Write 7 pages thesis on the topic real news versus cosmetic news. In the quest of making the news to be the memorable and captivating majority of the media, houses tend to shift their objective from p

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic real news versus cosmetic news. In the quest of making the news to be the memorable and captivating majority of the media, houses tend to shift their objective from presenting real news into adopting cosmetic news, which in most cases is more captivating than the simple plain and raw facts about a specific topic.

In the world, the type of news citizens receives whether in print or electronic media such as social sites or television has a great influence and impact on them. It is a healthy practice for the news agencies to be more open and transparent when relenting news to the public. The media houses act as key informants based on the researches done before a certain news piece undergoes publication or aired in the bulletin or headlines. The journalists undergo training in various ways. They learn how to present their news to give the people not present in the scene a clear picture of the events that took place at a specific place at a specified time. News pieces that involve various social injustices such as executions, rape or bombings, and burning of bodies are always censored to protect the viewers against information that would outwardly conflict with their thoughts and beliefs (Blackall, Harper & Lockyer, 2011). One of the key principles that focus on the journalists’ professional code of conduct is to provide information and news that is true, accurate, and has an objective. The practice of providing cosmetic news to make it attractive to the audience only benefits the media houses but is a great disservice to the public. Therefore, the adoption of cosmetic news is a violation of the professional code of ethics adopted by journalists and does not promote transparency in the news process.

Various elements contribute to media influence in various countries. The media plays a very important role in the lives of the people who depend upon it. It, therefore, becomes important for the media houses to adopt various practices that make the public have absolute faith and trust in them. The research acknowledges the fact that raw or real news cannot be presented to the public because of the uncertainty in its effects (Craft & Davis, 2013). However, the research also bears in mind that cosmetic news may be out to give a false impression to people of the public that is also something against the professional code of conduct and ethics adopted by the various journalists in the media industry.