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HUMN 100 Florida Gateway Aspects of Culture to Human Experience Essay


The HUM2020 Cultural Awareness Essay is designed to evaluate your understanding of Florida Gateway College’s Cultural Awareness General Learning Outcome: Students will explain how aspects of culture relate to the human experience.

As we have discussed throughout this course:

  • The arts are an important aspect of culture and are unique among the humanities in their ability to express values, with values being an essential component of the human experience. Our study of values has been focused on five specific types: individual, societal, religious, political, and environmental.
  • Our study of the arts has focused on five specific art disciplines: the visual arts (painting and sculpture), architecture, literature (especially poetry), music (specifically instrumental classical music), and the performing arts (theater and dance).
  • For each art discipline, we have considered works of art using descriptive criticism to understand form and interpretive criticism to understand how content is shaped by form. We have also learned about the evaluative criticism standards of perfection, insight, and inexhaustibility.
  • You have been asked to consider a number of “Representative Works” for each artistic discipline, specifically in regards to which values you believe each of these works may be expressing, as well as which of these works best express your personal values.

With the above in mind, write an essay in which you:

Discuss the three value types that are most important in your life and explain how each value type is expressed by a specific work of art – with each work of art being a “Representative Work” from a different art discipline – using evaluative criticism.

Your essay must be 1250-1500 words long and should be written in multiple paragraphs, as follows:

  1. Write one to two opening paragraphs [at least 250 words] in which you state the purpose of this essay (an introductory sentence) and explain which of the three value types that we have considered (individual, societal, religious, political, or environmental) are the most important in your human experience. Your discussion of your three chosen value types should include specific reasons why each of them is important in your life.
  2. Write one to two paragraphs [at least 250 words] in which you state and discuss the ONE “Representative Work” that YOU believe best demonstrates the evaluative criticism standard of perfection in expressing your first value type. Be sure to justify how your chosen work does this, using relevant discipline-based vocabulary to discuss the quality of the work’s form. Your chosen work may be from any of the five artistic disciplines that we have studied in this course (visual art, architecture, literature, music, or performing art), though you may only discuss one work from this artistic discipline in your essay.
  3. Write one to two paragraphs [at least 250 words] in which you state and discuss the ONE “Representative Work” that YOU believe best demonstrates the evaluative criticism standard of insight in expressing your second value type. Be sure to justify how your chosen work does this, using relevant discipline-based vocabulary to discuss the quality of the work’s content. Your chosen work may be from any of the five artistic disciplines that we have studied in this course (visual art, architecture, literature, music, or performing art), though it must be from a different artistic discipline than your previous work.
  4. Write one to two paragraphs [at least 250 words] in which you state and discuss the ONE “Representative Work” that YOU believe best demonstrates the evaluative criticism standard of inexhaustibility in expressing your third value type. Be sure to justify how your chosen work does this, using relevant discipline-based vocabulary to discuss the strength of the work’s form and/or content. Your chosen work may be from any of the five artistic disciplines that we have studied in this course (visual art, architecture, literature, music, or performing art), though it must be from a different artistic discipline than your two previous works.
  5. Write one to two closing paragraphs [at least 250 words] in which you discuss your opinion regarding art’s ability to express the human experience and/or its significance in doing so. For example, how well do you believe art expresses the human experience? Why? Do you believe that one art discipline does a better job at this than another art discipline? Why? Etc. Basically, there are no specific requirements for your conclusion, as long as you address the topic in a developed and meaningful fashion.


  • Your completed essay must be submitted by the posted due date as a PDF file via the submission link for this assignment. Late submissions will not be accepted for any reason, except in the case of significant documented medical and/or personal issues.
  • Outside research is NOT permitted for this assignment. While you may review the course material as needed, you may not quote or paraphrase any of it in your essay. Rather, your essay must demonstrate an understanding of the material in YOUR words.
  • Properly punctuate and format work titles as explained in the “Writing About the Arts” guide. After doing so the first time in your writing, you should refer to each work simply by punctuated title OR by artist and work type (e.g., Cole’s painting) – not by both.
  • When discussing any type of art work, avoid such meaningless wording as, “The red gave the painting a pop of color!”. Instead, use descriptive wording, such as, “The artist’s use of red adds a strong contrast to the painting’s overall color scheme of dark browns and greens.”
  • When discussing a work of literature, you may quote select lines from the work if necessary and if you properly enclose the lines in quotation marks. However, such quotations will NOT count toward the assignment’s minimum word count requirement.
  • When discussing a work of music, focus on the work’s emotional content rather than on imagery that it inspires (e.g., no “it made me think of a field of flowers”). Also, please do not reference cartoons when discussing a piece of music (e.g., no “Tom & Jerry” or Disney).
  • Your essay must meet the assignment’s minimum word count requirement (1,250 words), though doing so does not guarantee that it will earn a passing grade. Even more important than meeting the minimum word count is the content quality of your essay.
  • Make sure to carefully proofread your essay for writing quality, including grammar and mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.), before submitting it. If you need help with your writing, you are encouraged to make use of Tutor.com.
  • Your essay MUST be formatted as “print-ready”, with one-inch margins, double spacing, indented paragraphs, page numbers, and a standard 10- to 12-point black font (e.g., Calibri). Include a title (e.g., Course Essay), your name, date, course, and section at the top of your essay.
  • Your completed essay should be carefully compared to the below rubric before being submitted. In addition to the items listed on the rubric, point deductions up to 20% of the essay grade (30 pts.) may be incurred for writing and/or formatting issues.