Writing Homework Help

Week 1 Personal Philosophy of Education Infographic Analysis Discussion


Wk 1 Assignment:

Wk 1 – Personal Philosophy of Education Infographic 

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What do you include in your philosophy of education, and where do you begin when creating it? What knowledge is of the most worth? What values should shine through? 

To help you get started, there are some standard elements that are typically included; however, it’s important to note that this will evolve and change as you continue to grow as a professional educator. 

Consider your beliefs about the following elements in relation to education: 

  • Teaching       and learning 
  • Students 
  • Knowledge 
  • What       is worth knowing 
  • Personal       beliefs in philosophical areas 

Create a 1-page infographic that illustrates your beliefs on the following topics: 

  • The       purpose of education 
  • The       role of the student in education 
  • The       role of the teacher in education 
  • How       children learn 
  • The       philosophical orientation to teaching that your beliefs align closest       to 

Depending on your comfort level in creating graphical layouts, use 1 or more of the following tools to create the infographic: 

  • Google       Slides® 
  • Canva® 

You may use other applications you feel comfortable with. 

Cite your sources in APA format. 

Wk 2 Assignment:

Wk 2 – Summative Assessment: Connecting History to the Present – Education Report 

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Imagine you accepted an internship at the central office of the school district in your county. Your first assignment is to prepare a 700- to 875-word report for the superintendent that connects the historical foundations to the current issues and trends in the U.S. education system. 

Research and prepare a report that addresses the following: 

  • Connects       issues with important events and mandates 
  • Explains       the impact of events and government mandates on teaching and       learning 
  • Identifies       current issues and trends influencing the U.S. education system 
  • Explains       the effects of current issues and trends on teachers, students, and       families 
  • Discusses       whether any recent events have influenced your decision to become a       teacher 
  • Describes       what you hope to contribute to the field of education 
  • Your       plan for keeping up to date on the latest trends and technological       advancements in education 

Use one of the following tools to work on your report: 

You may use any other document creation tool as long as your submitted report is .doc or .docx file format. 

Cite your sources in APA format.

Wk 2 Assignment:

Wk 2 – Observation and Interview Experience  Just make something up. attachments are attached.

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As you begin the education-specific coursework of your program, you will start spending time in educational settings observing, assessing, planning, and teaching. Purposeful field experience is one of the best real-world learning experiences that a teacher preparation program can offer to students. 

This 3-part assignment gives you the opportunity to observe a teacher in a classroom environment, interview the teacher about specific teaching practices, and communicate what you’ve learned in a paper due in Week 5

Part 1: Classroom Observation 

Observe a teacher in a classroom and use the Classroom Observation Table to take notes and guide your observation. 

Part 2: Teacher Interview 

Interview the teacher you observed and use the Teacher Interview Table to record responses and guide your interview. 

Part 3: Making Connections Blog Post 

Write a 700- to 875-word blog post that connects what you have learned from your observation and interview to improve teaching and learning. 

This week, get started by making arrangements for a classroom observation. 

Consider the following when arranging a classroom observation site: 

  • The school district’s policies on       observations (if any) 
  • On-site observation restrictions in       effect (maybe limited to observation of a virtual class) 
  • The school and grade level you’d like       to observe (typically aligns with what grade you wish to teach) 
  • Way to contact the teacher 
  • Scheduling the best time of day for       teacher and students 

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Wk 3 Assignments:

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As a teacher, you will face many situations that create an ethical or moral dilemma for you. A teacher must be aware of the ethical and legal dimensions of teaching, whether it’s solving ethical dilemmas in the classroom or knowing your rights as a teacher. While there are many sources of ethical or moral dilemmas, we have highlighted several in videos for you to consider. 

Refer to the Required Resources on Ethics for Teachers activity and watch all 5 videos under Ethical Dilemma Videos. 

Create a 3- to 5-slide presentation for the case study assigned to you. The target audience is fellow teachers at your school. 

Explain the scenario. 

Respond to the questions in the corresponding case study documents: 

Use one of the following tools to develop your presentation: 

You may use other applications to create your presentation as long as your submission is in .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint) format. 

Cite your sources in APA format. 

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Wk 4 Assignments:

Wk 4 – Summative Assessment: Standards in Teaching Diverse Student Populations Presentation [due Mon]

Wk 4 – Summative Assessment: Standards in Teaching Diverse Student Populations Presentation 

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Imagine you’ve been asked to present at a conference on teaching strategies for addressing individual learner needs and curriculum assessments. Many new teachers will be attending, and your insight will be valuable to them for teaching in today’s diverse classroom.  

Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation, with detailed speaker notes, that addresses the following: 

  • Explain students’ needs and abilities       through the stages of development. Reference models put forth by Piaget,       Erikson, Kohlberg, and Maslow in your explanation. 
  • Explain multiple intelligences,       learning style preferences, and the influences these theories have on the       ways teachers plan and deliver concepts to elementary school-age       children. 
  • Explain teaching strategies that can be       effective in working with students of different abilities and       disabilities. 
  • Describe the main types of curricula       and provide examples of each. 
  • Connect the ideas you have presented on       cognitive and psychosocial development, individual learner needs, and       learning styles to curriculum planning strategies based on these       factors. 
  • Discuss the role of assessment. What       are some challenges in assessing students’ learning? What might be       solutions to some of those challenges? 
  • Examine how technology and current       teaching tools fit into and can potentially help support teaching based       on professional, philosophical, ethical, and core state standards for       diverse student populations. 
  • Recommend strategies for teaching       diversity as a part of the curriculum for students in different stages of       cognitive development. 

Use one of the following tools to develop your presentation: 

You may use other applications to create your presentation as long as your submission is in .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint) format. 

Write a brief paragraph on a separate document that explains why you chose your tool(s) of choice in creating your presentation. Describe what you liked and/or did not like about the tool. 

Cite your sources in APA format. 

Wk 5 Assignments:

Wk 5 – Reflection on Educational Technology Tools 

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Write a 1- to 2-page reflection on the technology-based tools you used in this course. Address the following in your reflection: 

  • Discuss the technology-based tools you       used to help you create the assignments in this course and how you used       them. Explain your level of familiarity with these applications. Which       would you use again, and which would you avoid, if any? 
  • Which technology resources stand out to       you as effective ways to support the teaching of diversity in       classrooms? 
  • Which technology resources stand out to       you as effective ways to support the teaching of diverse student       populations? 

Cite your sources in APA format. 

Wk 5 – Summative Assessment: Making Connections Blog Post 

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Write a 700- to 875-word blog post in Microsoft Word for your school website that connects what you have learned from your observation and interview with the following teaching practices to improve teaching and learning: 

  • Professional development 
  • Collaboration 
  • Self-reflection 

In your blog post, complete the following:

  • Compare the observed teaching,       interview responses, and the teacher’s educational philosophies. 
  • Explain why continuous professional       development is important and how this benefits students. 
  • Describe the benefits of teacher       collaboration with colleagues, families, and students. 
  • Explain the use of self-reflection by       teachers and how it improves teaching and learning. 
  • Describe what you learned from this       field experience and how you will apply it to your future role as a       teacher.