Writing Homework Help

ANT 3245 Florida International University Social Status of Amazonian Rites Questions


Step-I First read the following article (It has been shortened thus might have some word gaps)



Step-II: Watch the following videos on Coming of Age in different cultures.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvsk7f_tKNI (Links to an external site.)

http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/ (Links to an external site.)us-apachegirl-pp (Links to an external site.)


Initiation With Ants | National Geographic (Links to an external site.)Initiation With Ants | National Geographic


Bat and Bar Mitzvah (Links to an external site.)Bat and Bar Mitzvah

Step-III: Answer the following questions:

Q-1.Discuss the commonalities of the coming of age rituals that you watched.

-Apache, Amazonian, Jewish coming of age rituals

Q-2: Then choose one ritual that marks a change in an individual’s social status and discuss the structure of the rites of passage of your choice (It can be from the videos you watched or a different one).




Q-3:Then discuss the rituals involved in McDonald’s (fast food restaurants) and how the are similar to religious rituals.