males focus on the muscularity level.

Often, this materializes mostly in females via looking for the reflections to evaluate the self-perceived fitness degree in clothing, while in males, it evaluates the muscles protrude degree clothing. Nevertheless, females athletes, specifically power-based and elite athletes, look-alike to males in body checking for muscularity. Yet, male power athletes are differentiated in interpreting the ideal body structure as 25 pounds more muscle and 8 pounds less body fat. Therefore, it is critical for coaches and support staff to keep alive positive and open relationships to recognize the wrong perceptions of body fat and muscle percentage in athletes. Comprehensive diets lead to a very high prevalence of injuries to athletes. Besides, coaches, support staff, and the athletes should manage the athletes’ stress level, obsessive-compulsive, and repetitive behaviors to prevent initial body dysmorphic disorder and eating disorders (Moore, 2014).

In this article, Gill illustrates anxiety as a concept that is discussed widely by coaches and performers. Practitioners composed in sports performances require an awareness of anxiety associated symptoms. Once there is creation in the anxiety, it would be prudent to act upon the anxiety associated issues. Anxiety has two distinct aspects. One of the aspects emanates from trait anxiety. This trait of anxiety is associated with innate features that individuals are born with. The second aspect is associated with the situationally specific state. For instance, a performer&nbsp.may feel anxious during basketball free throwing.