Write a 1 page paper on debate arguing for homosexuals being allowed to adopt children.

Write a 1 page paper on debate arguing for homosexuals being allowed to adopt children. Ten reasons why homosexuals be allowed to adopt children Homosexuality neither means that homosexuals have mental disorder nor it is an indicator of being immoral. Homosexuals are as active and effective in everyday work as any other person. They perform all of the usual activities as studying, working, paying bills, etc. To become a parent, one does not has to qualify any specific test. On the other hand one has to be responsible and affectionate to be a good parent and homosexuals have equal possibility of having these qualities as that of heterosexuals. Hence, if homosexuals have the core qualities that a good parent should have then homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children.

2. Parenting cannot be confined to child’s biological parents. It has been shown by the reports of 2000 U.S. Census that a child under the age of 18 is growing up in 33 per cent of lesbians and 22 per cent of gay male couples.

3. At the moment 16.2 million children have lost both of their mother and father. Homosexuals can prove to be better parents than orphanages.

4. The kids having homosexuals have positive approach to life as compared to the kids from the shattered families. Earlier, the person pretends to be heterosexual but later on s/he could not carry on the relationship as a result of which their kid undergoes psychological traumas. To overcome homophobia it is better to let homosexuals marry and adopt kids.

5. Before adopting a kid, any person goes through the same procedure and gets approved only on the basis of their capability of taking caring of a kid. Homosexuals maintain their relationship as strongly as heterosexual couples. The environment of homes of heterosexual couples is as comfortable for a kid as it is at heterosexual couples.

6. Homosexuals have the advantage that the administration power is shared equally by two people. While heterosexuals usually face the problem of developing discipline in their kids, this responsibility is handled by homosexuals in a better manner.

7. If any homosexual couple wishes to adopt a child, it is unlawful in some places to discriminate them. While adoption of child by homosexuals is legal in twenty states in the Union and in Canada, North America is still apprehensive on this issue.

8. Those who are not able to conceive naturally or give birth to a kid naturally should be allowed to adopt a child.

9. In the homes of homosexuals children are more open minded.

10. The kids in the homes of homosexual couples grow in the environment where they have the right to speak. They have more confidence as compared to other kids.


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