Writing Homework Help

Personal Benefits of Reading Consistently Presentation


Basics Practice Assignment


This should use PowerPoint (or some other slide producing program), following guidelines about color (try to avoid darker or overly colorful backgrounds), using a title page with your title and information (name, class, due date). It should be at least 5 content-related slides in total.

Important Materials to Review

Make sure to take a look at the main course site and understand: Week 1 Discussions of Programs + Week 2 Demonstrations of Assignment


For this practice assignment, you will submit a brief PowerPoint on something important to you! Please keep this class-appropriate (e.g., no explicit materials or content). This is a chance to put into practice very basic PowerPoint skills to prepare you for your final PowerPoint that will present your findings in a “presentation style” format (though you do not need to present).

You do not need to use Design Ideas! This assignment is going to help us get a good baseline for your skill level with PowerPoint and also provide some individual support and suggestions.

What to Include

  • At least 5-10 slides, with an additional title slide
  • Maintain an 8×8 rule (no more than 8 points per slide and about 8 words per point)
  • Keep your audience in mind!
  • Make sure to address the following in your slides:
    • What might the viewer/reader need to know?
    • Are there important definitions?
    • Is there important background?
    • Why is this thing/item/topic/activity important to you?