Writing Homework Help
Beyonce Musical Performance at Kennedy Center Honors 2005 Essay
In this essay, I expect you to demonstrate the ability to:
1) write in detail about a musical performance, the music, and the performer;
2) set that event in historical and musical performance; , i.e. why was it notable?
3) show how the event affected music and musicians following the performance itself.
4) explain how the performance demonstrates or challenges social norms, cultural stereotypes, ethnic heritage, (as appropriate for the event itself).
Length: 4 single spaced pages, not counting cover pages or source citations.
Grading: 14 points. 7 points for content; 7 points for writing style, citations, grammar, organization.
Directions About the Essay :
This winter, we saw NASA accomplish a landing on the planet Mars. Let’s imagine a scenario in which we discovered there was life on Mars, intelligent creatures much like us. Intelligent, sensitive, curious beings, with the ability to think, appreciate, hear/see, etc. And, since we are imagining, let’s imagine several of those creatures jump in that ship and land on Earth, where they ask to learn about who we are and what we do.
Part of the learning will be music, since music expresses us as a society. Your job is to choose a musical event from the list below, and using the magic of time transportation, take your new Martian friend to that event. Imagine how fun it will be !!! But there is much he/she/they need to know to understand the event – what is it? who will be there? who will play? what will it sound like? why is it important? will anything weird happen?
YOUR ESSAY, in 4 single-spaced pages, must be their BRIEFING PAPER for this individual to read and study before going to the concert. Remember, they have never been to one before ! You will need to watch excerpts from the footage of the event before you write, of course (Youtube). Cite all sources.
REMEMBER that this creature is very very smart – so you need to fill your essay with DETAILS; facts, history, ethnic or social context, descriptions of the music, history of the performers, information about the instruments…
1. The Beach Boys on the 4th of July, Washington DC, 1983
2. Queen at LiveAid
3. Peter, Paul and Mary, 25th Anniversary Concert
4. Beyonce at Kennedy Center Honors, 2005
5. Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock
6. Prince at the SuperBowl
7. Bob Dylan, Newport Folk Festival, 1965
8. Elvis Comeback Special, 1968
9. Santana at Woodstock
10. American Bandstand, James Brown, 1983
11. Taping of the Ed Sullivan Show, Beatles, first appearance
12. Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison